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Politics is everywhere as the political situation causes and focus in between an
opinion against another, but by negotiation the two sides comes to a final decision
that clear out the situation in the field of political rules. Ethical deals with politics as
the stability of an opinion depend upon the right opinion which means its ethically
proven. Politics as a term is generally applied to the art or science of running
governmental or state affairs, including behavior within civil governments, but also
applies to institutions, fields, and special interest groups such as the corporate,
academic, and religious segments of society. It consists of "social relations
involving authority or power" and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and
apply policy.
According to Aristotle, States are classified into monarchies, aristocracies,
timocracies, democracies, oligarchies, and tyrannies, which means that
people at the past had no ethically right way to build their politics clearly and
fair so due to an increase in knowledge of the history of politics nowadays, this
classification has been abandoned. There is a new classification that is ruling the
political situation, right and left wings, human nature, power, and origin and
role of state.
Right wing; applies to those who support and defend the existing on the other
hand is the left wing applies to those who challenging the existing system and
seek progressive changes, and that focuses on the idea illustrated of the
opinion and another as a strategy deals for final right decision through ethical
Most, but not all, political theories can classified as either pessimistic or
optimistic about human nature and people's innate capacity to reason and act
cooperatively. Human have a social core, human work better as cooperative
groups , human are essentially generous. But that human nature is influenced
strongly but the environment. Human are rational, but in a selfish way.
The power of words is really persuasive as it changes the political decision in
negotiations, sometimes it leads to positive or negative consequences. Power
in politics differs as it is the capacity to coerce and politicians got the most
important role deciding and ruling the state.
The state is the formal, abstract, permanent, sovereign political power over a
given territory. It usually is made up of legislature, executive and
judiciary.state as a living organism each part has its different place and
function and is dependent on every other part, the organic theory belives a
naturally, harmonious hierarchy within the state.
As politics is used everywhere and found that means people is using politics
so people exists anywhere as they exists political is there. Political behavior
explains to us how to understand a political system by knowing a political
system by knowing how people behave. Assumption the one's political
behavior is also contingent to the national government in which we live.
Behave well depend upon how we believe in ethical and religion actions
dealing with politics.
Done by:
Alaa'a dhiyaa'a albahrani.