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How Did This Religion Start?
Began in India
2,500 years ago
Teacher: Siddhartha Gautama
Buddha means “enlightened one”
c.a 563 BC = Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) born
c.a 483 BC Buddha dies
Buddha’s birth date= a guess
Gautama lead group called Sangha
45yrs, Buddha traveled India teaching about Buddhism
1st century spread- Nepal, Tibet, China
4th century- Korea
5th century- Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar
6th century- Japan
19th century- America
By Caitlyn Lam
How Did This Religion Start?
Emperor Ashoka (ruler of India) became Buddhist
Ashoka sent monks and nun everywhere teaching Buddhism
Ashoka son and daughter become nun and monk, spread Buddhism
Divided to 3 schools: Theravada, Mahayana, Mantrayana
Ashoka built pillars on areas important thing happened
On pillars wrote what happened
Ashoka’s son & daughter continue teachings
Sri Lanka home of many pilgrimages
Padmasambhaua (Buddha) born in a lotus blossom
Padmasambhaua wanted gold dust, blew away, said teachings are more
By Caitlyn Lam
. Born Over 2500 Years Ago in Nepal India and Willingly Died At 80
. Buddha's Real name was Siddhartha Goutrna Gautama and he was a Prince.
- Buddha Really Means “ The Enlightened one”
. Wanted Piece and Calmness in Everyone and Other People Later join The Spreading
Of His Words.
. Buddha Told Of 4 Nobel Truths- #1 Life includes Suffering. #2 Suffering results In
Wanting. #3 If You Don’t Want Things you won’t suffer #4 Nobel Eightfold Path
The Dalai Lama:
. The Dalai Lama Is The Spiritual Leader and Spreader Of Buddhism
. The Dalai Lama Is supposedly the same Person Reincarnated Several Times
. Current Dalai Lama Is The 14th One
. 10 Precepts . 1-5 Followed By all Buddhists. 6-10 Followed By Just Nuns And Monks
. #1 Do Not Harm #2 Do Not Take Things For Free #3 Do Not Be Unfaithful
#4 Do Not Lie
#5 Do Not take drugs or other disorientating items
. #6 Do Not Eat At the wrong time #7 Do Not Sing/Dance #8 Do Not wear
#9 Do Not Sleep To Long or to Comfortable #10 Do Not Handle Money
By Bret Bauslaugh
The Jatakas= tales of Buddha's former life's.
The way of righteousness is the most wide scripture
Most scriptures made out of wood blocks
Most Buddhist text written down in 600 BCE
Three baskets of law aka Pali Canon or Tripakata
1st basket= rules for monks aka Vinaya Pikata
2nd basket= teachings of Buddha aka Sutta pikata
3rd basket= Higher Teachings aka Abhidhamma pikata
Canon is a collection of writing
By Morgan Chambers
The 8 things you must do to overcome Karma
1. Right view= understanding the 4 noble truths
2. Right thought= friendly thoughts
3.Right speech= speaking kindly and truthfully
4.Right action= acting with sympathy and avoiding violence
5. Right work= earn money without hurting another
6.Right effort= using spare time for self-improvement
7.Right mindfulness= right state of mind and selflessness
8. Right concentration= removing concerns to focus on religious
By Morgan Chambers
• To follow the path you have to know right from wrong
• Must be attentive at all times
• Karma= force of good life leads to “higher ” life next time or
force of bad life leads to “lower” life next time
• Right= best way possible
• All spokes must be fulfilled
• Wheel of law aka Noble Eightfold path
• 8 spokes of law
By Morgan Chambers
By Carmen Wong
By Carmen Wong
Buddhists don’t believe in god they believe in karma
Bad karma = Niraya (realm of hell)
Good karma = Devas (realm of gods)
People with bad karma suffer until bad karma is used up
People with good karma experience pleasure
Buddhism is search for enlightment or nirvana
Anna Kwasniak
• 2 main streams of Buddhism = Theravada and
-Main aim of Theravada = achieve enlightment
for themselves
-Main aim of Mahayana = achieve enlightment
for selves and others
• Buddhism take refuge in 3 jewels
-1st jewel: Buddha = former Indian prince
2,500+ years ago
-2nd jewel: dharma = teachings of Buddha
-3rd jewel: sangha = community of
monks, and nuns
Anna Kwasniak
Believe everyone can be Buddha
Believe Buddha is just and no more but a person
Buddha important because he achieved enlightment
Buddhists don’t believe in souls
Buddha= “awakened one”
Nirvana = state of inner peace and contentment when
enlightment or nirvana achieved
Anna Kwasniak