* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ATHELITE NATION, LLC. Adult / Parental Video Consent Form (Adult Client or Child Client’s) Name: ______________________________ Date: ______________ Background: In an effort to promote our Company, THE ATHELITE NATION LLC will produce both video and World Wide Web Internet publications for viewing by the general public. In addition, THE ATHELITE NATION LLC may also use the written news media as a means to showcase the services. Before a child may be photographed, he/she must have parental consent. By signing below, you are authorizing THE ATHELITE NATION LLC to include your image and name (if you are a client) or your child’s image and name (if they are a client) in either a newspaper article, video, a television broadcast, or a World Wide Web publication. Note: Every adult or child who returns a consent form is not guaranteed inclusion in the publications. However, no adult or child will be considered without written consent or parental consent. Adult Client Signature: ______________________________ Print Name: _____________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian if Client is under the age of 18: _____________________________________ Print Name: _____________________________