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20130224-IA Internet Appendix for “Asset Quality Misrepresentation by Financial Intermediaries: Evidence from RMBS Market”1 TOMASZ PISKORSKI, AMIT SERU, and JAMES WITKIN This Internet Appendix (IA) contains a more detailed discussion on data construction and several robustness tests not included in the main text of the paper. It also sketches out a simple example that is discussed in the paper. 1 Citation format: Piskorski, Tomasz, Amit Seru, and James Witkin, Internet Appendix for “Asset Quality Misrepresentation by Financial Intermediaries: Evidence from RMBS Market,” Journal of Finance, doi: 10.1111/jofi.12271. :. Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any errors (other than missing material) should be directed to the authors of the article. I. Data A. Verifying the Quality of the BlackBox-Equifax Merge As we mention in Section II of the published article, our primary data set consists of a merge between (i) loan-level mortgage data collected by BlackBox Logic and (ii) borrower-level credit report information collected by Equifax. The merge is performed by Equifax using a proprietary merge algorithm utilizing more than 25 variables. Equifax is one of the three largest credit bureaus in the U.S. (along with Experian and TransUnion) and collects data on more than 400 million consumers across the world. As such, it is one of the few potential providers for such detailed consumer credit data, and the firm has built a reputation based on data management. It provides a variety of analytical tools, from fraud detection to portfolio analytics, to a diverse group of client companies spanning multiple industry sectors. Given Equifax’s background as a data services company with over $1.5 billion in annual revenue, it has the expertise to perform the merge between the BlackBox and Equifax data sets. Nevertheless, as our measures of underwriting misrepresentation rely on identifying discrepancies between these two data sets, we independently verify the quality of the merge. Equifax reports a merge confidence measure that ranges from 0 to 0.90 (ranging from low to high confidence). The majority of loans fall in the high-confidence buckets, between 0.8 and 0.81 or between 0.89 and 0.90 (see Table IA.I). To further verify the accuracy of the merge, we compare the dynamic loan payment history reported to BlackBox to that reported to Equifax. While BlackBox provides loan-level data, the Equifax data are reported at the consumer level with statistics such as delinquencies either aggregated by debt product (first liens, HELOCs, credit cards, etc.) or separated by account size and product (largest first lien, second-largest first lien, etc.). We restrict our analysis to consumers with only one first mortgage in Equifax so that we can compare the correct payment records.2 Additionally, we limit our analysis to observations for which the loan’s status in BlackBox is either current or 30, 60, or 90+ days delinquent, as it can be difficult to correctly map other BlackBox statuses such as bankruptcy or prepayment to a “correct” status in Equifax. We report the results in Table IA.II. We find that for the entire sample, the BlackBox and Equifax payment statuses exactly match 93.8% of the time and are within 30 days of each other 98.0% of the time. We include the second measure to account for potential lags in reporting across the two databases. We observe that status-matching rates increase monotonically with Equifax’s confidence measure, with only 0.3% of the highest-confidence loans having significantly different BlackBox and Equifax delinquency statuses. It is worth noting that among loans with a confidence measure of 0.89 or greater, about 16% of loans do not have matching BlackBox and Equifax zip codes. 3 This 2 Consider a borrower that has two first mortgages: we would observe the delinquency status of both mortgages, but we would have to make assumptions regarding which status corresponded to the matched BlackBox loan. 3 This group of loans includes mortgages reported to investors as for non-owner-occupied properties. 2 reinforces the view that Equifax uses unique identifiers in performing its merge, given the difficulty of performing a merge across millions of loans without requiring a match on zip code. Based on these findings, we conclude that the most reliable subsample of the merged data contains loans with a confidence of 0.89 or higher (44.4% of the sample). For the analysis of misreported second liens, this results in a sample of 854,959 mortgages, down from 1,741,606 loans originated over the 2005 to 2007 period that are reported as having no second liens in BlackBox (a 51.41% reduction). For the analysis of owner-occupancy misreporting (see Section II for discussion of owner-occupancy misrepresentation), this results in a sample of 1,563,223 mortgages, down from 3,549,858 loans originated over the 2005 to 2007 period that are reported to BlackBox as owner-occupied (a 55.96% reduction). Next, we examine how restricting attention to loans with a high Equifax merge confidence impacts our sample. Panel A of Table IA.III reports statistics for loans for which BlackBox reports that the CLTV and LTV are equal. The first two columns report these statistics without any restrictions, while the last two columns report the statistics for the high-quality merged sample. Again, imposing these restrictions leads to a sample with slightly higher-quality observables. FICO scores and origination balances increase, while interest rates and CLTV decrease. Figure IA.1 displays kernel density plots comparing the merged sample with a sample of loans with no reported second liens in BlackBox that do not meet the Equifax merge confidence restrictions. Again, the shapes of the distributions are quite similar, demonstrating that these two samples are also not meaningfully different. In Panel B of Table IA.III we display summary statistics for loans reported as owneroccupied in the BlackBox data set to which we apply our second measure of asset quality misrepresentation. The first two columns report these statistics for all loans in the BlackBox data set that are reported as owner-occupied. The last two columns report statistics for the subsample of these loans limited to mortgages with the highest Equifax merge confidence (0.89 or higher). On average, loans in the high-quality merged sample have somewhat higher-quality observable characteristics. In particular, these loans have lower interest rates, lower CLTV ratios, and higher FICO scores and origination balances. Figure IA.2 displays kernel density plots comparing this high-quality merged sample to the sample of BlackBox loans with reported owner-occupied status that do not meet the merge confidence restriction. We see that despite the differences in mean values, the two samples have similar underlying distributions of important observable characteristics. Finally, we conduct a placebo test to assess whether there is a relationship between incorrectly merged records and subsequent loan performance. To identify incorrectly merged records, we use the origination loan balances that Equifax reports each month for the borrower’s two largest active first mortgages. We compare these two amounts over the loan’s first six observations to the origination loan balance reported by BlackBox to construct Balance Mismatch, which takes the value of one if neither Equifax balance is ever within 2% of the 3 BlackBox origination balance, and zero otherwise.4 We note that the balance of the securitized first mortgage is unlikely to be misreported to investors because servicers verify and report on a monthly basis outstanding loan amount and payments to the securitization trust; hence, such records may indicate incorrectly merged loans across the two databases. Because only the two largest mortgage balances are reported in the Equifax database, we remove borrowers that have three or more first mortgages reported in their credit file. The reason is that we are not sure if the loan in BlackBox would be part of the two largest mortgage balances reported in the Equifax database. We find that 2.01% of the loans have mismatched origination loan balances. To examine the relationship between default likelihood and incorrectly merged records, we run an OLS regression in which the dependent variable is the same 90-day delinquency dummy variable used in Table V of the published article. The right-hand variables include Balance Mismatch, the two previous misrepresentation measures, origination cohort fixed effects, and the same vector of controls used in prior loan-level regressions. Column (2) clusters standard errors by state level. Table IA.IV reports the results. While we observe a small positive coefficient on Balance Mismatch, the effect is economically small relative to what we find for our primary variables. Moreover, the effect is not statistically significant when standard errors are clustered at the state level. This suggests that there is no economically meaningful relationship between the potential merge accuracy of the two databases and subsequent loan performance. Importantly, the inclusion of Balance Mismatch does not reduce the economic or statistical significance of the misrepresentation variables. This evidence provides further support that our methodology to identifies actual misrepresentations other than incorrectly merged records. B. Constructing Underwriter-Level Measures In this subsection we discuss construction of the underwriter-level variables used in Table X of the published article. The measure of the relative importance of the RMBS underwriting business is constructed by dividing the aggregate dollar value of nonagency RMBS underwritten in 2005 by the underwriter’s total assets as of the end of 2005, as reported by Compustat. This variable has a mean of 0.243 and a standard deviation of 0.334. Years of experience in underwriting subprime deals is a deal-level variable capturing the underwriter’s experience in the subprime MBS market. To construct this measure, we take each pool’s securitization year and subtract the year in which the deal’s underwriter entered the subprime MBS market, using ABSNet’s universe of subprime MBS deals from 1999 onward. This variable has a mean of 5.98 and a standard deviation of 1.45. The commercial bank underwriter variable, which accounts for differences between commercial and investment banks, is a dummy that takes a value of one if the underwriter’s charter identifies it as a commercial bank and zero otherwise. The underwriter bonus-to-salary 4 Results are quantitatively similar regardless of how we define Balance Mismatch with respect to both the sixmonth time window and the strictness of the balance match (within 2%, 5%, $100, etc.). 4 ratio is computed by dividing the cash bonus of each underwriter’s five highest-paid executives by their base salary in 2005. These data comes from Computstat’s Execucomp database where available, and otherwise are constructed using firms’ public financial reporting. This variable has a mean of 14.98 and a standard deviation of 15.53. The Risk Management Index (RMI), based on Ellul and Yerramili (2013), is computed as the first principal component of the following six risk management variables: Credit Risk Officer (CRO) is present, CRO is an executive, CRO is a top-five executive, CRO compensation centrality, risk committee experience, and active risk committee. 5 Table IA.I Distribution of Equifax Merge Confidence The table shows the distribution of loans in the BlackBox data set across Equifax’s merge confidence level. The highest merge confidence of a given loan is 0.90. Merge Confidence Number of Loans [0.00,0.80) 3.6% [0.80,0.81) 41.8% [0.81,0.89) 10.2% Highest Confidence Available: [0.89,0.90) 44.4% Total 100% Table IA.II Delinquency Status Matching by Equifax Merge Confidence The table shows the fraction of observations with delinquency statuses that match or are within 30 days of each other in BlackBox and Equifax. The sample is restricted to borrowers with only one first mortgage record in Equifax and to observations for which the loan’s status in BlackBox is either current or 30, 60, or 90 days delinquent. A “Status Match” is defined as an exact match between the reported BlackBox and Equifax delinquency statuses. “Status within 30 Days” is defined as two statuses that are less than 60 days apart, for example, 90 days delinquent in BlackBox and 60 days delinquent in Equifax. Merge Confidence Fraction Payment Status Match Fraction Payment Status Within 30 Days [0.00,0.80) 0.841 0.924 [0.80,0.81) 0.904 0.964 [0.81,0.89) 0.942 0.991 [0.89,0.90) 0.976 0.997 6 Table IA.III Comparison of Descriptive Statistics The table presents a comparison of summary statistics for key variables. The first two columns of each panel present statistics for all loans in a given sample, and the second two columns restrict attention to loans that have the highest merge confidence. Panel A presents these statistics for loans reported as having no second lien to the RMBS trustee, while Panel B presents these statistics for mortgages reported as for owner-occupied properties. Interest Rate FICO Balance CLTV Purchase No Cash Out Refi Cash Out Refi Low or No Doc. ARM Option ARM Number of Loans Interest Rate FICO Balance CLTV Purchase No Cash Out Refi Cash Out Refi Low or No Doc. ARM Option ARM Number of Loans Panel A: Sample of Loans Reported as Having No Second Liens Full Sample Merged Sample Mean SD Mean SD 6.925 2.236 6.458 2.424 652.8 76.48 663.5 76.90 277.6 225.3 293.1 238.9 79.79 10.03 78.93 9.955 0.366 0.482 0.361 0.480 0.117 0.321 0.121 0.326 0.506 0.500 0.507 0.500 0.472 0.499 0.514 0.500 0.597 0.491 0.475 0.499 0.113 0.317 0.169 0.375 1,741,606 854,959 Panel B: Sample of Loans Reported as for Owner-Occupied Properties Full Sample Merged Sample SD Mean SD 6.990 1.947 6.605 2.024 662.6 74.95 680.2 73.20 291.0 254.2 324.6 248.3 84.33 11.44 83.72 11.71 0.483 0.500 0.496 0.500 0.149 0.356 0.136 0.343 0.360 0.480 0.358 0.480 0.419 0.493 0.463 0.499 0.606 0.489 0.527 0.499 0.0991 0.299 0.103 0.304 3,549,858 1,563,223 7 Table IA.IV Balance Mismatch Placebo Table The table presents OLS estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable takes the value of one if the loan defaults (90+ days delinquent) in the first two years since origination and zero otherwise. Balance Mismatch takes a value of one if the origination loan balance reported by BlackBox is not within 2% of any first-mortgage origination loan balance reported to Equifax during the loan’s first six months, and zero otherwise. Misreported Second takes a value of one if the loan is characterized as having a second-lien misrepresentation and zero otherwise. Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant takes a value of one if the loan is characterized as having a non-owner-occupancy misrepresentation and zero otherwise. Other Controls include origination variables such as FICO score, interest rate, and LTV ratio. Squared and cubed terms for FICO and CLTV are included to account for potential nonlinear effects. The estimates are in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. (1) 0.709*** (0.192) (2) 0.709 (0.443) Misreported Second 8.214*** (0.16) 8.214*** (0.859) Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant 7.485*** (0.124) 7.485*** (0.54) Other Controls Yes Yes Half-Year Origination Cohorts Yes Yes No 1487121 14.44 2.010 0.155 Yes 1487121 14.44 2.010 0.155 Balance Mismatch SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Percent 90 DPD Percent Balance Mismatch R-Squared 8 Panel A: Origination CLTV Ratios Panel B: Origination FICO Scores Panel C: Origination Interest Rates Panel D: Origination Loan Balance Figure IA.1. Comparability of loans with no second-lien reported by merge restrictions – kernel density of observables. The figure shows the kernel density plots of loan origination CLTV ratios, FICO credit scores, interest rates, and loan balances for loans reported as not having any second liens in the BlackBox data set. The group of loans meeting the Equifax merge restrictions is represented by the solid line, and the group that fails these restrictions is represented by the dashed line. 9 Panel A: Origination CLTV Ratios Panel B: Origination FICO Scores Panel C: Origination Interest Rates Panel D: Origination Loan Balance Figure IA.2. Comparability of loans reporting owner-occupied status by merge restrictions – kernel density of observables. The figure shows the kernel density plots of loan origination CLTV, FICO credit scores, interest rates, and loan balances for loans reported as owner-occupied in the BlackBox data set. The group of loans meeting the Equifax merge restrictions is represented by the solid line, and the group that fails these restrictions is represented by the dashed line. 10 II. Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation A. Construction of Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation Measure In this section we consider a second measure of asset quality misrepresentation. This measure concerns the occupancy status of the property backing the loan. We identify a loan as misreported if the disclosure to investors shows that the loan is collateralized by owner-occupied property, when in fact the credit bureau data show that the property was owned by borrowers with a different primary residence (i.e., is an investment property or a second home). Prospectuses also make statements related to asset quality on this dimension. 5 To construct this measure we start with our base sample and consider only loans reported as owner-occupied properties to investors at the time of origination. This gives us a sample of 1,563,223 loans. We then take advantage of the mailing address zip code reported to Equifax to construct our measure. The identifying assumption here is that a zip code reported to a credit bureau, such as Equifax, should generally match the property address zip code reported to the trustee of the RMBS for owner-occupied homes. To allow for reporting delays, we follow a very conservative approach and compare the Equifax zip code reported each month over the first year of the loan’s life to the property zip code reported to investors. If none of these 12 Equifax zip codes matches with the BlackBox data set, we classify such a loan as having a Misreported NonOwner-Occupant. In addition to ensuring that the match between the two data sets, done by the credit bureau, is of high quality we have to address another issue regarding our second measure of asset quality misrepresentation. In particular, even if the match between the two databases is perfect, only our first measure – Misreported Second-Lien – allows us to directly identify asset misrepresentation. For the second measure, which is based on occupancy status, the misrepresentation is inferred since we do not observe occupancy status in the Equifax database. Instead, we infer whether a property is owner-occupied if the mailing zip code reported in the credit bureau data matches the property zip code disclosed to investors. Consequently, we need to verify that the measure based on occupancy status is reasonable. Again, our measure appears to be reasonable for several reasons. First, among loans reported as for non-owner-occupied properties, the majority (about two-thirds) have a mailing address zip code in the Equifax database that does not match the property address in the BlackBox database.6 Similarly, a majority (about 70%) of reported owner-occupants residing in the same zip code have only one first mortgage on file in the Equifax data. These features For instance, the prospectus for Series 2006-FF15 states: “The prospectus supplement will disclose the aggregate principal balance of Mortgage Loans secured by Mortgaged Properties that are owner-occupied.” The prospectus supplements also usually describe the frequency of loans for second homes or investor properties. For example, the supplement for the Wells Fargo MBS Series 2007–8 states that “Approximately 0.02% of the mortgage loans in the mortgage pool are expected to be secured by investor properties.” 6 About a third of properties whose owner occupancy status is reported to a trustee of the RMBS as being nonowner-occupied likely have both properties in their zip code of residence – a fact we corroborated to be potentially true based on our conversations with several industry practitioners. 5 11 underscore our measure of owner-occupancy misrepresentation. In addition, a majority (more than 60%) of misreported owner-occupants have multiple first mortgages on their credit file, indicating that they own multiple properties and are likely to be real estate investors.7 Second, ex post delinquencies of loans we identify as misrepresented on the dimension of owner occupancy are significantly higher when compared with otherwise similar loans. Finally, we do not detect owner-occupancy misrepresentations for cases in which the loan is truly made to a non-owner-occupant who resides in the same zip code as the property backing the loan, and we discard cases in which the zip code of the property differs from that in the credit bureau data for a period less than 12 consecutive months. It is worth noting that, for the above reasons, we will likely classify loans that may be misrepresented as not having been misrepresented. This should bias against finding that misrepresented loans have higher ex post delinquencies relative to otherwise identical loans. B. The Extent of Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation and Its Relation with Loan Performance and Mortgage Rates Table IA.V displays summary statistics for loans with reported owner-occupied status. As can be seen, 6.42% of mortgages reported as financing owner-occupied properties were given to borrowers with a different primary residence, and thus were misrepresented based on our method. Stated differently, 27% of loans obtained by non-owner-occupants misreported their true purpose. As in the case of the second-lien misrepresentation, the prevalence of owner-occupancy misrepresentation is higher for loans used to purchase the properties. Among the purchase loans with reported owner-occupied status, about 9.6% misrepresent owner occupancy compared with only 3.1% for refinance mortgages. There are a number of reasons why misrepresentation on this dimension could be more prevalent for purchase loans. For example, it may be harder to misrepresent the occupancy status for refinancing loans, especially if borrowers are involved, if the borrower does not reside in the property that is his or her primary residence. Overall, as there is some overlap in both types of misrepresentation across mortgages, our measures imply that about 9.1% of loans have misreported second-lien or misreported owneroccupancy status (or both). This estimate would be about 12.2% were we to include HELOCs when inferring misreported second liens. There is significant regional variation in the prevalence of owner-occupancy misrepresentations across the U.S. Areas where owner-occupancy misrepresentation is most prevalent correspond to markets that were booming leading up to the crisis. This is consistent with Chinco and Mayer (2012), who show significant activity of non-owner-occupants acquiring residential real estate in these regional markets for speculation prior to the recent housing crisis. Our measure indicates that a significant portion of the purchases made by non-owner-occupants in these regions was financed with mortgages that misrepresented their true purpose. For 7 This is also true for reported non-owner-occupants, as about 80% have multiple first mortgages on the credit file. 12 example, in our data about 22.5% of loans in Florida were reported to be non-owner-occupant loans. At the same time, according to our measure, about 9.5% of mortgaged properties in Florida reported as owner-occupied were actually non-owner-occupied properties. This implies that about a third of loans obtained by non-owner-occupants in Florida misreported their true purpose. Rural states such as Nebraska and South Dakota have some of the lowest fractions of loans that misrepresent owner occupancy status (2.5% and 2.8%, respectively). This lower incidence of misrepresentation is most likely tied to the less pronounced presence of non-owneroccupant borrowers in these regional markets. Table IA.VI shows that loans with misrepresentation on owner-occupancy status are more likely to have higher CLTVs. Moreover, these loans often tend to be option ARMs8 and have low or no additional documentation provided. We note that the relation between observables and asset misrepresentation also seems economically meaningful. For instance, the probability of asset misrepresentation based on the owner-occupancy status of a loan increases by more than 7% (more than 100% relative to the mean) if the loan contract is an option ARM. Finally, as before, misrepresentation of owner-occupancy status is much less common among refinance loans. Broadly, the features that are positively related to misrepresentation of occupancy status are typically associated with purchase mortgages of the Alt-A type of credit risk.9 Although the addition of origination cohort controls does not seriously impact the sign or significance of the regression coefficients, the fixed effects themselves illustrate an interesting trend. Column (2) of Table IA.VI indicates that the average propensity of owner-occupancy misrepresentation peaks in the first half of 2007 and then drops sharply thereafter. These timeseries patterns are consistent with models such as those of Povel, Singh, and Winton (2007) and Hartman-Glaser (2013), who predict that misrepresentations are most likely to occur in relatively good times and can grow over time. Our findings also suggest that the tightening of credit standards just before the collapse of the nonagency market may have led to increased scrutiny. Overall, misreported loans have characteristics that are broadly expected of similar loans with truthful reporting. As we show below, even after accounting for characteristics reported to investors, there are significant differences in the performance of misrepresented loans on the dimension of owner-occupancy relative to similar loans with no misrepresentation. This indicates that reported characteristics of mortgages, including interest rates on mortgages, may not have fully accounted for the riskiness induced by misrepresentation. 8 Unlike more traditional fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs) or ARMs, an option ARM is an adjustable-rate mortgage that lets borrowers pay only the interest portion of the debt or even less than that, with the loan balance growing above the amount initially borrowed up to a certain limit (see Piskorski and Tchistyi (2010)). 9 The Alt-A risk category consists of loans that, for various reasons (e.g., low documentation), loan originators consider riskier than prime loans but less risky than subprime mortgages. 13 As in the case of second-lien misrepresentation, we examine the relation between subsequent loan performance and misrepresentation of non-owner-occupancy status using the following loan-level specification: (IA.1) 𝑌𝑖 = 𝛼 + 𝛽𝑋𝑖 + 𝛾𝛿𝑖 + 𝜀𝑖 , where the dependent variable is a dummy that takes a value of one if the mortgage goes 90 days past due on payments during the first two years since origination and zero otherwise. The main explanatory variable is the dummy Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant (𝛿𝑖 ), which takes the value of one if loan i has misrepresentation on owner occupancy as per our method and zero otherwise. As we see from Table IA.VII, conditional on all the other observables, loans with misrepresented owner occupancy are associated with a higher likelihood of subsequent delinquency. This estimate is also economically significant: a loan with misrepresented borrower occupancy status has about a 9.4% higher likelihood of default, compared with loans with similar characteristics but with truthfully reported owner-occupancy status of the borrower. This estimate implies that loans with misreported owner-occupancy status have more than a 60% higher default rate relative to the mean default rate of owner-occupants. The positive association between Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant and the delinquency of the loan holds across all origination cohorts, and as in the case of misrepresented second liens, the absolute effect grows over time. In terms of economic magnitudes, the effect is smallest for loans originated in 2005. However, even in 2005, the estimate suggests an increase in absolute delinquency of 4.04% for loans misrepresenting owner occupancy, implying a relative increase of more than 56% when compared with the mean default rate of 7.15% for loans with truthfully reported owner-occupancy status of borrowers. So far we show that mortgage defaults on loans with misreported owner-occupancy status are significantly higher than similar loans truthfully disclosed as having owner-occupant borrowers. As in the case of second-lien misrepresentation, we now run another comparison. In Panel B of Table IA.VII, we also examine whether loans with misreported owner occupancy perform differently than loans with truthfully reported non-owner-occupant borrowers. To do so, we expand the sample to include loans backed by properties reported as either second homes or investor properties. We then estimate regressions similar to the above specification where the dependent variable is the same delinquency dummy variable used earlier. The two variables of interest are Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant and Reported Non-Owner-Occupant, a dummy that takes a value of one if the loan is reported as secured by a second home/investor property. The results show that Reported Non-Owner-Occupant has a positive and significant coefficient in the default regression, implying an approximate 3.5% absolute increase in the default rate for these loans (about 23% relative increase in the default rate compared with loans with owner-occupant borrowers). This result is in line with prior work that finds that, all else equal, loans with non-owner-occupancy status are more likely to default (see Mayer, Pence, and 14 Sherlund (2009) and Haughwout et al. (2011)). Such borrowers are likely to default more quickly on homes that are not their primary residence, for reasons such as weaker neighborhood and social ties. More interestingly, Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant has a positive and much larger coefficient in the default regression, implying an approximately 9.5% absolute increase in the default rate for these loans (about a 64% increase in the default rate relative to loans with owneroccupant borrowers). These results show that loans with misreported non-owner-occupancy status perform worse not only with respect to loans of owner-occupants, but also relative to loans of non-owner-occupants that are truthfully reported to investors. Thus, misrepresentation on the dimension of owner occupancy indicates borrowers with significantly lower-quality unobservable characteristics, even compared with truthfully reported non-owner-occupants. We also investigate how the impact of borrower occupancy status on default varies over the loan’s life. Figure IA.3 plots the resulting cumulative delinquency rates over time for properties with different borrower occupancy status, holding all other observables at the overall sample mean. Regardless of the age of the loan, those with misreported non-owner-occupants consistently default at higher levels than loans with truthfully reported non-owner-occupants and loans with truthfully reported owner-occupants. Next we investigate whether non-owner-occupancy misrepresentation is related to the mortgage interest rates charged by lenders. To do so, we estimate specifications for the mortgage interest rate with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant and Reported Non-Owner-Occupant. In Table IA.VIII we find that Reported Non-Owner-Occupant has a positive and significant coefficient. This result is in line with the literature that finds that loans with non-owneroccupancy status are perceived to be riskier than those for owner-occupied properties. More interestingly, however, the coefficient on Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant is also positive and significant. This suggests that, to some extent, asset misrepresentations on this margin were captured in interest rates charged by lenders. Note, however, that the increase in interest rates for misreported non-owner-occupants is smaller than that for truthfully reported ones (by around 13 bps), even though we show that loans with misreported non-owner-occupants default significantly more than loans of truthfully reported non-owner-occupants.10 Overall, the evidence suggests that lenders were at least partly aware of the higher risk of misrepresented loans, because they charged higher interest rates on these loans. However, the interest rate markups on misrepresented loans are significantly smaller relative to loans with similar or even lower default risk – that is, mortgages truthfully reported to have a second lien or 10 To give an alternative perspective on these results, we also analyze the distribution of variation in interest rates across loans grouped by second-lien status and owner-occupancy status, controlling for other risk characteristics. Consistent with our earlier results, loans that truthfully report non-owner-occupant status receive higher interest rates than those of misreported non-owner-occupants, which in turn have interest rates that are higher than loans that are truthfully reported as owner-occupants (see Panel B of Figure IA.4). 15 to have a non-owner-occupant. Our results therefore suggest that, relative to prevailing interest pricing, interest rates on misrepresented mortgages did not fully reflect their higher default risk. These results are consistent with those in Table IA.VII indicating that misrepresented loans had higher default rates, even after conditioning on a host of observable characteristics including interest rates. C. Where Did Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation Occur? The data we use so far do not allow us to directly investigate where in the supply chain of credit (i.e., borrower, lender, and/or underwriter) the misrepresentations took place. To shed more light on this question, we again employ the New Century data to investigate owneroccupancy-status misrepresentation. Recall that the advantage of this data set is that it contains the loan characteristics that were internally recorded by the lender at loan origination. These data are unlikely to have been manipulated, since New Century entered bankruptcy quite quickly at the start of the crisis, and an independent trustee sold this data set during the bankruptcy process. The data allow us to assess whether New Century internal records correctly reflected non-owner occupancy status for loans that were misrepresented to investors on this dimension. Table IA.IX indicates that in the merged New Century sample, none of the loans we identify as having misreported non-owner-occupied status in Equifax was reported as for nonowner-occupied properties in the New Century data. Moreover, virtually all the loans that we identify as misrepresenting borrower occupancy status in the Equifax data were originated by brokers selling to New Century (more than 99%)—a much larger proportion relative to the overall percentage of broker-originated loans by New Century (about 65%). This evidence suggests that the misrepresentation concerning owner-occupancy status was made early in the origination process, possibly by the borrower or broker originating the loan on behalf of New Century. 11 Recall that our previous results show that loans with misrepresented owner-occupancy status had much higher default rates compared with loans that correctly reported non-owner occupancy status. Thus, if owner-occupancy misrepresentation is occurring at the borrower/broker level, the default results suggest that lenders may have been largely unaware of such misrepresentation and thus faced an adverse selection of borrowers. We further investigate the question of which party was aware of misrepresentation by assessing the credit history of borrowers associated with non-owner-occupancy misrepresentation. In particular, we exploit borrower credit card payment histories provided by Equifax and create a dummy variable that takes a value of one if the borrower is 60 days past due on any credit card account in the first two years following mortgage origination. We then estimate regressions that investigate how credit card defaults relate to our misrepresentation measures. 11 Berndt et al. (2010) analyze broker compensation using New Century data and find that brokers earned high profits on loans that turned out to be riskier ex post. 16 Table IA.X displays these results. We find that borrowers obtaining loans with misreported owner-occupancy status are about 7.6% more likely to default on their credit cards compared with borrowers who were truthfully reported as owner-occupants. Importantly, truthfully reported non-owner-occupants have a similar likelihood of default on credit cards as truthfully reported owner-occupants. In contrast, borrowers associated with second-lien misrepresentation had somewhat lower credit card defaults compared to borrowers with reported seconds. These results, taken together with our previous findings, reaffirm our prior result that financial institutions may have been unaware of the riskiness of borrowers in the case of owneroccupancy misrepresentation. Finally, we investigate the prevalence of non-owner occupancy misrepresentations across underwriters. To do so, we use specifications similar to Table IA.VI with Misreported NonOwner Occupant and Misreported Either as dependent variables with underwriter fixed effects in addition to the control variables. The Misreported Either variable takes the value of one if the loan has a misreported second lien, a misreported non-owner-occupant borrower, or both. In Figure IA.4, we plot the estimated level of underwriter misrepresentation, calculated using the underwriter fixed effects obtained from this regression and fixing other controls at their means, along with the 95% confidence interval. Panel A presents results for misrepresentation on the dimension of owner occupancy while Panel B presents results using both second-lien and owner-occupancy misrepresentation. The omitted category in these figures is Credit Suisse. We find that 4.43% of loans misrepresent the owner-occupancy status of the borrower, and 5.69% have either type of misrepresentation. The figure shows significant heterogeneity across underwriters in the propensity to securitize misrepresented loans. In particular, both panels of Figure IA.4 indicate sizeable variation across underwriters in the share of their loans having either type of misrepresentation. Importantly, all underwriters have misrepresentation levels significantly greater than zero, with pools underwritten by Countrywide and Lehman being the worst in terms of misrepresentations. Overall, although there is substantial heterogeneity across underwriters, a significant degree of misrepresentation exists across all underwriters, including the most reputable financial institutions. The result of a significant extent of asset quality misrepresentation on a dimension other than second-lien reporting confirms that our estimates regarding second-lien misrepresentation establish a lower bound for the overall amount of misrepresentation in the RMBS market. 17 References Berndt, Antje, Burton Hollifield, and Patrik Sandås, 2010, The role of mortgage brokers in the subprime crisis, NBER Working paper 16175. Chinco, Alexander, and Chris Mayer, 2012, Distant speculators and asset bubbles in the housing market, Working paper, [affiliation]. Ellul, Andrew, and Vijay Yerramilli, 2013, Stronger risk controls, lower risk: Evidence from U.S. bank holding companies, Journal of Finance 68, 1757-1803. Hartman-Glaser, Barney, 2013, Reputation and signaling in asset sales, Working paper, SSRN. Haughwout, Andrew, Donghoon Lee, Joseph Tracy, and Wilbert van der Klaauw, 2011, Real estate investors, the leverage cycle, and the housing market crisis, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, 514. Mayer, Christopher, Karen Pence, and Shane Sherlund, 2009, The rise in mortgage defaults, Journal of Economic Perspectives 23, 27-50. Piskorski, Tomasz, and Alexei Tchistyi, 2010, Optimal mortgage design, Review of Financial Studies 23, 3098-3140. Povel, Paul, Rajdeep Singh, and Andrew Winton, 2007, Booms, busts, and fraud, Review of Financial Studies 20, 1219-1254. 18 Table IA.V Descriptive Statistics and Percent of Loans with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupants The table presents summary statistics of key variables for mortgages reported as owner-occupied to the RMBS trustee (loans reported as such in the BlackBox dataset). The sample consists of these loans merged with a high level of confidence with the credit bureau data. Interest Rate is the loan interest rate at origination in percentage terms. FICO is the borrower’s FICO credit score at loan origination. Balance is the initial loan balance (in thousands of dollars). CLTV is the loan’s origination combined loan-to-value ratio in percentage terms reported to investors. No Cash Out Refi and Cash Out Refi are dummies that take a value of one if the loan purpose was a no cash-out refinancing or cash-out refinancing, respectively, and zero otherwise. Low or No Doc. is a dummy that takes a value of one if the loan was originated with no or limited documentation, and is zero otherwise. ARM and Option ARM are dummies that take a value of one if the loan type was an ARM or option ARM, respectively, and are zero otherwise. Interest Rate FICO Balance CLTV Purchase No Cash Out Refi Cash Out Refi Low or No Doc. ARM Mean 6.60 680. 324.6 83.72 0.49 0.13 0.35 0.46 0.52 SD 2.02 73.20 248.3 11.71 0.50 0.34 0.48 0.49 0.49 Option ARM 0.10 0.30 Number of Loans 1,563,223 Percent of Loans for Misreported Non-Owner-Occupants 6.42 Percent of Fully Documented Loans for Misreported Non-Owner-Occupants 4.79 Percent of Purchase Loans for Misreported Non-Owner-Occupants 9.67 Percent of Refinance Loans for Misreported Non-Owner-Occupants 3.12 19 Table IA.VI Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation and Loan Characteristics This table presents OLS estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable takes a value of one if the loan is Misreported Non-Owner Occupant and zero otherwise. All the controls represent the values reported to investors (the corresponding values in the BlackBox database). Column (2) adds the fixed effects corresponding to the loan origination date, with 2005 being the omitted category. Column (3) adds fixed effects corresponding to the location of the property backing the loan. Column (4) adds fixed effects capturing the identity of the underwriter that sold the loan. Column (5) reports standard errors clustered at the state level. All estimates are in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. (1) 0.00907*** (0.000369) (2) 0.00902*** (0.000371) (3) 0.00915*** (0.000372) (4) 0.0103*** (0.000381) (5) 0.0103*** (0.00159) 0.00262*** (0.0000872) 0.00256*** (0.0000891) 0.00133*** (0.0000948) 0.00144*** (0.0000955) 0.00144*** (0.000529) CLTV 0.0274*** (0.00200) 0.0267*** (0.00200) 0.0390*** (0.00201) 0.0378*** (0.00201) 0.0378*** (0.00884) No Cash Out Refi -5.499*** (0.0617) -5.536*** (0.0619) -5.285*** (0.0622) -5.231*** (0.0623) -5.231*** (0.508) Cash Out Refi -6.266*** (0.0495) -6.286*** (0.0496) -6.465*** (0.0499) -6.478*** (0.0501) -6.478*** (0.643) Low or No Doc. 2.824*** (0.0422) 2.821*** (0.0423) 2.510*** (0.0424) 2.577*** (0.0441) 2.577*** (0.193) ARM 2.153*** (0.0437) 2.173*** (0.0440) 1.835*** (0.0446) 1.596*** (0.0460) 1.596*** (0.182) Option ARM 7.229*** (0.0915) 7.126*** (0.0951) 6.824*** (0.0954) 6.592*** (0.0987) 6.592*** (0.468) Originated in 2006H1 0.0126 (0.0526) -0.0472 (0.0525) 0.0803 (0.0532) 0.0803 (0.104) Originated in 2006H2 0.183*** (0.0570) 0.114** (0.0570) 0.151*** (0.0580) 0.151 (0.0967) Originated in 2007H1 0.456*** (0.0664) 0.352*** (0.0664) 0.295*** (0.0680) 0.295 (0.192) Originated in 2007H2 -0.773*** (0.169) -0.787*** (0.168) -0.458*** (0.170) -0.458 (0.286) No No No 1563223 No No No 1563223 Yes No No 1563223 Yes Yes No 1563223 Yes Yes Yes 1563223 6.426 0.0300 6.426 0.0301 6.426 0.0346 6.426 0.0359 6.426 0.0359 FICO Balance State Fixed Effects Underwriter Fixed Effects SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Percent Misrepresented R2 20 Table IA.VII Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation and Loan Default The table presents OLS estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable takes a value of one if the mortgage ever defaults (goes 90 days past due on payments) in the first two years since origination, and zero otherwise. Panel A shows the results with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant as a control variable. Panel B shows the results with both Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant and Reported Non-Owner-Occupant as control variables, where the excluded category is loans truthfully reported as for owner-occupied properties. “Other Controls” include origination variables reported to investors used in Table IA.VI such as FICO and LTV ratios. Squared and cubed terms for FICO and LTV ratios are included to account for potential nonlinear effects. The estimates are in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. Misreported Non-Owner Occupant Panel A: Mortgage Default and Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant All Years 2005 2006H1 2006H2 9.35*** 4.04*** 10.13*** 15.58*** (0.11) (0.12) (0.25) (0.3) 2007H1 14.00*** (0.39) 2007H2 14.38*** (0.94) Other Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Half-Year Origination Cohorts Number of Loans Percent Default Percent Misrepresented R2 Yes No No No No No 1,563,223 15.28 6.426 0.157 743,827 7.150 5.904 0.0727 327,128 17.02 6.903 0.108 282,904 26.51 7.167 0.149 187,352 27.36 6.535 0.184 22,012 17.11 6.528 0.214 Panel B: Mortgage Default and Misreported versus Reported Non-Owner Occupants (1) (2) (3) Misreported Non-Owner 10.72*** 9.992*** 9.48*** Occupant (0.11) (0.11) (0.11) (4) 9.48*** (0.71) 4.02*** (0.075) 3.57*** (0.073) 3.45*** (0.074) 3.45*** (0.62) Other Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Half-Year Origination Cohorts No Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects No No Yes Yes No 1,827,497 14.89 6.424 0.103 No 1,827,497 14.89 6.424 0.153 No 1,827,497 14.89 6.424 0.161 Yes 1,827,497 14.89 6.424 0.161 Reported Non-Owner Occupant SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Percent Default Percent Misrepresented R2 21 Table IA.VIII Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation and Mortgage Interest Rates The table presents OLS estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable is the mortgage interest rate at origination, with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant and Reported Non-Owner-Occupant as control variables. “Other Controls” include origination variables reported to investors such as FICO and LTV ratios. Column (1) includes only these variables. Column (2) incorporates half-year origination fixed effects. Column (3) also includes property state fixed effects. Column (4) clusters standard errors by state. The estimates are in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. Misreported Non-Owner Occupant (1) 0.258*** (0.004) (2) 0.212*** (0.004) (3) 0.229*** (0.004) (4) 0.229*** (0.005) Reported Non-Owner Occupant 0.393*** (0.003) 0.365*** (0.003) 0.351*** (0.003) 0.351*** (0.02) Other Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Half-Year Origination Cohorts No Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects No No Yes Yes No 1,827,497 6.563 6.424 0.611 No 1,827,497 6.563 6.424 0.674 No 1,827,497 6.563 6.424 0.680 Yes 1,827,497 6.563 6.424 0.680 SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Mean Interest Rate Percent Misrepresented R-Squared 22 Table IA.IX Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentation: Evidence from New Century Loans Panel A presents summary statistics of key variables for New Century loans with reported owner-occupant status that have been merged with the BlackBox-Equifax data set. Panel B shows the percentage of these loans for which the misrepresented non-owner-occupant status is correctly reported in the New Century internal data. Panel A: Characteristics Based on Owner-Occupancy Status in Merged Data Reported as Identified by Us as Having Owner-Occupant Misreported Non-Owner-Occupancy Mean SD Mean SD Default within 2 Years 0.210 0.408 0.345 0.477 Interest Rate 8.222 1.140 8.236 1.269 FICO 617.7 58.12 656.3 67.32 Number of Loans 3,160 148 Panel B: Non-Owner-Occupancy Misrepresentations in the New Century Internal Database Percentage Count Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant Reported as Non-Owner0% 148 Occupant in New Century Data set 23 Table IA.X Misrepresentations and Defaults on Credit Cards The table presents OLS estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable takes a value of one if the borrower defaults on credit card debt (60 day payment delinquency) in the first two years since mortgage origination, and zero otherwise. Panel A displays results with Misreported Second x CLTV >= 100, Misreported Second x CLTV < 100, Reported Second x CLTV >= 100, and Reported Second x CLTV < 100 as controls. The CLTV term (computed using credit bureau data) takes a value of one if the loan has a CLTV in the appropriate range, and zero otherwise. Panel B shows the results with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant and Reported Non-Owner-Occupant as controls. Column (1) includes FICO and controls related to credit card debt, such as utilization and monthly payments. Column (2) includes state fixed effects. Column (3) includes full mortgage controls, such as loan balance and interest rate. Column (4) clusters standard errors by state. Panel B controls for the reported CLTV. The estimates are in percentage terms; t-statistics are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. Panel A: Credit Card Default and Misreported versus Reported Second-Lien (1) (2) (3) Misreported Second x CLTV < 100 -3.105*** -2.640*** -1.814*** (0.384) (0.382) (0.38) (4) -1.814*** (0.591) Reported Second x CLTV < 100 -2.759*** (0.156) -2.462*** (0.156) -1.601*** (0.163) -1.601*** (0.418) Misreported Second x CLTV >= 100 -2.462*** (0.263) -1.155*** (0.262) -2.123*** (0.271) -2.123*** (0.663) Reported Second x CLTV >= 100 -2.023*** (0.124) -0.696*** (0.125) -0.854*** (0.152) -0.854 (0.61) Other Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects No Yes Yes Yes Mortgage Controls No No Yes Yes No 1,023,725 38.36 5.233 0.0769 No 1,023,725 38.36 5.233 0.0859 No 1,023,725 38.36 5.233 0.109 Yes 1,023,725 38.36 5.233 0.109 SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Percent CC 60 DPD Percent Misrepresented R2 Panel B: Credit Card Default and Misreported versus Reported Non-Owner-Occupants (1) (2) (3) Misreported Non-Owner Occupant 7.636*** 7.305*** 5.959*** (0.156) (0.155) (0.155) (4) 5.959*** (0.319) 0.433*** (0.102) 1.144*** (0.103) -1.024*** (0.106) -1.024*** (0.364) Other Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects No Yes Yes Yes Mortgage Controls No No Yes Yes No 1,709,386 37.28 6.580 0.0760 No 1,709,386 37.28 6.580 0.0831 No 1,709,386 37.28 6.580 0.112 Yes 1,709,386 37.28 6.580 0.112 Reported Non-Owner Occupant SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Percent Default Percent Misrepresented R2 24 Panel A: Cumulative Defualt Rate by Occupancy Status Panel B: Loan Interest Rate by Occupancy Status Figure IA.3. Owner-occupancy status, cumulative default rates, and interest rates. Panel A of the figure shows the estimated cumulative default rate of a mortgage in the first eight quarters since origination for subsamples of loans differing based on their owner-occupancy status, holding constant at their overall sample mean all other observables used in Table IA.V such as FICO. Panel B shows the kernel density plots of the observed difference between actual and predicted origination interest rates for the same subsamples of the overall data set. The predicted rates used in Panel B are given by a specification similar to that used in Column (4) of Table IA.VIII, with the Reported Non-Owner-Occupant and Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant variables removed. In Panel B the x-axis shows the error term from these regressions (the difference between the actual origination interest rate and the predicted value). 25 Panel A: Misreported Non-Owner Occupant Panel B: Misreported Either Figure IA.4. Misrepresentations across underwriters. This figure plots the percentage of loans with misreported non-owner occupants (Panel A), and misreported either (Panel B) by underwriter along with a 95% confidence interval. Coefficients result from adding underwriter fixed effects to similar specifications as in Table II. These levels are obtained by adding each underwriter fixed effect to the level of misrepresentation for the omitted category (Credit Suisse) with the other covariates at their means. The dashed straight lines show the mean misrepresentation level in the data. 26 III. Additional Results Table IA.XI Misrepresentations and Loan Characteristics The table presents probit estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable takes a value of one if the loan has the given misrepresentation, and zero otherwise. Columns (1) and (2) show the results with Misreported SecondLien as the dependent variable, while columns (3) and (4) show the results with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant as the dependent variable. The estimates show the marginal effects in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. These estimates can be compared to the OLS estimates presented in Table III of the published article. FICO Misreported Second Lien (1) (2) 0.00523*** 0.00531*** (-0.00040) (-0.00040) Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant (3) (3) 0.00794*** 0.00777*** (-0.00034) (-0.00034) -0.00783*** (0.00013) -0.00741*** (0.00013) 0.00209*** (-0.00007) 0.00200*** (-0.00007) CLTV -0.118*** (0.00270) -0.112*** (0.00270) 0.0222*** (-0.00188) 0.0213*** (-0.00188) No Cash Out Refi -3.74*** (0.04221) -3.59*** (0.04251) -3.85*** (0.035422) -3.87*** (0.035349) Cash Out Refi -9.78*** (0.06194) -9.57*** (0.061551) -5.43*** (0.039087) -5.45*** (0.039135) Low or No Doc. -1.05*** (0.05019) -1.04*** (0.049642) 2.61*** (-0.03972) 2.61*** (-0.03980) ARM 5.14*** (-0.05975) 5.10*** (-0.059316) 2.13*** (-0.040891) 2.15*** (-0.040999) Option ARM -2.76*** (0.08425) -2.87*** (0.085264) 8.27*** (-0.139085) 8.02*** (-0.142755) Yes Yes Yes Yes No 854,959 7.131 Yes 854,959 7.131 No 1,563,223 6.426 Yes 1,563,223 6.426 Balance Confidence Match Controls Half-Year Origination Cohorts Number of Loans Percent Misrepresented 27 Table IA.XII Misrepresentations and Loan Default The table presents probit estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable takes a value of one if the mortgage ever defaults (goes 90 days past due on payments) in the first two years following origination, and zero otherwise. Panel A shows results with Misreported Second x CLTV >= 100, Misreported Second x CLTV < 100, Reported Second x CLTV >= 100, and Reported Second x CLTV < 100 as control variables. The CLTV term (computed from the credit bureau data) in these interactions takes a value of one if the loan has a CLTV ratio in the appropriate range, and zero otherwise. Panel B shows the results with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant and Reported Non-Owner-Occupant as control variables. “Other Controls” include origination variables used in Table III such as FICO, interest rates, and LTV ratios. Squared and cubed terms for FICO and LTV are included to account for potential nonlinear effects. Panel B also controls for the reported CLTV to investors. Column (1) includes half-year origination fixed effects. Column (2) incorporates property state fixed effects. Column (3) clusters standard errors by state. The estimates show the marginal effects in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. Panel A: Mortgage Default and Misreported versus Reported Second Lien (1) (2) Misreported Second x CLTV < 100 8.20*** 8.95*** (0.375) (0.383) (3) 8.95*** (0.467) Reported Second x CLTV < 100 8.81*** (0.159) 9.19*** (0.16) 9.19*** (0.887) Misreported Second x CLTV >= 100 13.4*** (0.263) 14.3*** (0.269) 14.3*** (1.64) Reported Second x CLTV >= 100 15.5*** (0.148) 16.2*** (0.15) 16.2*** (2.11) Yes Yes No No 1,109,250 17.10 5.212 Yes Yes Yes No 1,109,250 17.10 5.212 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1,109,250 17.10 5.212 Other Controls Half-Year Origination Cohorts State Fixed Effects SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Percent Default Percent Misrepresented Panel B: Mortgage Default and Misreported versus Reported Non-Owner Occupants (1) (2) (3) Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant 9.03*** 8.34*** 8.34*** (0.13) (0.13) (0.78) Reported Non-Owner-Occupant 3.89*** (0.08) 3.72*** (0.08) 3.72*** (0.76) Other Controls Half-Year Origination Cohorts State Fixed Effects SEs Clustered by State Number of Loans Percent Default Percent Misrepresented Yes Yes No No 1,827,497 14.89 6.424 Yes Yes Yes No 1,827,497 14.89 6.424 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1,827,497 14.89 6.424 28 Table IA.XIII Second-Lien Misrepresentation among New Century Loans: Characteristics of New Century Loans Merged with the BlackBox-Equifax Data set This table presents summary statistics of key variables for New Century loans reported as having no second lien to the RMBS trustees that have been merged with the BlackBox-Equifax data set. Default within 2 Years Interest Rate FICO Number of Loans Reported as Having No Second Lien Mean SD 0.288 0.453 8.409 1.356 594.9 55.65 10,924 29 Identified by us as Having Misreported Second Lien Mean SD 0.403 0.491 7.642 1.082 645.2 41.69 1,279 Table IA.XIV Second-Lien Misrepresentation and Pool Characteristics This table presents OLS estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable is the percent of loans in a pool with misreported second liens. The controls are the pool-level averages of the loan characteristics reported to investors (e.g., FICO, CLTV, etc). The estimates are in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and*** p < 0.01. Percent Misreported Second Lien (1) (2) FICO -0.0719*** (0.014) -0.0707*** (0.014) Orig. Balance -0.00736*** (0.0018) -0.00795*** (0.0018) CLTV -0.931*** (0.133) -0.944*** (0.132) No Cash Out Refi -0.136*** (0.045) -0.131*** (0.044) Cash Out Refi -0.253*** (0.037) -0.251*** (0.037) Percent No or Low Doc. 0.00954 (0.015) 0.00767 (0.015) Percent ARM 0.00299 (0.008) 0.00188 (0.008) Percent Option ARM 0.0492** (0.019) 0.0409** (0.019) Half-Year FE Number of Loans Percent Misrepresented No 333 4.289 Yes 333 4.289 R2 0.220 0.233 30 Table IA.XV Heterogeneity of Misrepresentation among Underwriters The table presents the OLS estimates from regressions in which the dependent variable takes a value of one if the loan has the given violation and zero otherwise. Column (1) shows results with Misreported Second as the dependent variable, column (2) shows the results with Misreported Non-Owner-Occupant as the dependent variable (see section II of this appendix for more details), and column (3) shows the results with misrepresentation on either dimension as the dependent variable (either misreported). Underwriter RMBS Volume/Assets is the volume of loans in our base sample underwritten in 2005 by the loan’s deal underwriter divided by the underwriter’s assets as of the end of 2005. Underwriter Years in Subprime is the number of years between the loan’s securitization year and the first subprime deal underwritten by the deal’s underwriter, excluding deals prior to 1999. Commercial Bank Underwriter is a dummy that takes a value of one if the underwriter is a commercial bank and zero otherwise. RMI is an index of the risk-management strength of an institution based on Ellul and Yerramilli (2013). Bonus to Salary Ratio is the ratio of cash bonus to salary for the underwriter’s five highest-paid executives. These measures are discussed in section I of this appendix. “Other Controls” include origination variables used in column (3) of Table III, such as FICO, interest rate, and CLTV ratio. Standard errors are clustered by underwriter; the estimates are in percentage terms; standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01. (1) Misreported Second 0.546 (-2.600) (2) Misreported Non-Owner Occupant 1.319* (-0.753) (3) Either Misreported 1.528 (-1.273) Underwriter Years in Subprime (Post-1999) -0.299 (0.543) -0.0341 (0.155) -0.200 (0.215) Commercial Bank Underwriter -0.0161 (1.610) -0.464 (0.545) -0.110 (1.222) RMI -0.434 (3.338) -0.581 (0.806) -0.636 (1.817) Bonus to Salary Ratio -0.0126 (0.052) -0.00423 (0.010) -0.0141 (0.028) Half-Year Origination Cohorts Yes Yes Yes Other Controls Number of Loans Percent Misrepresented R2 Yes 853,954 7.131 0.0672 Yes 1,561,625 6.426 0.0304 Yes 1,700,264 9.192 0.0401 Underwriter RMBS Volume/Assets 31 Figure IA.5. Distribution of interest rates across second lien status. This figure shows the kernel density plots of the observed difference between actual and predicted origination interest rates for different subsamples of the overall data set. The predicted rates are given by a specification similar to that used in Table II, with the Misreported Second x CLTV >= 100, Misreported Second x CLTV < 100, Reported Second x CLTV >= 100, and Reported Second x CLTV < 100 variables removed. The x-axis shows the error term from these regressions (the difference between the actual origination interest rate and the predicted value). 32 A Simple Example of Equilibrium with Asset Misrepresentation Consider a simple one-period economy with an equal measure of households and bankers. The utility function of both households and bankers is linear in consumption (endowment good): u(c)=c. Each household is endowed with two units of the endowment good. The endowment can be consumed or invested. Each banker has no initial endowment but can invest on behalf of households. Hence, given the equal population of bankers and households, the per capita initial endowment equals one. There are two types of banks of equal measure. “Good” banks have access to an investment opportunity that requires one unit of investment at time 0 and pays households four units of the consumption good with probability 0.5 or zero units with probability 0.5 at time 1 at no additional cost. This is a positive NPV project. “Bad” banks have a technology that pays households four units with probability 0.1 and zero with probability 0.9 from one unit of investment. Bad banks are also able to use the technology to generate a hidden benefit of 0.1*investment (e.g., by expropriating some part of the investment). This is a negative NPV project. A. Pooling Equilibrium with Asymmetric Information Consider the case in which the bank’s type is unobserved to households (i.e., bad banks can pretend to be good banks). The households know that half of the banks are bad. Without loss of generality we can assume that households evenly split their endowment across banks so each bank gets one unit. A competitive pooling equilibrium in this case will be such that: (i) households give all their endowment to bankers, (ii) bankers offer investment service at zero cost, (iii) the aggregate payment to households that invest two units (average expected payment to a household) is: 0.5*4+0.5*0.1*4=2.2, and (iv) each of the “bad” bankers consumes 0.1 . Note that in this equilibrium households cannot tell apart positive and negative NPV projects. They know that in equilibrium half of the banks that pretend to be good are actually bad. Yet they decide to invest because the average NPV across projects of good and bad banks is positive, that is, 2.2>2. Overall, due to banks, the economy moves from one unit of consumption good per capita to 1.15 units (0.5*2.2+0.5*0.1). Importantly, despite the fact that households correctly anticipate the extent of average misrepresentation in equilibrium, eliminating misrepresentation can increase the overall surplus. To see this, consider the case in which there is no asymmetric information about bank type, which we discuss next. 33 B. Equilibrium with No Asymmetric Information When the bank’s type is observed by households (bad banks cannot pretend to be good banks), a competitive equilibrium in this case will be such that: (i) households give all their endowment to good banks, (ii) good banks offer investment services at zero cost, (iii) the aggregate payment to households (average payment to a household is): 2*0.5*4=4, and (iv) each of the “bad” bankers gets no investment and consumes zero. In this case, due to good banks, the economy moves from one unit of the consumption good to two units per capita. Comparing this case to the one with asymmetric information, it is clear that the overall net surplus from the investment is larger (1 versus 0.15 in the previous case). 34