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Data Science - Enrollment
Master Course
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The course
Course code: 28176
Faculty: Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics
Department: Statistical Sciences
Duration: 2 years
Degree Class: LM-91
Course Type: Master Course
How to apply:
For Italian students:
1. They must hold a 3-year bachelor's degree
2. They must have at least 90 credits in the following scientific sectors:
Mathematical sciences: MAT/*
Informatics: INF/01
Physics: FIS/*
Economical and statistical sciences: SECS-P/*, SECS-S/*
Industrial engineering: ING-IND/*
Computer engineering: ING-INF/*
3. They must have a basic knowledge of the following areas:
 Mathematics: Differential calculus and integration in one or multiple real variables,
basic notions of linear algebra and analytical geometry in the Euclidean space
 Probability: Random variables, distributions and mean values, basic distributions,
convergence of sequences of random variables
 Informatics: Programming principles, knowledge of at least one of the following
programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Python
4. They must have a strong knowledge of English language (at least level B2).
Please note that the International Student Registration Office of Sapienza will require a hard copy
of all these documents in order to complete students’ enrollment upon arrival in Rome.
Students admitted to the Master in Data Science must complete their enrollment by:
filling on line the Infostud form (you can switch to English in that page to fill it in)
registering with the International Student Registration Office of Sapienza, immediately upon
your arrival in Rome
paying a 10 euro tax called “Verifica dei Requisiti”. Deadlines for this payment:
September 14th, 2016
October 14th, 2016
November 14th, 2016
December 14th, 2016
January 16th, 2017 (this date is not valid for students coming from other Universities)
The results of this verification will be announced via e-mail.
The 10 euro tax can be paid online or in any Unicredit bank.