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8th Grade Life Plant Test STUDY GUIDE 2016
Your test is 25 multiple choice questions and is on _Wednesday____.
Learning Target: I can…Identify the major plant parts
1. Give an example of a nonvascular plant: (bryophytes) mosses and liverworts
2. What is the function of:
a. Roots: has xylem and phloem that absorbs water and nutrients
b. Stems: has xylem and phloem that transport water and nutrients; gives support
c. Leaves: site of photosynthesis
3. A student found a plant outside. He is trying to classify it by using observations. He
noticed that it had a flower and had tissue that made it appear to have “plumbing/veins.”
What can he conclude? It has plumbing so it is vascular. If it has a flower, it
reproduces through seeds and is an angiosperm.
4. Which of the following transports water and nutrients around a plant? Xylem and phloem
5. How can you tell the difference between open and closed stomata? Under what
conditions are stomata open? Stomata that are open will be going through
photosynthesis (water and sunlight) and they look like an “O.”
Learning Target: I can…Describe the process of a plant
6. Mike and Jenna were on a nature walk in the woods. Mike found a cone and said that it is
a reproductive organ and has seeds. Jenna disagreed and said seeds only come from
flowers. Which student is correct and why? Mike is correct because cones are
gymnosperms and have seeds.
7. Which of the following is in the correct order: 3. Seed dispersal, 2. fruit
development, 4. germination, 1. pollination
8. How do dandelions disperse and why does that work best for them? Dandelion seeds
disperse through wind and it works best because they are light enough for the wind
to carry and have a mechanism to help them travel.
9. Students had to design an experiment to determine which type of seed would disperse
the best on the ground. The students developed a roller prototype and placed it in front
of the fan. What would most affect how the prototype rolls? Its shape, size & surface
it’s on will affect how it rolls.
10. In our seed dispersal experiment, what factors simulated nature and what factors did
we not include? Simulated: wind Not included: obstacles, the surface, wind not
always constant
11. Hypothesis why flowers, such as the one in the picture, make so many seeds. Seeds are
important for a plant to continue species & very few seeds will actually grow into a
12. You have a holly plant in your yard which, despite having ample water, sunlight, and
fertilizer, has never produced berries. The flowers produced by this plant have only
female structures. What could you do to help this plant produce berries? Choose the
best answer. Plant a male producing plant near the female to increase chances of
13. Think about our seed germination with the lima beans. What factors affected how the
seed germinated? Amount of water, proper temperature, and oxygen affected
14. Why is fertilization of a flower important? Fertilization is important because it makes
seeds that will continue the species of that plant.
Learning Target: I can… explain the functions of parts of a plant.
15. What are the qualities of plant cells? Plant cells have cell walls & chloroplasts. Plants
are multi-cellular.
16. In the plant kingdom, what type of plants have xylem and phloem cells? Vascular
17. During a lab, the teacher put a flower into red colored water. Students noticed that the
parts of the plant turned red. Why would this be? The plant turned red because xylem
absorbs the dyed water and carries it around the plant.
18. Why is fruit so important to some plants? Fruits have seeds which continue the species
& fruits help disperse the seeds.
Learning Target: I can…Conduct an experiment to show the rate of photosynthesis
19. Where was most of the mass produced by plants come from? Mass comes from carbon
dioxide, water, and nutrients.
20. What affects the rate of photosynthesis? Light intensity, amount of CO2 available,
water available, and temperature
21. Write the chemical equation of photosynthesis. Label the reactants and the products.
6 CO2 + 6 H20
C6H12O6 + 6 O2
22. Plants produce large amounts of oxygen during photosynthesis because: water and
carbon dioxide are broken apart during the chemical reaction
Learning Target: I can…discuss the pros and cons of a science topic.
HT = Herbicide resistant Bt = insect resistant
23. Which of the following is a statement is supported by the graph above?
a. The most widely farmed GE crop is herbicide resistant soybeans.
b. Cotton covers more land than any other GE crop.
c. Herbicide resistant corn occupies less acreage than insect resistant corn.
d. There is a high demand for insect resistant corn above any other crop.
24. If soybeans are mostly used in animal feed and oils, what does this graph show about why
there is growth in genetically modified soybeans? The animal feed and oil industries
are growing.
25. Genetically modified crops are altered in one of two ways. What are the 2 ways? Insect
resistance and herbicide resistance
University on Ontario, Canada successfully developed the Enviropig. It was a pig whose
manure did not contain high levels of phosphorous. Phosphorous is one of the leading
pollutants in water. The Enviropigs also did not need to eat as much as other pigs. Based
on this information, explain one pro and one con to an Enviropig.
asked students to determine why leaves changed color. Student A said it is because the
leaves have chlorophyll in them. When it starts to get cold and there is less sunlight, the
leaves start to decrease the rate of chlorophyll. Student B said it is because the leaves
stop making chlorophyll and start to make more red and yellow pigments. Which student
do you agree with and explain?