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UNIDO Procurement Opportunities
Natalie Maabdi
Contracts Officer
Procurement Services Unit
UNIDO at a Glance
 Environmental Management Branch
 Agri-Business Development Branch
 Montreal Protocol Branch
 Energy and Climate Change Branch
 UNIDO Partnerships with the Private Sector
eProcurement at UNIDO
 Updated Trends and Changes in UNIDO’s Recent Procurement Policies
 Most Frequently Procured Goods and Services
 UNIDO’s eProcurement Portal
Recommended Strategy to Approach UNIDO’s Procurement Market
 Procurement Tips
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Assistance
Assistance delivered through two core functions:
As a global forum, UNIDO generates and disseminates knowledge related to
industry and provides a platform to enhance cooperation, establish dialogue and
develop partnerships.
As a technical cooperation agency, UNIDO designs/implements programmes and
projects to support its clients. It also offers tailor-made specialized programme and
project development support.
Thus, experience gained in the technical cooperation is shared with policy makers;
UNIDO's analytical work helps define industrial and environmental priorities in
Member States.
Top 15 Supplier Countries (USD - 2014 data)
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Environmental Management Branch:
Intervention Levels: Environmental performance across the entire
value chain is addressed by EMB through the development of sectorspecific ‘greening’ strategies and programmes.
Global - Through nearly 200 members of Green Industry Platform, over 50 members in RECPnet,
and the countries assisted through the CTCN, PAGE and WIPO Green, EMB’s programmes are
scaled up and mainstreamed throughout industry worldwide.
Regional - Through partnerships with the Regional Centers of the Stockholm and Basel
Conventions and other selected partners. Programmes such as TEST, Waste Management and
LMEs also deal with multiple countries affected by a shared environmental issue or concern.
National - Country-level policies and strategies, such as for Green Industry, are developed to
support a comprehensive shift in production patterns to a cleaner and more sustainable model.
City - To improve urban sustainability, EMB has organized a network of Asian eco-cities which
conduct peer reviews to learn best practices and policies from one another.
Industrial Parks - By clustering production sites and introducing resource productivity while
promoting synergies between sectors and/or companies, EMB is helping to close the
manufacturing loop and bring forward technology transfer through the development of ecoindustrial parks.
Enterprise - Through the RECP and TEST programmes, innovative approaches are introduced at
the company level to effect a continuous improvement of environmental performance while
maintaining or increasing competitiveness.
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Environmental Management Branch
Example: Every year, over 300,000 tones of medical waste is
generated in India.
A joint UNIDO-India project worth USD 40 million will help
reduce Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs),
dioxins and furans that are generated when bio-medical waste
is not incinerated at the prescribed high temperatures of over
1,000° Celsius.
This will be achieved by introducing non-burn technologies like
microwave and autoclave.
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Environmental Management Branch
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Agri-Business Development Branch:
Technical Cooperation Portfolio of USD 116 Million
Covering 51 countries
Around half are LDCs
One third are postconflict countries
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Agri-Business Development Branch:
Example : Iraq Programme: Projects in 7 Governorates (USD 57
 7 Vocational training centers equipped
 Institutional capacity-building
 Rehabilitation of productive capacities
 Employment promotion and income 
to deliver marketable skills
7,000 youth trained (40% women)
enterprises or got a new job
established (150,000 liters/day)
Up to 350,000 children per year receive
milk packages
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Montreal Protocol Branch:
Elimination of Ozone Depleting Substances
Assist countries in complying with their international obligations, mainly by
phasing out production and consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances
Identification, acquisition and application of the state-of-the art non-ODS
production technologies covering industries such as aerosol, fumigants,
refrigerants, tobacco-fluffing, foam, solvents and halon.
UNIDO contributed to the elimination of 22,000 ozone-depleting potential (ODP) tonnes of annual
ODS consumption; approximately 1,250 industrial firms employing some 145,000 workers.
UNIDO trained more than 150,000 farmers in the use of non-chemical and chemical alternatives in
the context of phasing out methyl bromide in fumigation.
Article 5(1) Parties: HCFC Consumption
Base level:
Average 2009–10.
January 1, 2013.
10 per cent: reduction
January 1, 2015.
35 per cent: reduction
January 1, 2020.
67.5 per cent reduction
January 1, 2025.
97.5 per cent: reduction
January 1, 2030.
100 per cent: reduction
January 1, 2040.
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Montreal Protocol Branch:
Transfer of Technologies – Some Examples
Refrigeration and air-conditioning
conversion projects
in the refrigeration
and air-conditioning
that use
leading to lower ODS
and lower GWP.
Companies used to
rely on CFCs as
propellant for the
inhalers (for asthma).
devise a prototype
using an alternative
technology that does
not discharge ODS.
The manufacture of
extruded polystyrene
foams relies heavily
on HCFC-141b as a
foam blowing agent.
Companies in the
Philippines, Ecuador,
Jordan, etc, have cut
considerably the use
of HCFC and use now
newer, safer systems.
alternatives to methyl
bromide, a pesticide
used in agriculture.
Farmers are now more
competitive on the
international market by
sustainable methods.
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO’s Partners in Promoting Climate Change
Mitigation Through its Montreal Protocol Programme
UNIDO is an implementing agency of the Climate and Clean Air
Coalition (CCAC).
UNIDO has already submitted proposals
focusing on the elimination of HFCs for the consideration of the
working group. One proposal (retail sector) has been approved:
 Phase-out ODS
 Avoid high-GWP alternatives; and
 Provide energy savings in the range 13-18%
Projects have also been approved by the Global Environment
Facility (GEF) to promote energy efficiency in the Room Air
Conditioning (RAC) manufacturing and servicing sectors
(fishery/food processing), transitioning away from HCFCs and
leapfrogging HFCs.
UNIDO is constantly investigating best alternatives in the
refrigeration sector, while partnering with the private sector 
natural refrigerants.
Potential partnership with bilateral partners.
UNIDO At A Glance
Looking Ahead: HFC Phase-Out
Growing concern: rapidly multiplying air
installations especially in developing
countries  rapid growth in the volume
of HFCs being used, since they are not
controlled in these countries. (GWP is
2,000-4,000 times the GWP of CO2).
As an Implementing Agency of the
Montreal Protocol, UNIDO has an
important role in assisting developing
countries to comply with the phase-out
targets of the Montreal Protocol.
In order to do so, UNIDO helps to
develop, implement and manage
investment projects that deal directly
with the conversion of industrial sectors
as well as institutional strengthening
UNIDO has extensive experience and
technical expertise in the conversion of
sectors that use HFCs.
Source: The Economist, Sep 20th, 2014.
UNIDO At A Glance
Energy and Climate Change Branch
Key approach:
 Prevent production of industrial wastes
 Manage waste in an environmentally sound manner
 De-link the intensity of energy use from economic growth
 Reduce the environmental impact of energy use
 Provide energy for the promotion of productive activities
UNIDO At A Glance
Energy and Climate Change Branch
Example: UNIDO has committed € 1.5 million to a green
energy project called Lighting Up Kenya to generate
additional power for the country via solar energy,
biomass, wind and biogas. (100 megawatts of power will
be added to the national grid to help the cost of doing
business) .
UNIDO At A Glance
Energy and Climate Change Branch
UNIDO implemented a US$ 8 million project in China to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from the township and village enterprises
sector. Increasing the utilization of energy efficient technologies and
products in the brick, cement, metal casting and coking sectors.
Greenhouse gas reduction of 1 million CO2 per year
(encompassing 110 plants where the technology
developed for the cement, brick, cooking and foundry
sectors was replicated).
UNIDO At A Glance
Energy and Climate Change Branch
Industrial Energy Efficiency
Energy Management Standards and systems optimization
Sub-sector, process and product specific
Renewable Energy
Off-Grid, Mini-grids and On-Grid
RE Applications in SMEs
Low Carbon Emission Technologies
Multifocal and Integrated Projects
Global For a and Partnerships
Vienna Energy Forum / SE4ALL and UN Energy
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Partnerships:
Example UNIDO-HP
Partnership Category: Social Investment & Philanthropy Partnerships
Industry: Information Technology
Partnership Objective: Providing business and IT training to enhance job creation and
entrepreneurship development
Geographic Scope: Algeria, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Kenya, Morocco,
Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, Uganda
HP Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (LIFE)
 Set up 122 LIFE centers in 15 countries
 Created over 20,000 jobs
 Trained more than 50,000 students
 Certified more than 270 trainers
UNIDO At A Glance
UNIDO Partnerships with the Private Sector
eProcurement at UNIDO
Most Frequently Procured Goods
• Office furniture and accessories;
• Ozone depleting substance replacement and
phase-out equipment (in the refrigeration, solvents,
aerosols and foam manufacturing sector);
• Equipment for the replacement of methyl bromide
measuring, checking & testing instruments;
• Laboratory, calibration and testing equipment;
• Equipment for textile apparel & leather production;
• Agricultural & food processing machinery and
equipment, produce (seedlings) and materials;
• Engines, turbines and similar machinery and
equipment (hydroelectric, others)
• Solar energy systems and related equipment;
• Pumps; compressors, valves, etc.;
• Air conditioning equipment, controls and
• Water treatment systems, equipment and
• IT HW & SW equipment and supplies;
• Ventilation systems and equipment;
• Renewable and rural energy systems and
• Mining, quarrying and construction machinery and
• Motor vehicles, parts, accessories;
• Recycling and waste management systems,
equipment and machinery;
eProcurement at UNIDO
Most Frequently Procured Services
• Phase-out of methyl bromide and ozone depletion • Construction works and site management;
in refrigeration, foam, aerosols and solvents sector
• Air conditioning work and maintenance;
• Trade promotion and technology information
• Standardization and laboratory accreditation
• Energy Policy and management (electricity and
alternative systems)
• Water management services
• Engineering design, research and development;
• Agro related services (textile, leather, fisheries,
• Environmental engineering and science;
• Maintenance and repair services;
• Freight, transportation, storage and logistics
• Laboratory testing and calibration services;
eProcurement at UNIDO
Most Frequently Procured Services
• Waste disposal related advice and services;
• Business seminars and conferences;
• Cleaner technology promotion services;
• Professional & vocational training and
• Security services;
• IT SW and internet related services.
• Catering services;
• Conference services;
eProcurement at UNIDO
UNIDO’s eProcurement Portal
Please visit: If you click on “Current
Opportunities”, it will take you to …
eProcurement at UNIDO
UNIDO’s eProcurement Portal
eProcurement at UNIDO
How UNIDO Communicates Directly with Potential
Bidders in UNIDO’s eProcurement Portal
Recommended Strategy to Approach UNIDO’s Procurement Market
Which Type of Organization does UNIDO deal with ? Registered
Companies, charity, associations, etc.: LEGAL ENTITIES
What are UNIDO’s Rules on doign business with Business Partners?
Please refer to the general instructions to bidders section, requiring
bidders to specify in their technical bids:
Statute of the legal entity;
Names and qualifications (including description of activities, number of
personnel employed, references to the clients and completed projects) of the
proposed sub-contractor(s) and/or equipment manufacturers, if any, and
Recommended Strategy to Approach UNIDO’s Procurement Market
In principle, permitted by UNIDO – and due to the complexity of procurement
cases increasingly applied.
• Bidders need to provide written declaration indicating:
- members of consortium
- nomination of the leading company with whom contract would be signed
- purpose of establishment of a consortium
- depending on the ‘form’ of a consortium attach all ‘legal’ documents
• Once declaration has been received and accepted, separate bids by individual
member(s) of the consortium are not permitted and may be disregarded.
Recommended Strategy to Approach UNIDO’s Procurement Market
Procurement Tips
 Use information/publications available on UNIDO’s website and or email [email protected], our helpdesk
 Register on the UNIDO e-procurement portal and UN Global Marketplace
 Monitor procurement opportunities on
 Feel free to respond when invited to submit a bid, even if you should not be in
a position to participate
 Study bidding documents carefully and ask for clarification where necessary
 Bids must meet all requirements; if you cannot meet all requirements, consider
to sub-contract or form a joint-venture/consortium
 Submit required certificates, catalogues, etc in the correct formats
 Clearly mark and sign bids as required
 Ensure sufficient time to prepare offers carefully
 Prepare the offer to facilitate the work of procurement officer
 Meet deadline for submission of bids
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