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STANDARD 4. Anatomy and Physiology Central Concepts: The structures and
functions of organs determine their relationships within body systems of an
organism. Homeostasis allows the body to perform its normal functions.
STANDARD 4. Anatomy and Physiology Central Concepts: The structures and
functions of organs determine their relationships within body systems of an
organism. Homeostasis allows the body to perform its normal functions.
4.1 Explain generally how the digestive system converts macromolecules from
food into smaller molecules
Parts of the Digestive System in order that food moves through them:
4.1 Explain generally how the digestive system converts macromolecules from
food into smaller molecules
Parts of the Digestive System in order that food moves through them:
In the ___________________, food is
(1)mechanically digested using teeth and
(2)carbohydrates are chemically digested
using enzymes.
In the ___________________, food is
(1)mechanically digested using teeth and
(2)carbohydrates are chemically digested
using enzymes.
______________________ moves food from the
mouth to the stomach.
______________________ moves food from the
mouth to the stomach.
______________________ (1) uses muscles to
mechanically digest and mix food and (2)
enzymes to chemically digest proteins.
______________________ (1) uses muscles to
mechanically digest and mix food and (2)
enzymes to chemically digest proteins.
______________________ absorbs nutrients
through tiny structures called villi.
______________________ absorbs nutrients
through tiny structures called villi.
_______________________ uses enzymes to complete chemical digestion of all
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
_______________________ uses enzymes to complete chemical digestion of all
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
______________________ absorbs water. Undigested food waste passes through the
_______ and _________before leaving the body.
______________________ absorbs water. Undigested food waste passes through the
_______ and _________before leaving the body.
4.2 Explain how the circulatory system transports nutrients and oxygen to cells
and removes cell wastes.
4.2 Explain how the circulatory system transports nutrients and oxygen to cells
and removes cell wastes.
______________ has 4 chambers and pumps blood
through the body.
________________ carry blood away from the heart
to the body’s cells.
________________ carry blood back to the heart.
________________ connect arteries and veins and
are the blood vessels where oxygen and nutrients
diffuse into cells.
______________ has 4 chambers and pumps blood
through the body.
________________ carry blood away from the heart
to the body’s cells.
________________ carry blood back to the heart.
________________ connect arteries and veins and
are the blood vessels where oxygen and nutrients
diffuse into cells.
**Kidney (rinones) and liver (higado) filter and clean the blood.**
**Kidney (rinones) and liver (higado) filter and clean the blood.**
4.3 Explain how the respiratory system provides exchange of O2 and CO2.
4.3 Explain how the respiratory system provides exchange of O2 and CO2.
WORD BANK: oxygen, carbon dioxide, mouth, nose, lungs, alveoli, blood, gas exchange
WORD BANK: oxygen, carbon dioxide, mouth, nose, lungs, alveoli, blood, gas exchange
1. Air is inhaled through the ____________ and
2. Air passes moves down the trachea towards the
3. The bronchi brings the air to the left and right lungs.
4. At the end of the bronchi, tiny
balloon-like structures called
_______________ fill with air.
5. _____________ from inhaled air diffuses from the
__________into the ___________. ___________________
the blood diffuses into the alveoli, which will be exhaled.
is the process of ____________________.
4.4 Explain how the nervous system mediates
communication among different parts of the body and mediates the body’s
interactions with the environment.
1. Air is inhaled through the ____________ and
2. Air passes moves down the trachea towards the
3. The bronchi brings the air to the left and right lungs.
4. At the end of the bronchi, tiny
balloon-like structures called
_______________ fill with air.
5. _____________ from inhaled air diffuses from the
__________into the ___________. ___________________
the blood diffuses into the alveoli, which will be exhaled.
is the process of ____________________.
4.4 Explain how the nervous system mediates
communication among different parts of the body and mediates the body’s
interactions with the environment.
Spinal cord
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron
-Transmits impulse to the muscles
-Cells that are the basic unit of the nervous system used to
transmit electrical impulses
-Central processing center
-Connects the brain to the other nerves in body
-Sense changes in the environment and transmit signal to
spinal cord and brain
-Chemicals used to transmit impulse between neurons
Spinal cord
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron
-Transmits impulse to the muscles
-Cells that are the basic unit of the nervous system used to
transmit electrical impulses
-Central processing center
-Connects the brain to the other nerves in body
-Sense changes in the environment and transmit signal to
spinal cord and brain
-Chemicals used to transmit impulse between neurons
4.5 Explain how the muscular/skeletal system works to allow for movement.
4.5 Explain how the muscular/skeletal system works to allow for movement.
Skeletal, smooth, cardiac muscles
Skeletal, smooth, cardiac muscles
-Provide support to body, produce red blood cells
-Connects muscle to bones
-Connects bone to bone
-Soft, flexible cushion at joints between the bones
-Types of muscles
-Provide support to body, produce red blood cells
-Connects muscle to bones
-Connects bone to bone
-Soft, flexible cushion at joints between the bones
-Types of muscles
**Muscular/Skeletal system purpose is to support the body and allow movement**
**Red blood cells are produced in the bones (huesos).**
**Muscles are connected to bones using tendons. When muscles contract, they pull
on bones, causing them to move.**
**Muscular/Skeletal system purpose is to support the body and allow movement**
**Red blood cells are produced in the bones (huesos).**
**Muscles are connected to bones using tendons. When muscles contract, they pull
on bones, causing them to move.**
4.8 Recognize that the body’s systems interact to maintain homeostasis.
**Homeostasis: maintenance of constant internal conditions; matenimiento de
condiciones internas constants
Example: breathing faster during exercise to get more oxygen to cells**
4.8 Recognize that the body’s systems interact to maintain homeostasis.
**Homeostasis: maintenance of constant internal conditions; matenimiento de
condiciones internas constants
Example: breathing faster during exercise to get more oxygen to cells**