Download Hydrology Unit 4 Review What process in the water cycle is MOST

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Hydrology Unit 4 Review
1. What process in the water cycle is MOST important? evaporation
2. Define evaporation.
When liquid heats up and turns into a gas (water into water vapor)
3. What would MOST LIKELY occur if the rate of evaporation over the ocean were to decrease for an extended
length of time?
The amount of precipitation on land would DECREASE
4. What 2 physical changes are essential processes in the water cycle? Evaporation and condensation
5. Define condensation.
When gas changes into a liquid (water vapor into precipitation)
6. Where does condensation primarily take place in the water cycle? In the atmosphere
7. What 2 conditions are necessary for frost to form?
The air is saturated with water and the temperature is 0°C or less
8. If the relative humidity is 100% and the temp drops, but stays above freezing, what will form? dew
9. Define transpiration.
Evaporation from plants
10. What is the relationship between the sun and evaporation?
In the water cycle, the sun’s energy causes liquid to evaporate into a gas
11. Where does MOST of the water vapor in the atmosphere come from?
The oceans because they are larger bodies of water
12. What is a watershed?
When may small streams of water combine to form larger ones and eventually combine into a large
body of water (due to gravity)
13. What is the relationship between a water table and the surface of a lake?
A lake is formed where the water table is ABOVE the earth’s surface
14. Approximately what percent of the earth is only water? 71%
15. Approximately what percent of the earth is salt water? 97%
16. Approximately what percent of the fresh water is frozen? 76%
17. Does freshwater or saltwater have sodium chloride? Sodium chloride is salt
18. The salts in the sea come from? Weathering and erosion of rocks
19. In the ocean, what happens to the water directly under an iceberg/icesheet? It becomes more salty
20. The oceans have a high rate of evaporation due to their size, because of this they have a high rate of what?
Salt concentration
21. Oceans contain many elements, what is the major source of these? Weathering and erosion of rocks
22. What is the relationship between how much groundwater can be stored underground and the porosity of a
the greater the porosity (measure of its ability to hold a fluid), the more groundwater can be stored
Where is hot magma rising to form volcanic islands? B
Where is a trench? C
25. Where are ridges, tectonic plate boundaries, and hydrothermal vents found MOST OFTEN?
At the bottom of Earth’s oceans
26. Which ocean feature would the greatest amount of water pressure be exerted?
Trench because it is the deepest in the ocean
27. What causes ocean trenches? Subduction of ocean plates
28. What technology is used to measure the depth of the ocean? Sonar
29. What is the cause of a tsunami? An undersea earthquake
30. What are seamounts?
Mountains under the ocean
31. What BEST describes waves you see in the ocean?
32. What is a wave period?
Wind blowing across the surface
time between each wave, the lower the number the more waves per time period
33. Which beach would have the most erosion due to wave action
A: wave period 8 seconds B: wave period 21 seconds
34. What is a major cause of salinity levels in different locations of the Atlantic Ocean? Deep ocean currents
35. What is an upwelling? When coastal winds blow the warm surface water offshore and the cooler deeper
water moves inland
36. What causes a tide? When the moon’s gravity causes the water to rise and fall slowly along a coastline
TWICE a day
37. Draw the water cycle, include these 8 terms in your diagram
Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, surface runoff, infiltration, groundwater, aquifer