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Notes on 3C
Cytoplasm- the region inside the cell membrane that contains a gel-like
Ribosomes- chemical factories where proteins are produced.
Vaccine- is a substance introduced into the body to stimulate the
production of chemicals that destroy specific viruses.
Antibiotic- is a chemical that can kill bacteria without harming a
person’s cells.
Viruses are not considered to be living organisms because they ___. Do
not have all of the characteristics of living things.
Viruses multiply ______. By taking over a cells functions.
Parasite- an organism that lives on or in a host and causes harm to the
Antibiotics are not prescribed for health problems caused by viruses
because ____. An antibiotic can’t kill something that is non-living.
List the three virus shapes: round, robot-like, tube shaped
How do viruses cause infections? By entering and replicating inside the
body cells.
All viruses have two basic parts a protein coat that protects the virus
and an inner core made of genetic material.
Which part of a virus determines which host cell it can infect? Surface
Do you think that the influenza virus is on active virus or a hidden
virus? Active, soon after catching it from someone you will receive
4 characteristics of viruses: Single stranded or double stranded, size
and shape, presence or absence of another envelope, non-living.
Which of the following describes the basic structure of a virus? DNA
and RNA surrounded by a protein coat.
Bacteria – single celled organisms
4 characteristics of bacteria: too hot, too salty, too acidic, too cold
Most bacteria are surrounded by a rigid protective structure called
the ____. Cell wall
Which of the following characteristics do ALL protists have in
common? They are all Eukaryotic
Binary fission- where one cell divides to form two identical cells.
Asexual- is the reproductive process that involves only one parent and
produces offspring that are identical to the parent.
Sexual- involves two parents who combine their genetic material to
produce a new organism, which differs from both parents.
Decomposers- organisms that break down large chemicals in dead
organisms into small chemicals.
Infectious disease- illnesses that pass from one organism to another.
List 4 ways infectious diseases can spread: contact with an infected
person, contact with infected object, contact with an infected animal,
and contact with environmental sources.
Lichens are formed by a relationship between a fungus and a algae.
Why are lichens important to the environment? They break down rocks
into soil.
What is one way that fungi resemble plants? They always have cell
Which of the following help prevent the spread of infectious diseases?