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Home Work Lab 1 1. How many half-lives (t 1/2) would it take for 99.9% of any initial concentration of a drug to decompose? Assume first-order kinetics. 2. If the half-life for decomposition of a drug is 12 hours, how long will it take for 125 mg of the drug to decompose by 30%? Assume first-order kinetics and constant temperature. Lab 2 1. Determine the total body clearance for a drug in a 70-kg male patient. The drug follows the kinetics of a first order one-compartment model and has an elimination half-life of 3 hours with an apparent volume of distribution of 100 mL/kg. 2. A 170 mg dose of cinoxin was given to a group of patients and the following data was obtained. Time, hr Conc., mg/L 0.5 1 1.33 36.9 24.7 19 2 11.1 3 5 4 2.2 6 0.42 8 0.09 a. Calculate C0, slope, k, t1/2, VD, Cl, AUC. b. What is the time for the drug to reach 5 % of the dose? Lab 6 Problem 4 Given the data in Table 1 and 2, calculate ka, F, kel, and V? Assume a one compartment linear model. Table 1. Plasma Concentrations Measured after a 100 mg I.V. Bolus Dose of Drug X to Subject Y Time (hr) Concentration (mg/L) 1 5.72 3 4.14 6 2.56 Table 2. Plasma Concentrations Measured after a 300 mg Oral Dose of Drug X to Subject Y Time (hr) Concentration (mg/L) 0.25 2.28 0.5 4.33 0.75 5.67 1 6.89 1.5 8.81 2 9.31 3 9.68 4 10.25 6 7.51 9 4.98 12 3.25