poster abstracts
... Which is worse: being socially attacked or rejected? We sought to answer that question by having participants imagine themselves in scenarios where they were excluded, aggressed upon or included by other group members. We found that overall, being excluded is indeed more threatening to fundamental n ...
... Which is worse: being socially attacked or rejected? We sought to answer that question by having participants imagine themselves in scenarios where they were excluded, aggressed upon or included by other group members. We found that overall, being excluded is indeed more threatening to fundamental n ...
Attachment Style and Political Ideology: A Review of Contradictory
... separation from nor pleased by being reunited with their primary caregiver. Avoidant (dismissive) adult attachment is characterized by discomfort in being close to others, as well as difficulty trusting and depending on them. Such adults feel nervous when anyone gets too close—they feel that their r ...
... separation from nor pleased by being reunited with their primary caregiver. Avoidant (dismissive) adult attachment is characterized by discomfort in being close to others, as well as difficulty trusting and depending on them. Such adults feel nervous when anyone gets too close—they feel that their r ...
Attachment in Adolescence: An Agenda for Research and Intervention
... contingent and provisional than earlier expected” (Thompson, 1999, p. 280). Intervening events seem to moderate influence of attachment. Thompson reminds us that attachment is only one dimension of the parent-child relationship. He noted that Bowlby recognized this as well. ...
... contingent and provisional than earlier expected” (Thompson, 1999, p. 280). Intervening events seem to moderate influence of attachment. Thompson reminds us that attachment is only one dimension of the parent-child relationship. He noted that Bowlby recognized this as well. ...
Animism, Cannibalism, and Pet-keeping among
... among the Nayaka of India. The Nayaka have a notion of devaru (“superpersons” or “persons with extra powers”), which refers to a supernatural power exhibited in some animals, landscape features, and humans undergoing spirit possession. The term does not translate well into English, for while it refe ...
... among the Nayaka of India. The Nayaka have a notion of devaru (“superpersons” or “persons with extra powers”), which refers to a supernatural power exhibited in some animals, landscape features, and humans undergoing spirit possession. The term does not translate well into English, for while it refe ...
Program PDF - SPSP - Society for Personality and Social Psychology
... Tim Strauman, for their important contributions to staging this year's meeting. Special thanks go to Mark Leary, Chair of this year's Program Committee, who managed to find space in what appeared to be a full schedule for even more presentations. Finally, we are grateful to Tara Miller Events for ex ...
... Tim Strauman, for their important contributions to staging this year's meeting. Special thanks go to Mark Leary, Chair of this year's Program Committee, who managed to find space in what appeared to be a full schedule for even more presentations. Finally, we are grateful to Tara Miller Events for ex ...
1 - Nmmu
... Wallace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn, 2004) as it could lead to the non-realising of an organisation’s goals (Ivancevich, Konopaske & Matteson, 2005), the break-down of relationships among colleagues and at the same time alienating individuals and leading to the forming of contesting groups ...
... Wallace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn, 2004) as it could lead to the non-realising of an organisation’s goals (Ivancevich, Konopaske & Matteson, 2005), the break-down of relationships among colleagues and at the same time alienating individuals and leading to the forming of contesting groups ...
Outcast-Leary - Psychological Sciences
... rejected to the extent that they connote a lower level of relational evaluation than the individual desires. Such actions sometimes involve explicit rejections, such as romantic break-ups, ostracism, and banishment, but even relatively unimportant actions, such as an unreturned phone call or a misse ...
... rejected to the extent that they connote a lower level of relational evaluation than the individual desires. Such actions sometimes involve explicit rejections, such as romantic break-ups, ostracism, and banishment, but even relatively unimportant actions, such as an unreturned phone call or a misse ...
Interpersonal chemistry through negativity: Bonding by sharing
... which to extract an impression of the source in the latter than in the former case of shared attitudes. Overview of Studies and Hypotheses Based on the reasoning outlined above, we propose that shared negative attitudes about a third party (an individual or group) will facilitate interpersonal close ...
... which to extract an impression of the source in the latter than in the former case of shared attitudes. Overview of Studies and Hypotheses Based on the reasoning outlined above, we propose that shared negative attitudes about a third party (an individual or group) will facilitate interpersonal close ...
An Examination of the Relationship between Conversational
... occurs and what was said in interactions. Conversational sensitivity is situational as well. Although individuals may be more or less sensitive in general, a heightened sensitivity may also result from conversations focusing on personal matters, from conversations that defy some usual protocol, from ...
... occurs and what was said in interactions. Conversational sensitivity is situational as well. Although individuals may be more or less sensitive in general, a heightened sensitivity may also result from conversations focusing on personal matters, from conversations that defy some usual protocol, from ...
A Path Analytic Model of the Relationships between Involvement
... could be readily developed and tested that may show that psychological involvement precedes both behavioral involvement and commitment" (p. 338). Understanding of issues underlying the development of behavioral loyalty has important practical implications, because participants' loyalty is an importa ...
... could be readily developed and tested that may show that psychological involvement precedes both behavioral involvement and commitment" (p. 338). Understanding of issues underlying the development of behavioral loyalty has important practical implications, because participants' loyalty is an importa ...
Humor Use and Family Satisfaction: A Cross Cultural Approach
... (1984) explained that forms of joking represent a “secret test” strategy used to reduce uncertainty and gather information. Along with using humor to seek information about others, we can use humor to seek information about ourselves. Telling jokes, for example, allows us to gauge others’ acceptanc ...
... (1984) explained that forms of joking represent a “secret test” strategy used to reduce uncertainty and gather information. Along with using humor to seek information about others, we can use humor to seek information about ourselves. Telling jokes, for example, allows us to gauge others’ acceptanc ...
Interpersonal Communication - Business Communication Network
... Even within the United States there are “high smile” areas, such as the South, where people do a lot of smiling, and “low smile” areas where they don’t – for example, New England, or even the more dour western part of New York state. – In the great Lakes region, a person who does a lot of smiling ma ...
... Even within the United States there are “high smile” areas, such as the South, where people do a lot of smiling, and “low smile” areas where they don’t – for example, New England, or even the more dour western part of New York state. – In the great Lakes region, a person who does a lot of smiling ma ...
Online Friendship Maintenance: An Examination of Relational
... The “Information Superhighway” is clearly not just a road for moving data from one place to another, but a road side where people pass each other, occasionally meet, and decide to travel together. Joseph Walther & Lisa Tidwell, 1996 ...
... The “Information Superhighway” is clearly not just a road for moving data from one place to another, but a road side where people pass each other, occasionally meet, and decide to travel together. Joseph Walther & Lisa Tidwell, 1996 ...
Degree and Reciprocity of Self
... interpersonal relations in cyberspace, which are characterized by a special combination of attachment and distancing factors that he called “detattachment.” That is, “in online relationships, people are neither close, intimate friends nor complete strangers . . . ‘detattachment’ includes opposing fe ...
... interpersonal relations in cyberspace, which are characterized by a special combination of attachment and distancing factors that he called “detattachment.” That is, “in online relationships, people are neither close, intimate friends nor complete strangers . . . ‘detattachment’ includes opposing fe ...
Accounting for Culture in a Model of Interpersonal Communication
... such appropriateness, and the behavioral skills in order to act appropriately and effectively. To this effect, Spitzberg & Cupach's (1984) model of competence is based on the cognitive and behavioral components of motivation, knowledge and skills. While the aspects studied might differ, most models ...
... such appropriateness, and the behavioral skills in order to act appropriately and effectively. To this effect, Spitzberg & Cupach's (1984) model of competence is based on the cognitive and behavioral components of motivation, knowledge and skills. While the aspects studied might differ, most models ...
self-disclosure in long-distance friendships
... Friendship serves as a crucial factor in people’s personal development and social life. Studies show that a lack of friends may cause numerous problems including academic failure, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, anxiety, and fatigue (Fehr, 1996; Ladd, 1999). Current literature has investigated d ...
... Friendship serves as a crucial factor in people’s personal development and social life. Studies show that a lack of friends may cause numerous problems including academic failure, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, anxiety, and fatigue (Fehr, 1996; Ladd, 1999). Current literature has investigated d ...
Negative Jealousy-Related Emotion Rumination
... frustration, guilt, fear, insecurity, and surprise. Ellsworth and Smith (1988) found that anger, sadness, fear, guilt, and surprise levels did not differ according to the cognitive appraisals of certainty (which should be used to appraise partner jealousy expression) and attentional activity. Furthe ...
... frustration, guilt, fear, insecurity, and surprise. Ellsworth and Smith (1988) found that anger, sadness, fear, guilt, and surprise levels did not differ according to the cognitive appraisals of certainty (which should be used to appraise partner jealousy expression) and attentional activity. Furthe ...
Chapter 11
... • Sociobiology: Sexual Strategies Theory – we look for partners who will produce healthy offspring ...
... • Sociobiology: Sexual Strategies Theory – we look for partners who will produce healthy offspring ...
Human Communication - University of Alabama at Birmingham
... relational dyads in a basic communication course emerged as the primary predictor of attraction, ...
... relational dyads in a basic communication course emerged as the primary predictor of attraction, ...
PDF - Columbia`s psychology
... expectations (see Olson, Roese, & Zanna, in press). More specific support is provided by Dodge and Somberg's (1987) finding that experimentally manipulated explicit threats of peer rejection prompted a substantial increase in aggressive children's hostile attributions to their peers' behavior. Secon ...
... expectations (see Olson, Roese, & Zanna, in press). More specific support is provided by Dodge and Somberg's (1987) finding that experimentally manipulated explicit threats of peer rejection prompted a substantial increase in aggressive children's hostile attributions to their peers' behavior. Secon ...
Political Economy of Love
... of love processes (see Helen Fisher 1992, 2004; Elaine Hatfield and Richard L. Rapson 2005). We can also scrutinize love within different cultures through the contemporary world-system. Most scholars who study this isolate two main processes at play, those of individualism and collectivism. Hatfield ...
... of love processes (see Helen Fisher 1992, 2004; Elaine Hatfield and Richard L. Rapson 2005). We can also scrutinize love within different cultures through the contemporary world-system. Most scholars who study this isolate two main processes at play, those of individualism and collectivism. Hatfield ...
Running head: How mental representations change as adult
... a colleague, then she feels anxious. And, this if…then… profile is expected to be stable and characterize Sam’s behaviors over time. This point is particularly relevant to the present chapter on how an attachment bond develops. If the observable if…then… situation-behavior relationships of a person ...
... a colleague, then she feels anxious. And, this if…then… profile is expected to be stable and characterize Sam’s behaviors over time. This point is particularly relevant to the present chapter on how an attachment bond develops. If the observable if…then… situation-behavior relationships of a person ...
Development of The Concept of Bonds
... theories regarding networks and bonds are grounded. These are also referred to in the IMP literature. These are for instance Simmel (1906), Small (1915), Wirth (1938), Homans (1950), McCall (1970), Turner (1970) and Granovetter (1973). The ones most referred to in the IMP literature are McCall (1970 ...
... theories regarding networks and bonds are grounded. These are also referred to in the IMP literature. These are for instance Simmel (1906), Small (1915), Wirth (1938), Homans (1950), McCall (1970), Turner (1970) and Granovetter (1973). The ones most referred to in the IMP literature are McCall (1970 ...
Construction of Values in Online and Offline Dating Discourses
... Rhetorics of relationships in online personal advertisements Online dating profiles often serve two purposes: attracting and impressing potential mates and allowing for others to scrutinize the potential that someone might be a good match (Ellison et al., 2006). Clearly, these purposes involve relat ...
... Rhetorics of relationships in online personal advertisements Online dating profiles often serve two purposes: attracting and impressing potential mates and allowing for others to scrutinize the potential that someone might be a good match (Ellison et al., 2006). Clearly, these purposes involve relat ...
Intimate relationship

An intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves physical or emotional intimacy. Physical intimacy is characterized by romantic or passionate attachment or sexual activity. While the term intimate relationship commonly implies the inclusion of a sexual relationship, the term is also used as a euphemism for a relationship that is strictly sexual.Intimate relationships play a central role in the overall human experience. Humans have a general desire to belong and to love, which is usually satisfied within an intimate relationship. These relationships involve feelings of liking or loving one or more people, romance, physical or sexual attraction, sexual relationships, or emotional and personal support between the members. Intimate relationships allow a social network for people to form strong emotional attachments.