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9/2/16 Disclosures
Hip Rehabilitation for Men and Women: Strategic Treatment Recommendations • 
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ISHA 2016 – Advanced Hip Rehabilitation Symposium
Keelan R. Enseki, MS,PT,OCS,SCS,ATC,CSCS
Hip Rehabilitation Strategies for Men and Women
Hip Rehabilitation Strategies for Men and Women
•  Majority of research pertains to hip kinematics and
recruitment as it pertains to sex-differences for
rehabilitation in the knee injury population
•  Minimal data available for sex-differences specific
to the pathological hip population
•  Trends that have been observed in the non-arthritic
hip pain population (Harris-Hayes et al., 2014) have not
been well-delineated between males and females
•  Concern for conditions that have higher incidence
in one sex
•  Factors to consider
o  Anatomical variation
•  Bony
o  Pelvis
o  Femur
•  Pelvic musculature
o  Kinematic differences
o  Muscle recruitment differences
o  Pelvic floor conditions
•  Male/Female
o  Urinary & bowel
o  Sexual dysfunction
•  Postpartum
o  Dysplasia (F>M)
o  Pelvic floor dysfunction (different underlying causes in women vs. men)
o  Birth related/post-partum
Kinematic Differences
Anatomical Variations
•  Adult pelvic structure variation to accommodate
delivery for females
o  Relatively wider
o  Structurally more round
•  Morphological differences(Köhnlein W et al., 2009;
Nakahara et al., 2011)
o  Acetabular surface area
•  Women < Men
o  Acetabular anteversion
•  Women > Men
o  Femoral anteversion
•  Women > Men
o  Q Angle
•  Women > Men
•  Rehabilitation implications
•  Although anatomical trends have been described, the observed
differences currently have minimal impact on specific rehabilitation
considerations when considered in isolation
•  Overall, female athletes moved into greater hip
internal rotation and used less sagittal plane hip
motion during the early deceleration phase of a
cutting maneuver (Pollard et al., 2007)
•  Women had larger peak extension angles across
numerous single leg exercises and smaller peak hip
flexion angles with single leg squat tasks (Dwyer et al.,
Rehabilitation implications
o  Males and females appear to have different hip kinematics with various
exercise tasks
o  The utility of available information is limited due to testing of uninjured
subjects and/or original intention to apply majority of data to knee
o  Expansion of testing to subjects with hip injuries is necessary
1 9/2/16 Strength and EMG Data
•  Mean root-mean-square amplitudes for gluteus
maximus and rectus femoris muscles in both the
concentric and eccentric phases of 3 exercises
were greater for women than for men (Dwyer et al.,
•  “Trunk and hip electromyographic activity during
single leg squat exercises do sex differences
exist?”(Bolgla et al., IJSPT, 2014)
o  Females generated moderate (39% greater MVIC vs.
males) EMG activity (neuromuscular education/
o  Males generated low EMG activity (likely no therapeutic
•  Rehabilitation implications
o  Healthy females and males appear to recruit differently
o  Injured population?
o  External resistance may be necessary for progressive gluteus medius
strengthening, particularly in males
Pelvic Floor Concerns
•  Male or females
o  Female cases better and more
frequently described in the
•  Unique conditions/events
Urinary & bowel issues
Sexual dysfunction
Organ prolapse
•  Pelvic floor rehabilitation
•  Rehabilitation implications
o  Concurrent or primary pelvic floor
rehabilitation can play an
important role in treating
individuals with hip pain
o  Screening is integral
•  Internal examination?
Summary of Rehabilitation Recommendations
Interaction of Hip Strength and Joint Kinematics
•  Men demonstrated greater
hip abductor peak torque
when landing from a jump
(Jacobs et al., 2007)
•  Correlations between hip
abductor strength and
landing kinematics were
generally larger for women
than for men (Jacobs et al. 2007)
•  Rehabilitation implications
o  Consider the potential effect of
decreased hip abductor
strength on single leg landing
o  Consider strength testing as
part of advancement criteria
Postpartum Considerations
•  Points of Consideration
o  Hormonal changes
•  Increased joint laxity
•  Breastfeeding may extend this period of induced mobility
o  Anthropometric changes that occurred during and after pregnancy
o  Deconditioning
o  Compromise of lumbopelvic muscle integrity through delivery or c-section
•  Clinical Recommendations
Focus on proximal strength
Lumbopelvic/core stabilization
Neuromuscular re-education
General endurance
Pelvic floor specialty consultation if indicated
•  Rehabilitation implications
o  The presence of joint pathology (labral,capsular,etc.) and physiological/
structural changes associated with childbirth create a unique
rehabilitation challenge
o  Integrated treatment approach should be considered
Thank You
•  The general approach to strengthening and other
rehabilitation activities (volume, frequency, etc.) should
not be prescribed differently based upon sex
•  Specific recommendations (exercise selection) may be
made based upon limited movement and recruitment
•  Kinematic data may indicate sex-specific usefulness of
specific exercises
o  Consider incorporating single-leg squat, lunge, and step-up-and-over exercises in
rehabilitation program to enhance pelvic control
o  Hip abductor strength is important for men and women; however, deficits may
result in more significant kinematic differences for females
•  Other associated factors may be considered: specific
pathology/conditions, pre-injury physical status, patientgoals, etc.
•  Further study and clarification required
2 9/2/16 • 
Bolgla L, Cook N, Hogarth K, Scott J, West C. Trunk and hip electromyographic
activity during single leg squat exercises do sex differences exist? Int J Sports Phys
Ther. 2014 Nov;9(6):756-764.
Dwyer MK, Boudreau SN, Mattacola CG, Uhl TL, Lattermann C. Comparison of
Lower Extremity Kinematics and Hip Muscle Activation During Rehabilitation Tasks
Between Sexes. Journal of Athletic Training. 2010;45(2):181-190.
Harris-Hayes M, Mueller MJ, Sahrmann SA, et al. Persons with Chronic Hip Joint Pain
Exhibit Reduced Hip Muscle Strength. The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports
Physical Therapy. 2014;44(11):890-898.
Howard JS, Fazio MA, Mattacola CG, Uhl TL, Jacobs CA. Structure, Sex, and
Strength and Knee and Hip Kinematics During Landing. Journal of Athletic Training.
Jacobs CA, Uhl TL, Mattacola CG, Shapiro R, Rayens WS. Hip Abductor Function
and Lower Extremity Landing Kinematics: Sex Differences. Journal of Athletic
Training. 2007;42(1):76-83.
Köhnlein W, Ganz R, Impellizzeri FM, Leunig M. Acetabular Morphology: Implications
for Joint-preserving Surgery. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.
Nakahara I, Takao M, Sakai T, Nishii T, Yoshikawa H, Sugano N. Gender differences in
3D morphology and bony impingement of human hips. J Orthop Res. 2011 Mar;
Pollard CD, Sigward SM, Powers CM. Gender differences in hip joint kinematics and
kinetics during side-step cutting maneuver. Clin J Sport Med. 2007 Jan;17(1):38-42.