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Integrated Physics assigned on February 27, 2017 and due tomorrow on February 28th
Chapter 35 Electric Circuits Questions
Pages 703 – 704
1. My name is ___________________________ and I am in _____ period for Integrated Physics.
2. A complete path along which charge can flow is known as a _______________________.
3. Circle the letter of each that is true about a completed electric circuit consisting of a battery, a
lightbulb and two wires.
a. The battery acts like a pump, causing current to flow through the circuit
b. The conduction electrons tend to pile up inside the battery
c. The conduction electrons that drift through the circuit originate from the wires and the bulb
d. Electrons flow from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal.
35.2 (page 704)
A/An ____________ circuit cuts off electron flow
A/An ___________ circuit allows electrons to flow
A gap in a circuit is usually provided by an electric ________________.
When connected in __________________, devices in a circuit form branches, each of which is a
separate path for the flow of electrons.
8. When connected in ______________, devices in a circuit form a single pathway for electron flow.
9. The total resistance to current in a series circuit is the _______________________ of the individual
resistances along the circuit path.
10. The voltage drop across each device in a series circuit depends directly on its __________________.
11. Describe the main advantage of a parallel circuit.
12. Describe the main advantage of a series circuit.
13. Suppose you have a completed circuit with three lamps connected in parallel. Circle the letter of the
statement that correctly describes what happens if the filament of the middle lamp burns out.
a. Current stops, and the remaining two lamps will also go out.
b. Both of the remaining lamps will stay lit.
c. Only one of the remaining lamps will stay lit.
d. The amount of current flowing through the circuit drops by one third.
From your notes and lab work with PHET.
14. True or False: In a series circuit, each device operates independent of the other devices.
15. The unit for Voltage is the ____________ and its symbol is _____.
16. The unit for Current is __________ and its symbol is _______.
17. The unit for resistance is _________ and the symbol is __________.
18. If you increase the voltage, then you will ______________ the current.
19. If you increase the resistance, then you will ______________ the current.