Download Answers to Question #`s 6-16 only. What two forces keep the solar

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Answers to Question #’s 6-16 only.
6. What two forces keep the solar system in its current formation? How?
Gravity and inertia; to keep the solar system orbiting in a circular pattern and not
flying off or staying in a straight line.
7. What factors affect gravitational force? (Think about the reason the moon
biggest influence on tides and the reason everything in the solar system revolves
around the Sun.)
Increasing mass in the planets and decreasing the distance from the Sun
8. If inertia were the only force acting on a planet, how would the planet travel?
Travel in a straight line
9. What are three differences between the inner and outer planets?
Inner – smaller, solid core, closest to the sun, rocky
Outer – colder, farther from the sun, larger, gaseous
10. Which planet is called Earth’s sister? Give two reasons why?
Venus – similar size, rocky
11. List one unique property of each planet (color, rings, gases, surface, and
Mercury - Smallest planet; no atmosphere Jupiter - Huge planet with a giant red spot; giant storm
Venus - Second planet from the Sun; Earth’s sister
Saturn - rings around this planet
Earth - only planet known to have living things; water Uranus - blue-green giant gas planet is tipped on its side
Mars - Inner planet which borders the asteroid belt Neptune - named for the god of the sea due to
blue color of its gases
12. List the eight planets in order from the Sun. Place a letter A next to the largest
planet thru H for the smallest planet. List one other fact about each planet.
Mercury (H), Venus (F), Earth (E), Mars (G), Jupiter (A), Saturn (B), Uranus
(C), Neptune (D)
13. What are the main differences between asteroids, meteoroids, and comets?
Asteroids – size medium; Meteoroids – small size; Comets - big
14. What are the main differences among meteors, meteoroids and meteorites?
Meteor – Earth’s atmosphere Meteoroids – space Meteorites – hitting a
15. Describe the main location of asteroids and other debris from the origins of the
Mars and Jupiter
16. What are two likely reasons why more meteorites and dust debris collide with the
other planets and moons than they do with Earth?
Little or no atmosphere