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social exchange theory - relationships are governed by
perceptions of the rewards and costs exchanged.
a close relationship characterized by enjoyment,
acceptance, and trust,
Gender differences in friendships
Initial attraction:
$ Proximity -- spatial closeness.
$ Familiarity
$ Physical attractiveness
Relationship Progression:
$ reciprocal liking
$ desirable personality characteristics
$ perceived similarity
2. Romantic Love
Bpassion = intense feelings, physical and sexual
3. Affectionate Love
a deep, caring affection for that person.
Sternberg: 3rd type of love: consummate love
Couples must share all three dimensions in order to
experience consummate love.
infatuation - high passion, little intimacy or
affectionate love- low passion, high intimacy and
Myths about Love:
$ when you fall in love you=ll know it.
$ True love last forever
$ Love can conquer all problems
$ Why do relationships fail
a) premature commitment
b) ineffective conflict management skills
c) Availability of a more attractive relationship
heterosexism-belief that all individuals and relationships
are heterosexual.
Romantic love as attachment
a) Secure attachment
b) Anxious-ambivalent attachment
c) Avoidant attachment
These infant attachment styles may also be found in adult
$ Secure adults B (55%)
$ Avoidant adults (25%)
$ Anxious-ambivalent (20%)
fearful avoidants Bnegative self-view --need
others to validate them
b) dismissing avoidants B positive self-viewCdon=t need
other people to validate them
Loneliness B occurs when a person has fewer
interpersonal relationships than desired or when these
relationships are not as satisfying as desired
$ Chronic loneliness
$ Transitional loneliness
$ Transient loneliness