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Today the Nordic record in live streaming was set in Stockholm during the
Stockholm Pride Parade. During the day, 2 264 live streams were broadcast which
is more than the highest previously known number of streams.
The broadcast, which could be viewed on,, and the large
screen in Kungsträdgården, presented the viewers with guests such as Jessica
Landström, Babsan, Pär Wiktorsson, Fredrick Federley and artists Danny and Love
Generation. Host was radio star Roger Nordin.
”It's amazing that we managed to involve this many people. We are very proud that
the record was set in Sweden and that we could take 2011 Pride´s "openness"
theme to new heights. At HiQ we are very familiar with the fact that technique
and openness goes hand and hand and we are very happy to show that in today’s
broadcast”, says Peter Häggström, Marketing Manager at HiQ.
"This initiative shows the link between openness for both technology and people.
This year we've seen in many places around the world that technology can be a
driving force to open up societies, and now we wanted to do the same thing with a
new theme. Working with IT is truly an adventure which this fantastic broadcast
really shows", says Lars Stugemo, CEO HiQ.
"We want to spread our message for a more open society as broadly as possible and
think it’s wonderful that the record was set during the Pride festival. The parade
was a fantastic finale to a wonderful week and the world record made the day if
possible, even better”, says Helena Hellström Gefwert, press officer for Stockholm
The record in live streaming was made possible by the audience and participants
at the Stockholm Pride Parade, who themselves created movies with their mobile
phones via Bambuser. The films will be shown at
See the film from the record set at Stockholm Pride Parade:
About Stockholm Pride
Stockholm Pride is the largest Pride festival in the Nordic countries and is
HiQ is an IT and management consultancy firm specialising in hi-tech solutions
within communications and software development. The company is a leader in
these industries and services the Nordic region as its home market. HiQ currently
employs over 1,200 staff and has offices both in the Nordic countries and in
Russia HiQ is also listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Mid Cap List. For more
information, please visit
working to ensure visibility of LGBT issues and to create a free zone for lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender people and the various expressions of gender that
exist within the LGBT movement. The 2011 festival runs 1-7 August. The theme
for this year's festival is “Openness” and the main festival area is Stockholm City
Theatre, the Swedish House of Culture (Kulturhuset), and the park
Kungsträdgården. The Stockholm Pride association is a non-profit organisation
and all work with the festival takes place on a voluntary basis. The association's
mission is to host the annual festival Stockholm Pride.
For more information, contact:
Lars Stugemo, CEO HiQ, ph. +46 8 588 90 000
Peter Häggström, Marketing Manager HiQ, ph. +46 8 588 90 000, +46 704
Helena Hellström Gefwert, Press Officer, Stockholm Pride, ph. +46 760 337556
HiQ is an IT and management consultancy firm specialising in hi-tech solutions
within communications and software development. The company is a leader in
these industries and services the Nordic region as its home market. HiQ currently
employs over 1,200 staff and has offices both in the Nordic countries and in
Russia HiQ is also listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Mid Cap List. For more
information, please visit