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Which of the following lists only
biotic factors? (50)
 A. Flowers, Grass, Birds
 B. Insects, Ferns, Water
 C. Rain, Soil, Temperature
Lakes, ponds, and streams are
apart of which ecosystem? (25)
 A. Ocean
 B. Freshwater
 C. Terrestrial
 D. Grassland
A fly is trapped in a spider web.
Which term best describes the
spider? (25)
 A. Consumer
 B. Predator
 C. Producer
 D. Prey
Which action would produce a
positive outcome in an ecosystem?
 A. Planting trees to replace a forest.
 B. Building a shopping mall.
 C. Paving sidewalks in a neighborhood
 D. Clearing trees to build a park
Which pair of organisms best
adapts to the dry climate of the
desert? (50)
 A. Cactus and horse
 B. Monkey and wolf
 C. Pine tree and Camel
 D. Camel and Cactus
When an earthworm feeds on the
remains of a dead raccoon, the
worm is acting as a…(50)
 A. Producer
 B. Consumer
 C. Decomposer
Plants make food through the
process of…(25)
 A. Transpiration
 B. Photosynthesis
 C. Production
Several trees are cut down causing
the caterpillar population to
decrease. What happens to the
bird population in that area? (75)
 A. It will increase.
 B. It will decrease.
 C. It will not change.
A mosquito bites a human. What
type of symbiosis is this? (50)
 A. Mutualism
 B. Commensalism
 C. Parasitism
Animals that only eat plants are…
 A. Vegetarians
 B. Herbivores
 C. Carnivores
 D. Omnivores
In the forest, the population of
hawks declines. What will most
likely happen to the ecosystem?
 A. The number of mice will decrease.
 B. The number of mice will stay the same.
 C. The number of mice will increase.
A crocodile and bird live in
symbiosis. What type of symbiosis
is this?
 A. Mutualism
 B. Parasitism
 C. Commensalism
What do omnivores eat?
 A. Plants
 B. Meat
 C. Plants and Meat
 D. They do not eat because they are producers.
Which of the following organisms
in an aquatic ecosystem are
producers? (50)
 A. Algae
 B. Crab
 C. Lobster
 D. Sea Urchin
Pesticides are sprayed to kill
insects. What will most likely
happen to the hawks and lizards in
that same ecosystem?
 A. The population of the hawks and lizards will
 B. The population of hawks will increase and lizards
will decrease.
 C. The population of hawks and lizards will decrease.
Which of the following is abiotic?
 A. Fish
 B. Light
 C. Hawk
 D. Grasshopper
A terrarium is a small model of
which type of ecosytem? (100)
 A. Aquatic
 B. Terrestrial
Which of the following is a
decomposer? (50)
 A. Bird
 B. Earthworm
 C. Plant
 D. Tiger
Which ecosystem is terrestrial?
 A. Estuary
 B. Lake
 C. Grassland
 D. Ocean
Which system works with the
respiratory system to exchange
gases in the body? (75)
 Muscular system
 Cardiovascular system
 Nervous system
 Digestive system
Which ecosystem is caused by the
mixing of fresh and salt water? (50)
 A. Estuary
 B. Lake
 C. Salt Marsh
 D. Swamp
Which best describes the role of a
producer? (100)
 A. Uses energy to make food.
 B. Feeds off decaying organisms.
 C. Eats other living things.
 D. Returns resources to the environment.
A high pressure system is moving
into the area. What will most likely
occur? (75)
 A. Stormy Days
 B. Cloudy Days
 C. Sunny Days
 D. Snowy Days
How does air move? (25)
 A. Warm air rises and cool air sinks
 B. Warm air sinks and cool air rises
Which direction does the wind
move? (50)
 A. East to West
 B. West to East
 C. North to South
 D. South to North
Why do winds at the beach change
direction between day and night?
 A. Because cool air sinks and stays in place over land.
 B. Because the temperature over land and over water
 C. Become warm air over land sinks and stays in place
over land.
When two fronts meet, you should
 A. Cold Temperatures
 B. Precipitation
 C. Warm Temperatures
Where would a hurricane most
likely hit? (50)
 A. Maine
 B. Virginia
 C. Michigan
 D. Florida
How does wind move? (75)
 A. From areas of high pressure to low pressure.
 B. From areas of low pressure to high pressure.
An anemometer measures (75)…
 A. Temperature
 B. Rain Gauge
 C. Wind Speed
 D. Wind Direction
During which stage of the water
cycle does a liquid change to a gas?
 A. Condensation
 B. Evaporation
 C. Precipitation
Vanessa moves to the southern
hemisphere. What season would
she most likely experience in
August? (50)
 A. Spring
 B. Summer
 C. Autumn
 D. Winter
Brianna lives in the Northern
hemisphere. It is December. What
season is it?
 A. Spring
 B. Summer
 C. Fall
 D. Winter
Which of the below best describes
El Niño's impact on the earth?
 A. Strong winds
 B. Cold, icy conditions
 C. Droughts, flooding, warmer ocean temperatures
How is North Carolina affected
when the jet stream is above the
 A. NC will have warmer weather
 B. NC will have colder weather
 C. NC will have tropical weather
 D. NC will have mild weather
How is North Carolina affected
when the jet stream is below the
 A. NC will have warmer weather
 B. NC will have colder weather
 C. NC will have tropical weather
 D. NC will have mild weather
Why do we have winds on earth?
 A. Because of the prevailing westerlies
 B. Because of the trade winds
 C. Because of the earth’s rotation
 D. Because the earth receives the sun’s rays unevenly
What allows green plants to
control the amount of water in
their leaves? (75)
 A. Condensation
 B. Evaporation
 C. Precipitation
 D. Transpiration
Which of the following measures
wind direction? (50)
 A. Weather Vane
 B. Rain Gauge
 C. Thermometer
 D. Anemometer
It is a hot July day. Which part of
the day will most likely be the
highest? (75)
 A. 10 am
 B. 10 pm
 C. 2 pm
 D. 6 pm
Which best describes the jet
stream? (75)
 A. It is around the eye of a hurricane.
 B. It causes air masses to rotate clockwise.
 C. It forms a boundary between warm and cold air
The weatherman says that
tomorrow will be 85 degrees, 2
inches of rain, and the winds will
blow west. What tools does he
need? (100)
 A. Anemometer, Rain Gauge, Wind Vane
 B. Thermometer, Rain Gauge, Wind Vane
 C. Thermometer, Anemometer, Rain Gauge
High, thin, wispy clouds…(25)
 A. Cirrus
 B. Cumulus
 C. Nimbus
 D. Stratus
Which is a form of precipitation?
 A. Wind
 B. Snow
 C. Fog
 D. Dew
What type of weather is associated
with cumulonimbus clouds? (50)
 A. Sunny and clear
 B. Thunderstorms
 C. Snowstorms
 D. Drizzling, slow rain
How are condensation and
evaporation similar? (50)
 A. Both are caused by decreases in air temperature.
 B. Both are caused by increases in air temperature.
 C. Both are caused by changes in heat energy.
It is a bright sunny day. Jacob
wants to figure out which type of
clouds would most likely be in the
sky. (50)
 A. Cumulonimbus
 B. Stratus
 C. Cumulus
 D. Cirrus
What will most likely occur from a
low pressure system? (50)
 A. Warm Temperatures
 B. Cloudy
 C. Clear
 D. Cool Temperatures
Which has the greatest effect on
wind speed? (75)
 A. Precipitation
 B. Cloud Cover
 C. Wind Direction
 D. Wind Speed
Which best describes the speed of
a ball as it is thrown into the air?
 A. It will go up at a constant speed and fall at a
constant speed.
 B. It will go up slowly and come down quickly.
 C. It will go up quickly and come down slowly.
Why is it easier to ride a bike down
a hill than up a hill?
 A. Friction
 B. Gravity
 C. Mass
 D. Speed
What causes a moving object to
move in a forward direction? (50)
 A. An increase in mass
 B. A decrease in mass
 C. A force
Daron drops a book off his desk.
What causes it to fall to the floor?
 A. Friction
 B. Gravity
 C. Speed
 D. Mass
The weight of a group is equal to
the weight of all it’s parts. (50)
 A. True
 B. False
T’Nyiah rides a wagon down a hill.
What causes her to eventually
stop? (50)
 A. Gravity
 B. Friction
 C. Mass
 D. A Force
 150 points
Draw a graph that is increasing in
A girl walked for 1 hour. She
traveled farther in the first 30
minutes than the last 30 minutes.
Why? (75)
 A. She walked over too many hills.
 B. She walked at a constant speed.
 C. She walked in different directions.
 D. Her average speed was faster during the first 30
Which of the following is not an
example of a multicellular
 Dog
 Fish
 Amoeba
 Worm
Which of the following is a single
cell organism? (50)
 A. Human
 B. Plant
 C. Insect
 D. Fungi
Which body system is the
protection for your organs? (50)
 A. Nervous
 B. Skeletal
 C. Muscular
 D. Respiratory
Which system processes food into
usable energy? (50)
 A. Muscular
 B. Excretory
 C. Digestive
 D. Circulatory
Which body system sends electrical
signals to your brain? (50)
 A. Digestive
 B. Respiratory
 C. Circulatory
 D. Nervous
What is a function of the
cardiovascular system? (75)
 A. To transport gases through your body
 B. To protect your bones
 C. To allow you to move
 D. To move blood through your body
Which best describes a bacterial
cell? (75)
 A. It is an incomplete organism.
 B. It is a complete organism.
 C. It contains many types of cells.
 D. It is a large organism.
What is the basic unit of life? (25)
 A. Blood
 B. Cells
 C. Vessels
Heart, blood, vessels…(25)
 A. Respiratory
 B. Circulatory
 C. Nervous
 D. Muscular
Which structures make up the
respiratory system? (50)
 A. Heart, Blood, Vessels
 B. Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves
 C. Nose, Trachea, Lungs
The brain and the spinal cord are a
part of which system? (50)
 A. Digestive
 B. Excretory
 C. Muscular
 D. Nervous
Erik is trying to decide if an
organism is unicellular or
multicellular. What information
does he need to know? (50)
 A. How many cells it has.
 B. How large the cells are.
 C. How many types of cells it has.
What is an example of a new
substance being formed? (50)
 A. Glass Breaking
 B. Wood Burning
 C. Water Freezing
 D. Metal Melting
Which is most responsible for an
uneven heating of air in the
atmosphere? (75)
 A. Combustion
 B. Conduction
 C. Convection
 D. Radiation
A balloon is warmed under a lamp.
What will happen to the balloon?
 A. It will become larger.
 B. It will become smaller.
 C. It will stay the same size.
A balloon is warmed under a lamp.
What happens to the weight of the
 A. It will become heavier.
 B. It will become lighter.
C. It will stay the same.
Which of the following is a
chemical change?
 A. Paper Tearing
 B. Wood Burning
 C. Folding a shirt
Diane stands in the pool. She
notices that the water around her
feet is cooler than the water near
the surface. Why?
 A. Convection
 B. Conduction
 C. Radiation
Kiersten and Samantha are sitting
by the campfire. How can the feel
the fire without actually touching
 A. Radiation
 B. Conduction
 C. Convection
What happens to metal railroad
tracks on a hot summer day?
 A. Increase in length
 B. Increase in weight
 C. Decrease in length
 D. Decrease in weight
Which characteristic of a dog is a
result of it’s environment? (50)
 A. It’s color
 B. The length of it’s ears
 C. It’s food preference
 D. It’s ability to see in the dark.
Why do children resemble their
 A. They eat the same foods.
 B. They have similar DNA
 C. They speak the same language.
 D. They have the same beliefs.
What would Avion most likely
inherit from his parents? (25)
 A. Shape of earlobes
 B. Musical Ability
 C. Personality
 D. Hair Style
Which of the following is an
inherited trait? (50)
 A. Religious Beliefs
 B. Fingerprints
 C. Dimples
 D. Memories
Which of the following traits would
Leila most likely inherit from her
 A. Her hair style
 B. Her height
 C. Her intelligence
 D. Her personality
Taylor and Cam are twins. Which of
the following traits would they not
have in common?
 A. Shape of nose
 B. Shape of ear lobes
 C. Fingerprints