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HSP3U1- Unit 1: Introduction
Key Topic: Discovering Humanity
As a prominent member and contributor to research and discovery in the field of
Social Science, you have been invited to share your research, ideas and theories
with other members like yourself.
Refreshments will be provided.
HSP3U1- Unit 1: Introduction
Unit #1 Assignment:
Theorists of Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology
Your Task:
You will be assigned a theorist in the discipline of anthropology, psychology or sociology. You
must research your theorist’s background history, research, experiments and any key ideas and
contributions to their field of study.
During the class conference, you will take on the role of your theorist and share their major
contributions to a small group of other theorists. Be prepared to defend your theorist’s
contributions to the study of humanity as your fellow theorists will have an opportunity to ask
Steps to Complete:
1) Carry out research on your theorist- complete the research sheet provided by your teacher
2) Prepare a 2-3 minute statement on the background history and major contributions by your
theorist. Choose a method of presenting this information in the form of either a Website or
Facebook template (paper or electronic), poster or a scrapbook/photo journal.
3) Find/make an artefact that best represents your theorist- bring this to the conference. This may
include a video of an experiment or an object that is significant to your theorist.
4) At the conference, you are to role-play as your theorist- speak with others in your discipline to
discuss contributions and arguments
5) Mini Round Table Discussion- in groups of 6, carry out introductions of each theorist sharing
your info in the chosen format. This will be where other theorists have an opportunity to learn
more about your key findings and work. Be prepared to defend your significance to the
discovery of human development.
6) You have an opportunity to win a $5000 grant to put towards further research in your field of
study. In a 1 page written statement, present an argument supporting your contributions to the
discovery of human development in the discipline of anthropology, psychology or sociology. You
must also present an argument for how your work is relevant in today’s society. This must be
written in role as your theorist.
HSP3U1- Unit 1: Introduction
Researching Your Theorist
Theorist: ________________________
School of Thought: ____________________
Background History:
Method of Research:____________________________________________________________
Key Ideas/theories:
Contribution to their field and relevance today
Artefact which best represents my theorist: _________________________________________
HSP3U1- Unit 1: Introduction
List of Theorists
Lewis Henry
Franz Boas
Margaret Mead
Louis Leakey
Mary Leakey
Dian Fossey
Jane Goodall
Alfred Kroeber
E.B. Tylor
Charles Darwin
Noam Chomsky
Edward Sapir
Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung
Karen Horney
Jean Piaget
Erik Erikson
Ivan Pavlov
B.F. Skinner
Mary Ainsworth
Alfred Adler
Harry Harlow
Carl Rogers
Albert Bandura
Auguste Comte
Harriet Martineau
Emile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Max Weber
Herbert Spencer
George Herbert
Talcott Parsons
C. Wright Mills
Dorothy E. Smith