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Lea Leonard, LCSW, BCN
( 239 ) 28 7 -08 10 Fa x: (2 39 ) 263 - 223 6
Neurofeedback Terms
Brainwaves: The EEG consists of brain wave activity, the speed and consistency of
neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are measured in the following band widths:
o Delta waves move very slowly in the 1 to 3 hz range.
o Theta waves are also slow moving neurotransmitters traveling in the 4 to 7 hz range.
o Alpha waves are faster and move from 8 to 12 hz
o Beta waves are the fastest waves moving from 13 to 30 hz.
• These bandwidths work “together” - when these bandwidths are cooperating, dancing together
with a common goal, then they are in sync.
• When one or more are moving faster or slower than they should be – dysregulation occurs.
Operant Conditioning: Neurofeedback capitalizes on the plasticity of the brain (its ability to
change) by utilizing operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is the process by which an organism
learns to produce a desired behavior (operant) as a result of being rewarded for that behavior. The target
behavior is said to be “reinforced” by the reward. Operant learning theory was notably pioneered by
Skinner (1938) and Miller (1967, 1969).
LORETA: Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography Analysis (LORETA) software
allows the user to generate a map of the abnormal activity below the cortex in specific
regions of interest in the brain.
791 Harbour Dr., Naples, FL 34103
[email protected] Fax: 239 263-2236
(239) 287-0810
Protocol: Taken all together, the client’s problem symptoms, the information garnered from the
QEEG brain map and LORETA images provides a good starting point in identifying the areas to target
for neurofeedback (NFB).
I use Neuroguide’s 19 channel surface or LORETA NFB, both have a well researched Symptom Check
List. This information was corroborated with fMRI studies that identified areas and networks of the
brain responsible for specific functions.
Brodmann Areas: Brodmann areas were originally defined and numbered by
the German anatomist Korbinian Brodmann based on the cytoarchitectural organization of neurons he
observed in the cerebral cortex. Brodmann areas have been discussed, debated, refined, and renamed
exhaustively for nearly a century and remain the most widely known and frequently cited
cytoarchitectural organization of the human cortex.
For a detailed description of functions by Brodmann area go to: This is an interactive map, just click
on the area of interest and see a list of functions.
791 Harbour Dr., Naples, FL 34103
[email protected] Fax: 239 263-2236
(239) 287-0810