Download LIVING ORGANIC SOIL SYSTEM Anaerobic gases and anaerobic

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Anaerobic gases and anaerobic acids can only be produced when oxygen drops below 6 mg/L
allowing anaerobic bacteria & yeasts to grow releasing the gases.
Actinobacteria must have a uniform narrow (1 micrometer) diameter all along the strand.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide through their leaf surfaces.
Fungi & bacteria make enzymes which allow them to take up, into their bodies, most of the
inorganic and exchangeable nutrients in the soil.
20-30 lbs. of compost are needed/acre.
Microorganisms are the most important factor in breaking down rocks into sand, silt and clay by
using enzymes.
Perennial plants like a ph of <5.5-7
Nutrients: healthy plants require 42 nutrients
Humic acids will bind up chloramine and chlorine as well as salt concentrations. Neutralizes
preservatives. Vermi Extract/Tea: temperature of the brew should match outside temperature of
the soil (ambient temperatures). Add fish hydrolysate as you are spraying the Vermi extract out.
Fungal Foods: fish hydrolysate, steel cut oats, rich hulls, potatoe flake waste, cornstalks, shrubs,
hedge rows.
Protozoa Infusion: Green hay to cover bottom of bucket, add ½ full of H2O and use air pump for
48 hrs. Billions so be careful how much you add so as to avoid brew going anaerobic.
Pre feed 1 week before. Wide C:N ratios with fish hydrolysate, steel cut oats and/or rice hulls. Can
also add a protozoa infusion however can cause a feeding frenzy and quickly decrease O2 levels
too much and go below 6 mg/L thereby going anaerobic.
For soils use an extract as the organisms will move with the water down into the soil and
start multiplying. Can also soak bales of hay for 15 minutes, remove from tank with a lifter, let in
drip drain, then cut twine and let the animals eat. The spread hay and animals feet will colonize the
soil helping to spread the inoculum. Manure also spreads the organisms. Any dormant organisms
will wake up when it warms up or they get to a good place in the soil.
Good to add left over yogurt into a septic system.
Wood ash (charcoal) is a potassium and are salts so use sparingly if at all.
Compost piles: 10% Nitrogen; 30% Green; 50-60% Woody materials
Best time to inoculate fields is in the fall after the harvest and after rainfall late in growing season
with warm temperature. These conditions let the greatest number of organisms survive. Next best
time in after the snow melts in the spring as this gets the organisms moving down into the soil and
starting to build structure.
One ton of compost/acre; great to spread during the rain, if too hot be sure to add mulch on top.
If field is totally dead till it one last time so you can get the organisms down into the soil. May take
1 year to turn the soil around and start rebuilding structure. If you do still have biology in the field,
don’t till the soil. If you don’t have any biology, till one last time to get the microorganisms into the
soil as rapidly as possible.
Compaction: decreases ph (makes soil acidic); water puddles on the soil; haven for pests and
diseases; causes roots to go sideways to find water that is sequestered (held in) the soil.
Root system can grow right through water if O2 levels are adequate. Stagnant water is anaerobic.
Ciliates (eat bacteria): <25 not too bad; up to 100 you need to be fixing the conditions.
Vermicompost: Elaine likes to plant in pure chunky vermicompost. If the compost is screened
add vermiculite as the large drops of water will cause the nutrients to wash out. Also suggests
soaking your seeds in vermitea for 15 minutes then drying them out so the microorgaisms get into
all the little cracks and crevices of the seed. This allows the seed to germinate in ½ the time in the
springtime if all the nutrients are in balance and they can go right into seed production.
Distilled Water: has NO SALT concentrations in it so the water will be forced into the organisms
and cause them to burst/explode. To fix this add a couple of drops of humic acid to the mix to
rectify this imbalance (one drop of humic acid per gallon of water).
Soil Samples: Soil compaction usually is below 3”; brush away the organic matter, take core close
to the plant you care about, and as soon as you feel the soil harden stop. Don’t go into the
compaction zone.
Microscope: 450 micrometers in diameter across.
Wood Chips: Wood chips provide good airway structures.
C:N Ratios:
Green Hay 30:1(good for bacteria)
Tim Wilson Formulas:
Purchase a Dissolved O2 meter
O2 Commercial Air Pump 1157 for 50 gallons. 4.64 psi; 44.29+ 6.99 shipping US
O2 Commercial Air Pump 951 for 5-15 gallons. 2.5 cfm 32.95 US
Molasses 0.5%-.75% * 5 gallons = ½ cup;
Vermicompost 2.38% * 5 gallons = 2 rounded cups
Fish Hydrolysate .063% *5 gallons = .00315 = 2 ½ tsp.
Kelp Meal .25% (less is more) *5 gallons = .0125 = 3 tbsp.
Soft rock phosphate granules/powder .063%
5 gallon paint strainer
Brew for 36-42 hours with 65-72F (18-22C)
Increase in protozoa around the 24th hour when temperature is 65 – 75 degrees.
To increase fungal biomass increase fish hydrolysis to .19% and decrease the molasses. Add a
pinch of alfalfa meal however no more than .25% only for 18-20 hrs. Reproduction: Bacteria
reproduce every 20 minutes; Fungi in 1-3 hrs.; Protozoa in 8-12 hrs. Nematodes don’t reproduce at
Minimum of numbers: need a minimum of 300 mcg/gram of both bacteria and fungi.
Need 600 million bacteria or 300 micrograms with 75,000 species. Flag: 356,000 excellent;
Amoebae 101,900 excellent
F:B biomass: Depends on the plant you want to grow:
32 is good for forest or shrubs
Vermi Tea: Elaine’s Recipe:
Humic acid 1 drop\gallon of water
20 gallon recipe: 2 tsp. of humic acid, or fish hydrolysate, or kelp (5-6 tsp. of different foods is
Use a stiff bag and in 20-30 minutes check to see if you have enough organisms add more.
Take bag out in 6-8 hrs. Organism multiplication will use up food so check in 8 hour intervals and
the numbers of organisms start to decrease.
If need one gallon/ acre and your sprayer is 10 gallons/acre you add 1 gallon of vermi to 9 gallons
of water. If spray sprays 200 gallons/acre you add 1 gallon vermi tea to 199 gallons of water
(treated with humic acid of course to bind anything that will harm). 200 gallons totally = 5 gallons
tea and 195 gallon water; 200 gallons totally = 20 gallons tea and then 180 gallons of water.
Remove all filters and large enough opening sizes on the nozzels.
Prefeeding: Tim Wilson’s recipe.
Wheat bran 1:30
Moisten with black strap molasses 1:300
Loosely cover with cloth or paper towel for 24 hrs.
Beneficial soil life, which is normally present in healthy soil has been lost.
If we try to stop toxic chemical use, our plants do not do well. Failure is often the result if we try to
get off the downward spiral by simply shifting to using organic products.
Let’s look at the power of beneficial microorganisms and organic.
First we need to have most of the nutrients present in the soil in non-leachable forms most of the
Elaine’s answers Oct 2016
Manures contain lots of salts
Borated gypsum is used to soften soil however it eventually makes it hard again. Made of Calcium
sulphate which is the active ingredient in all fungicides.
Retest soil after two weeks and repeat penetrometer test.
Horrific dirt a vermi extract will only improve the top ½ - 1” of the soil. The whole profile will not be
fixed. You NEED an aerator to punch holes into the soil or use an injector (backpack sprayer) and
proceed in grid intervals at 10 foot intervals.
Apply a heavy spray of vermi extract if after the aerator is finished however the heavy tractor will
compact the soil.
After aerator, spraying, if you can rake vermicompost with sand over entire field.
2 gallons/acre of vermi extract + water.
Bent grasses is best. Bermuda and rye grass grow in poor soil.
40 – 50% moisture in vermicompost and not less than 30%.
Actinobacteria needed for brassicas. You can find it in the grey white area of the manure.
Gophers – mother nature’s way of alleviating compaction. Compaction attracts gophers. If you
rebuild structure their tunnels collapse.
Potatoes need more fungi than carrots do.
Protozoa found in the sludge in ponds.
Green manure is highly anaerobic and will smell. Aged manure needs to be composted for 6
months to one year.
Seeds in manure are killed if it gets hot.
Manure has inorganic soluble salts and worms convert it to nitrogen.