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Sagar Dwarkanath Sawant
P: +15857553798, E: [email protected] LinkedIn:, Git:
EDUCATION: Current Courses (*)
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Master of Science – Information Science and Technology (GPA 3.78)
Expected May 2017
Courses: Server Side Programming (PHP, SOAP, REST), iOS development Swift, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Data Warehousing
(OLTP, OLAP, ETL, Dimensional Data Analysis, Data Mining, SAS, Pentaho), Client Design and Development, Analytical Thinking
(Machine Learning Algorithms and Tools, Naïve Bayes, K-means, D-tree, Neural Networks), Visual Analytics (Tableau, D3.js).
University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
May 2012
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology Engineering (Percentage 66.82)
Database Technology, Middleware Technologies, IT for management Enterprise, Internet Programming, GUI and Data management.
PHP (Core, CodeIgniter), Swift, Java, Python
MySQL, MongoDB
Web Technologies:
JavaScript, HTML 5/ CSS 3, Ajax, JQuery
Pentaho, SAS, Azure Streaming Analytics, PowerBI,
Tableau, Weka, D3.js, Highcharts.js, MS Excel
The Hershey Company, Information System Intern
May 2016 – Aug 2016
(PHP, Tableau, PowerBI, Bash, Azure CLI, Azure Streaming Analytics, Azure Blob Storage, LDAP, Infoblox Python API, Linux)
 Implemented Network Data Analysis with the help of network netflow data captured with the help of nfcapd, nfdump tools.
Uploaded the data towards the Azure Blob Storage with the help of Azure CLI. Merged the data sources from Active directories
(Ldap) and Infobox API to generate network analysis using Azure Streamline Analytics and representing it on Power Bi.
EXA WEB SERVICES, Mumbai, India, Senior PHP Developer
Jun 2012 – Jul 2015
(PHP CodeIgniter, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, MySQL, WordPress, Apache, HTML, CSS, XML, Bootstrap, HighCharts.js, GIT, SVN, cPanel)
 Designed, developed and maintained the projects in PHP (CodeIgniter, WordPress framework) with MySQL back-end.
Implemented JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX as per the project requirements. Interacted with client groups and project managers
to develop and launch web applications. Developed the modules like Page management, FAQ, Contact-us, Articles, News,
Sitemap. Writing automated crons to report the system status.
Design and implementation of Data warehouse
Rochester Institute of Technology
 Performed dimensional analysis and designed a star schema for a data warehouse model for a fictional product company using
MySQL Workbench. Performed data integration using Pentaho and performed OLAP operations using SQL and built aggregated
DataMart for accessibility of the end users.
Exacare, Internal Application, EXA WEB SERVICES, Mumbai, India
Senior PHP Developer
 Integrated automated cronsjobs (scripts) to report the system status of the server and domain using PHP CodeIgniter MVC
framework. Developed the defacement application report, corrupt database check report, file permission checks on server files
system, speed test for servers, Exacare stats, AWS CloudWatch (Amazon EC2) metrics representation on HighCharts JS and
integrated a server cPanel emails cron which bears reports to the server emails for the cPanel remote servers through the
Secure Shell connection while recording it in a EAV (Entity Attribute Value) based traditional, relational database., EXA WEB SERVICES, Mumbai, India
Team Support & Developer
 Contributed in the website support team. Worked data management and optimization techniques for handling dynamic data
and load handling. Assisted in integration of Clicktale API (Customer Experience Analytics for Heatmaps, Form Analytics, Visitor
Recordings and Real-time monitoring), PayPal implementation and fixed the errors through Acunetix vulnerability scanner.
Other websites:,,,,
 Building Business and Service Layer of XML-RPC, SOAP, REST | Java.
 Airline review commenting system | PHP, Bootstrap, MongoDB database management system, HTML5
 marketSniper, predict the data sentimental analysis on the financial news data using Naïve Bayes Theorem| NLP tools PHP
 Collegiate iOS app (Swift) event managing app to link students to all the college events on campus based on RIT RSS feeds.
 RIT IST department Website and Desktop App developed | jQuery and C# consuming RESTful services.
 Predicting the category of crimes that occur in the bay area | Weka and Tableau*.
 Developing Google Chrome extension for browser history visualization | Javascript, chrome.history API, Highcharts.JS*.
Productions Manager at Oasis - Alliance of Students from the Indian Subcontinent.
Awarded for Completing task under OEH & ETA (March 2015), completing task under OEH & ETA (April 2015, February 2015),
Attendance and punctuality (December 2012).