Download Honors Biology - Putnam Public School

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Putnam High School
Honors Biology
Mr. Hull
[email protected]
860-963-6905 ext. 3134 – Room 34
Upon completion of this course students will be able to show an understanding of the change of
living things through time, diversity of type and unity of pattern in living things, the genetic continuity of
life, interrelationships between biochemical functions and organisms, and interrelationships between
organisms and environment.
Throughout the course, students will use and improve their reading, writing, mathematical,
communication, group, and cooperative skills. Furthermore, students will be encouraged to develop
questioning attitudes, evaluate evidence, respect logic, appreciate different points of view on problems
involving science and technology, and develop personal virtues regarding harmony with the
Course Overview:
Scientific method
Characteristics of living things
Cell Structure, Function and Transport
Cellular Respiration
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Cellular division
Classification Systems
Notebook (three ring binder is preferred)
Writing instrument (more than one color can be very beneficial)
When the bell rings students should be seated
Use of obscene language will not be tolerated
Respect all occupants of the classroom
Students are to remain seated until the end of class
Is a must! If you are absent it is your responsibility to see me upon your return. It is the
responsibility of the student to remain up to date with class activities, labs, and other information.
*Unexcused absences will result in a zero for the day
Will be handled according to school policy
The grade for this course will be based on the following criteria:
Homework, daily quizzes (both announced and unannounced), in class work, Lab participation,
reports, lab quizzes, tests and other specified major assignments
Tests…50-100 points
Labs…30-75 points
Quizzes…10-25 points Homework…5-20 points
Midterm and Final Examinations will count for no more than 20% of the semester grade. The midterm
and final examinations will be cumulative exams and may include some type of research project, the
determination of which will be made no later than the end of the first or third quarter.
Extra Help:
Mr. Hull is available Monday through Friday