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Technology and
Essentials of Document
Presented By: Mike Sabbatis
December 2013
Mike Sabbatis is a dynamic, visionary, and
inspirational senior executive recognized for
creating, developing and leading high performance
teams. As a results-oriented professional he has
led technology, software and information companies
to record levels of success in growth of both top
and bottom line while launching new products, new
markets, and new technologies.
Currently he is Chief Revenue Officer for RealPage,
Inc. (NASDAQ; RP) a provider on on-demand
software and services for property management
professionals and investors. RealPage serves over
8,6 million multi-family rental units and is one of the
Top 12 most valuable SaaS companies in the world.
He also serves as Director, member of the
executive board at XCM Solutions and Doc.IT.
Over his career he was CEO of CCH, a Wolters
Kluwer business where led a $600 million division in
North America. During his tenure he transformed
this business into a customer focused organization,
with strong innovation in paperless workflow
solutions, “Cloud” technology while achieving
consistently exceptional business results.
As a recognized speaker to CEO’s, business
owners, and technology professionals, Mike has
brought real life experience in executing strategies
to grow business, deploy new technology, improve
business performance, and advance sales and
marketing effectiveness.
Chief Revenue Officer
Member of the executive boards of:
Mike Sabbatis
[email protected]
[email protected]
Agenda: Technology and Essentials of Document Management
Digital Maturity
Questions Partners Should Ask
Document Management
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Digital Maturity
Digital Maturity
Digital Maturity is a real problem
 Only 15% of those surveyed rank most mature
– Shared a strong vision
– Manage digital technologies quickly
– Gain the most value from digital transformation
 In contrast, 65% of those surveyed rank as least mature
– Use email, internet, various ERP software
– Slow to adopt
– Skeptical of more advance technologies – Social and Analytics
 78% of said achieving digital transformation will become critical in
the next 2 years
– Technology is changing rapidly
– Every industry is affected
Source: Embracing Digital Technology, MIT Sloan Management Review 2013
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Digital Maturity
 Where digital transformation is on the executive agenda:
– 81% believe their companies will be more competitive
– Shows graphically in market share and profits
 Where digital transformation is not on the executive agenda
it’s a stark contrast:
– Only 18% believe they will be more competitive
– Focused on squeezing cost and profit
– Not sustainable
Source: Embracing Digital Technology, MIT Sloan Management Review 2013
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Digital Maturity
 Leaders in digital transformation expect to gain:
– Better client/customer experiences
– Streamlined operations – efficiency
– New lines of business or business models
Source: Embracing Digital Technology, MIT Sloan Management Review 2013
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Digital Maturity – Some final thoughts
 Develop a vision – lead it, don’t let it lead you
 Communicate it to your staff
 Visibly support it from the top
 Take small, but continuous steps
Only wrong move…making no move at all.
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Questions Partners
Should Ask
What should you be asking as a leader…
 Are you using technology to transform your business,
or are you just adding bells and whistles to existing
– Starting point…Isn’t asking “How do I use
technology strategically”
– Its “What would be the ideal way to interact with
and serve my clients”
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
What should you be asking as a leader…
 Are you ignoring important business differences as you
standardize processes across the firm?
– Core tenet of the digital economy is that
standardizing processes is a no-brainer.
You operate the same way, everywhere
Creates a reliable, consistent experience for clients
 Problem – some senior leaders believe that is some
standardization is good, more is better…and it isn’t
– Certainly Tax and Audit processes need to be in
place…but what if you’re reviewing a Real Estate
transaction or structured deal or negotiation with a
client – would creativity work in their favor? Might
you change your process?
 So define what should and shouldn’t be standardized
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
What should you be asking as a leader…
 Who is making sure the firm’s digital strategy is being
– You and your leaders may identify a technology
platform that could make your firm more efficient
and better serve key customers… Great idea!
– But many firms might then be inclined to rely on a
committee to implement the new processes… Bad
 Many leaders assume that good technology can ensure
effective execution… It can’t
– Somebody needs to own the responsibility
Top leaders must name an executive accountable
Must have the political clout to overcome
Committees are not capable of this type of
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
What should you be asking as a leader…
 Is electronic data empowering your people or controlling them?
– For most firms, the great advantage of the digital revolution is
the data they can collect
– Knowing the status of an engagement, where the work is
currently bottlenecked, who has availability to take on more
work, financial benchmarks
 All this data can lead firms down different paths
– It can push more knowledge, decision making, and
accountability to the professionals doing the work
– Or, it can be used to centralize decision making and monitor
 Evidence indicates that first approach benefits firms and
– Control assumes that good thinking only happens at the top of
the firm
– Contrast that by relying operating-level professionals to deliver
fact-based work creates smart, more innovative firms
– And more motivated employees
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Document Management
Document Management – More than Storage
Collect and Gather
 Identify types of documents for organizing an engagement
– Email, Fax, Voicemail
– Word, Excel, PDF
– Images – Photo, Video, Scanned
– Paper
 Type of work
– Tax
– Financial
– Budget
– Invoice, expense, AR, AP
– Client Accounting
– Legal
– Consulting
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Document Management – More than Storage
Process and Organization
 Creation of Work Binders
– Ensure Client Engagement work is organized
– Ensure quick navigation
– View status
– Preview and Launch critical information easily
– Easily searchable
 Enable work to be mobile
– Work in and with your client
– Checkout data
– Share information
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Document Management – More than Storage
Dynamic Storage and Access
 Centralization
– Access to all pertinent data in seconds
– Application Independent and Interoperability
 Control of your data
– Archival of information
– Version control
 Security & Compliance
– You should be able to “lock down” the documents
– Final version – True representation of completed work
 Mobility and Access
– PC, iOS (Apple), and Android
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Document Management – More than Storage
Publish, Deliver, and Interact with your clients, staff, and business partners
 Collaborate and share in format that your client, staff, and business partners can easily use
 Device independent
 Portal for Secure Exchange of data
– Should be easy for your client to access
 Independent of the original software that created it
– Don’t get trapped into maintaining multiple versions of obsolete software
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Solution to Review
NXTAcct, LLC 2012
Thank You!
Mike Sabbatis
[email protected]
[email protected]