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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
OSU BLUEBERRY SCHOOL March 16-17, 2015 held at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon This two-day blueberry “school” was organized for new and experienced blueberry growers, farm managers, crew leaders, advisors, packers/shippers, and consultants. Experts from Oregon State University, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Washington State University, and the blueberry industry were asked to address key issues of where the blueberry market is going; how you might be more successful in tight labor or volume markets; which cultivars are easiest to grow and are in most demand; how to establish new acreage using cutting-edge methods; projected costs and the resources available to growers for selecting new planting sites; how to best manage existing acreage to maximize returns of high-quality fruit; provide basic information on blueberry plant physiology to help growers minimize environmental stresses and improve yield potential; nutrient management programs for optimal growth and quality; irrigation and fertigation practices for higher quality and better efficiency; use of organic amendments and mulches; planning for and improving machine harvest efficiency; pruning for hand or machine harvest (where can you cut corners….or not), maximizing pollination for good fruit and seed set; overviews of the most important blueberry viruses, diseases, insects, weeds, and vertebrate pests; and tools for good pest management. Information throughout the program addresses the needs of conventional, transitional, and organic growers. Simultaneous interpretation to Spanish has been provided. This proceedings book contains information provided on these topics by each speaker and co-authors. The thumb drive provided in the registration packet for each attendee includes a copy of each presentation. Thank you for attending. It is our sincere wish that this will be a very useful meeting and that you find the accompanying materials a valuable reference! – Bernadine Strik, Professor and Extension Berry Crops Specialist, OSU and the members of the organizing committee Organizing Committee Bernadine Strik, Chair, Oregon State University (OSU) Wei Yang, OSU. Co-chair (sponsorship coordinator), OSU Donna Williams, Rachel Williams & team at OSU Conference Services Dave Bryla, USDA-ARS HCRU Chad Finn, USDA-ARS HCRU Vaughn Walton - OSU Steve Castagnoli - OSU Steve Renquist - OSU Bryan Ostlund – Oregon Blueberry Commission Eric Pond - industry Jon Umble – industry Derek Peacock - industry Steve Erickson - industry Nancy Jensen - industry i Table of Contents OSU Blueberry School Title Authors Characteristics of production regions in the Pacific Northwest Lisa DeVetter, Pat Jones, Bernadine Strik, Kathie Dello 1 Markets - what's the future for fresh, processed, and organic markets? Things you MUST think about before starting or expanding production Rod Cook, Derek Peacock, Jeff Malensky, David Granatstein 9 Cultivar choices- Tried and true to brand new Chad Finn and Bernadine Strik 15 Economics of production – resources Bernadine Strik and David Granatstein 29 Resources available for selecting a good blueberry site Wei Q. Yang 37 Site selection and establishment of a blueberry field Wei Q. Yang and Bernadine Strik 41 Organic soil amendments and mulches for blueberry: the good, the bad and the ugly Dan Sullivan (OSU) 47 On-farm irrigation system design and operation David Bryla 53 Blueberry plant physiology - why it's important to understand the plant to manage it well Bernadine Strik 57 Irrigation scheduling: when, where, and how much? David Bryla 63 Pruning - impact of plant age, cultivar, and harvest method Bernadine Strik 69 Harvesting - hand vs. machine Bernadine Strik (moderator); Paul Norris (Norris Farms); Frank Brown (Littau Harvesters (Inc.); Doug Krahmer (Berries Northwest) 75 Nutrient management of blueberry -- assessing plant nutrient needs and designing good fertilizer programs Bernadine Strik and David Bryla 79 Maximizing pollination in blueberry Ramesh Sagili, Carolyn Breece, John Borden 95 Blueberry viruses present in the Pacific Northwest and suggestions for their management Robert Martin 99 Blueberry bacterial and fungal diseases Jay Pscheidt and Jerry Weiland 107 ii Page Title Authors Page Weed management for blueberry fields in the Pacific Northwest Tim Miller 115 Getting hit high and low: Options for managing bird and vole damage Dana Sanchez (OSU 125 Management of arthropods, insect, and plant-parasitic nematodes in blueberries Vaughn Walton,Nik Wiman, Inga Zasada, Joe DeFrancesco, Daniel Dalton, Amy Dreves, Jana Lee, Lynell Tanigoshi, Wei Yang 129 iii Nutrient management of blueberry – Assessing plant nutrient needs and designing good fertilizer programs 1 Bernadine Strik1 and David Bryla2 Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University 2 USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Research Unit This summary is a supplement to the nutrient management guide available online at Oregon State University ( Nutrient Management for Blueberries in Oregon, EM 8918. A revision of this guide is planned within the next year or so to incorporate new information on organic fertilization, fertigation, and tissue testing. In addition, see other resources in the “references” section. In this article and presentation, we will address recommended soil nutrient levels for making preplanting decisions, starting rates of key nutrients to apply, how to assess plant nutrient status to modify fertilizer programs, timing and source of fertilizer to apply, and fertigation. Key questions that need to be answered with regard to any nutrient management program are: How much nutrient should be applied? When is the best time to apply the nutrient? What is the best source of the nutrient for the plant? And what is the best method to apply the nutrient? Proper fertilization or excess fertilizer will not compensate for poor growth that is caused by poor soil drainage, other management problems, or disease, weed, or insect problems. Pre-plant soil testing and other considerations Soil test. Soil testing is important to adjust soil nutrient status prior to planting. This not only gets the plants off to a good start, but incorporation of nutrients that are immobile or do not move readily into the rooting zone with a surface application is very effective (e.g. lime). See “additional resources for more information”. Prior to planting, base the rate of nutrients to be incorporated into the soil on recommended soil nutrient sufficiency levels (Table 1). Testing soil to predict nitrogen (N) application rates is not advised. Soil pH. Blueberry plants are adapted to a low pH (4.5 to 5.5; Table 1). At this pH, nutrients are more available to the plant. If soil pH is too high, which is not uncommon in the Willamette Valley when other crops like grass seed or mint have been grown, then soil pH must be lowered prior to planting using elemental sulfur (S). In blueberry, be conservative on addition of sulfur to acidify the soil, because if the soil pH drops too low, raising the pH to the target range after planting (using lime) is difficult. The recommended rate of elemental S to apply is based on the starting soil pH, the soil type, and the desired pH. We suggest targeting a starting soil pH of 5.5 or 5.6 as fertilization lowers soil pH over time (see below). Incorporate the recommended rate of elemental S into the top 6 inches of soil at least 6 months (preferably a year) prior to planting – it takes time for the S to react with water to lower soil pH. Test the soil again several months prior to planting and modify again, if needed, based on the new soil test results. If the soil pH does not 79 require much modification (less than 0.3 pH units), then you can incorporate the S and plant the field using container-grown stock within a couple of months of each other. If the soil pH is too low (not uncommon in western Oregon when converting long-term perennial, fertilized crops to a new blueberry field), then the appropriate amount of lime should be applied. It is best to do this at least 6 months prior to planting. If calcium is needed, but the soil pH is in the desired range, then apply gypsum. It is best to carefully review the publications available on soil pH modification to ensure that the correct amount of S or lime is applied for the desired result (see “Resources”) and to consult with Extension faculty and crop advisors in advance. Table 1. Suggested critical sufficiency levels for nutrients in soil for blueberry production Nutrient pH (in water) Unit target: 4.5 to 5.5 Deficient at less than: Phosphorus (P; Bray) Phosphorus (Olsen) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Boron (B) ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 25 to 50 10 100 to 150 1000 60 20 0.5 EC dS/m <2 Amendments. Use caution when incorporating organic materials into the soil prior to planting. While some materials that are commonly used in blueberry (e.g., sawdust) have little effect on soil pH, many materials may increase soil pH. For example, horse straw/bedding, animal manures, and various composted materials (including yard debris compost) have a pH ranging from 7 to 8. Some also have a high salt content (i.e., high electrical conductivity or EC). For this reason, incorporation of these materials, “as is”, is not recommended prior to planting blueberry. When planning to use a new, unknown product in blueberry production, we encourage growers to test the product for pH, EC, the carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N), and nutrients, in order to decide whether or not the material is suitable for blueberry, and to help manage the nutrient program. Nutrient assessment after planting Soil test. After planting, annual soil sampling is not needed unless you are correcting a problem. We recommend soil samples be collected every two to three years to monitor changes in soil nutrient status. Use the sufficiency levels in Table 1 as a guide. Testing soil to predict nitrogen 80 (N) application rates is not advised. However, testing the soil for high N concentration in late summer/fall can be used an indicator of excessive N fertilization. Standard fertilization programs lead to acidification of the soil in the row – the pH will thus decrease over time in all blueberry production systems, including organic. Generally, for every 100 lb of N applied per acre in a typical Willamette Valley blueberry field, soil pH will decrease about 0.1 unit per year with urea and 0.2 units per year with ammonium sulfate. It is thus best to monitor soil pH every few years. In most production systems, we recommend an annual application of 500 lb lime/acre to help reduce the downward drift of soil pH. This may not be needed when a high-pH mulch is included in the management program (e.g., the use of a high pH compost as part of a fertility or mulch program, as is common in some organic production systems). In established fields, sample soil at the same time of year, so that years can be more easily compared. Soil pH fluctuates over the season and, in western Oregon, is generally lowest in autumn and highest in late winter. Do not collect soil samples in spring, right after fertilization has occurred. Collect soil samples in the plant row (where the fertilizer is applied) and, in drip irrigated fields, sample within a few inches of a drip emitter in all sub-sample locations. If mulch is present, remove the mulch layer before taking the soil sample. Sample from the soil surface to about 1 ft deep. Tissue testing. Leaf tissue analysis provides information on the nutrient content of the plant. Sometimes, even when the soil nutrient content is adequate, the plant is not able to take up the nutrients required (e.g., when soil pH is incorrect; in dry or waterlogged soils; during cool weather; and when cultural issues such as with too much or insufficient irrigation). Tissue standards have been developed using results from research experiments and estimated from large databases that relate tissue nutrient levels to good yielding fields for each crop (OSU). We conducted a study evaluating leaf tissue nutrients in six cultivars (Duke, Bluecrop, Draper, Liberty, Legacy, Aurora) in conventional and certified organic, mature fields in 2013-14 (Strik and Vance, 2015). Our results have helped us better inform growers of correct sampling times and tissue standards. In all berry crops, leaf tissue nutrient concentration changes throughout the season. The recommended time of sampling leaves for tissue analysis is related to a period of time when the leaf nutrient concentration is most stable in late July-early August in Oregon. This sampling time has been used successfully in other production regions in the PNW. However, we do suggest looking at leaf samples from your particular region to assess whether slight modifications to this sampling time are needed (see below). Tissue nutrient levels will also change with location or age of the leaf and what type of leaf it is. In blueberries, the best leaves to sample are from shoots that are growing below the fruiting zone – not from whips. 81 When collecting leaf tissue samples: Sample at the correct time (late July to early Aug.); published tissue standards are NOT correct if sampled at any other time of the season. Do NOT adjust sampling period based on fruiting season of the cultivar – this is not necessary and will lead to poor results. Sample cultivars separately. Cultivars differ in leaf nutrient status – again monitor over the years and look for changes over time. If you are seeing problem plants at any time of the year, collect leaves from affected and “normal” looking plants and compare tissue analysis results for clues as to the cause. Collect the right tissue – most recent, fully expanded leaves on shoots below the fruiting zone in blueberry Do not wash leaves as soaking leaves may reduce tissue K. Note that any micronutrients in fungicide applications, foliar nutrient applications, and dust on leaves can lead to “higher” than typical nutrient results (keep records). Keep excellent records on cultivars and blocks sampled, time of year sampled, and any associated yield or fruiting season information. It will be important to look for trends over time. Tissue analysis and observations of plant growth are best used to plan for and adjust nutrient management programs for the following year. Do not use just the tissue N concentration to adjust N fertilizer programs. Use recommended fertilizer application rates as a starting point and, then, adjust programs based on observations of tissue N AND plant growth. Be aware that tissue nutrient concentrations that are below or above the recommended levels (Table 2) may indicate a soil problem (e.g., high tissue Mn may mean soil pH is too low). Symptoms of nutrient deficiency are sometimes apparent and will vary with the type of nutrient and its mobility within the plant. Nutrients in the plant move in either the xylem (with water – this tissue is dead) or the phloem (with “food” – this tissue is alive). Nutrients that move in the xylem are not mobile within the plant, as they simply move with water to the leaves (not from leaves to the fruit or from old leaves to new leaves, for example). Nutrient deficiencies of immobile nutrients (S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ca, and B) are in the new leaves. Nutrients that move in the phloem are mobile within the plant. The nutrients that are mobile in the plant are: N, P, K, Mg, and Cl; symptoms of deficiency of these nutrients are on the older leaves. If tissue testing indicates a nutrient is deficient, fertilization with this nutrient may be required. Be cautious when applying boron, especially as a granular product – over-application of boron can lead to boron toxicity. Fertilization – rate and source Blueberry evolved in soils with low nutrient content and therefore can survive with often surprisingly low levels of fertilization. However, a good fertilization program is necessary for rapid plant growth during establishment of the planting and to produce high yields in mature 82 fields. Recommended rates of fertilizer to apply vary with planting age, soil nutrient status, and growth, vigor or planting productivity. Table 2. Recommended leaf tissue sufficiency levels for blueberry when sampled in late-July to early August) Nutrient Nitrogen (%N) Phosphorus (%P) Potassium (%K) Calcium (%Ca) Magnesium (%Mg) Sulfur (%S) Manganese (ppm Mn) Boron (ppm B) Iron (ppm Fe) Zinc (ppm Zn) Copper (ppm Cu) Aluminum (Al) Northern Highbush Current standards 1.76 to 2 0.11 to 0.4 0.41 to 0.7 0.41 to 0.8 0.13 to 0.25 0.11 to 0.16 31 to 350 30 to 80 60 to 200 8 to 30 5 to 15 na Northern Highbush Revised standards 1.76 to 2.0 0.10 to 0.20 0.40 to 0.65 0.45 to 0.85 0.13 to 0.25 0.11 to 0.16 31 to 350 30 to 80 60 to 200 8 to 30 3 to 10 40 to 160 Southern Highbush Current standards 1.8 to 2.1 0.12 to 0.40 0.35 to 0.65 0.4 to 0.8 0.12 to 0.25 0.12 to 0.25 50 to 350 30 to 70 60 to 200 8 to 30 5 to 20 na Rabbiteye Current standards 1.2 to 1.7 0.08 to 0.17 0.28 to 0.60 0.24 to 0.7 0.14 to 0.2 na 25 to 100 12 to 35 25 to 70 10 to 25 2 to 10 na Rabbiteye leaf standards from Krewer and NeSmith, Blueberry Fertilization in Soil, Fruit Pub. 01-1, Univ. Georgia (date unknown). Note the proposed revised tissue standards in the second column based on recent research (Strik and Vance, 2015) Efficiency of plant uptake of a fertilizer is affected by plant age (depth and width of root zone), presence of a surface mulch, amount of coverage of the in-row area (plants that fill the row space have a greater efficiency of uptake than those that do not), method of application (efficiency varies with granular, liquid, or foliar applications), and the amount and timing of fertilizer applied. Recommended rates thus may vary among application methods and plant age. Applying higher than recommended rates of fertilizer can have adverse effects on plant productivity, fruit quality and the environment. Nutrient “removal” Nutrients that are removed in harvested fruit and wood when pruning, in addition to the nutrients needed for plant growth must be considered when planning nutrient management programs. Our research has shown that nutrient removal in harvested fruit varies slightly by cultivar, but is very dependent on yield. The amount of nutrient per ton of fresh fruit harvested is shown in Table 4. For example, an estimated 13 to 27 lb N/acre is removed in a 10 ton/acre blueberry crop. In blueberry, the wood removed when pruning is often flailed (chopped) between the rows. However, unlike raspberry and blackberry, for example, there are no blueberry roots between the row middles. Any nutrients that recycle into the soil are thus not available to the blueberry plant and are considered “removed”. Based on our research approximately 14 lb N/acre is removed when pruning a mature planting (Table 3). It is clear from these data that blueberry plants do not have a high nutrient demand compared to many crops. For a mature field that has a yield of 10 ton/acre, for example, the amount of nutrient removed, including pruning, is 26 to 37 lb N/acre, 2.5 to 4.5 lb P/acre, 14.5 to 23.5 lb K/acre, 4 to 5 lb Ca/acre, 1.3 to 1.9 lb Mg/acre, 0.4 to 0.5 oz B/acre, 0.6 to 0.7 oz Cu/acre, 12.5 83 to 13.1 oz Mn/acre, 0.6 to 0.9 oz Zn/acre, and 1.6 to 2.1 oz Fe/acre (Table 3). Some additional nutrients would be required for growth. Table 3. Nutrient removal in blueberry per ton of fruit harvested (fresh weight) and per acre of wood removed when pruning. Part removed Fruit (per ton harvested) Prunings (per acre) N P 1.3 - 2.3 0.1 - 0.3 14.0 1.5 B Fruit (per ton harvested) Prunings (per acre) Macronutrients (lb) K Ca 0.8 - 1.7 0.1 - 0.2 6.5 3.0 Micronutrients (oz/ton) Cu Mn Zn Mg S 0.05 - 0.1 0.06 - 0.2 0.9 1.1 Fe 0.02 - 0.03 0.01 - 0.02 0.04 - 0.1 0.01 - 0.04 0.05 - 0.1 0.2 0.5 12.1 0.5 1.1 Range in fruit nutrients provided for cultivars studied: Duke, Bluecrop, Draper, Liberty, Aurora, Legacy, Elliott (Strik, in progress) Nutrients in pruning wood from research done in mature 'Elliott' (Strik, in progress) Nitrogen Nitrogen (N) is the primary nutrient applied to blueberry and is usually needed each year. Use recommended N application rates in Table 4 as a starting point. Additional N may be needed when fresh mulches with a high carbon to N ratio (e.g. sawdust) are applied. Split applications or fertigate at the correct timing to increase plant uptake and meet plant demand (see below). While tissue N levels (Table 2) can be useful to assess plant N status, leaf N levels may also be misleading. For example, a low leaf N may be caused by dilution of N in the leaf due to rapid growth (can be an issue on young, low yielding plants or when whips are sampled instead of laterals); above normal N in a leaf test may be related to weak or stunted growth, and not due necessarily to excessive fertilization. Observations of plant growth must be coupled with tissue N results to interpret N fertilization programs. If leaf N is within the sufficiency range (Table 2) and growth is good, no adjustment of fertilizer is needed. If tissue N and growth are above normal, then reduce application of N. If leaf N and growth are poor and other management issues seem appropriate, then increase rate of N, but evaluate why your farm may need more N than recommended (Table 4); for example, you may have applied fresh mulch recently, which is immobilizing some of the fertilizer N applied. When plants are low in N, shoot growth is poor, and due to insufficient chlorophyll, the leaves turn pale green or yellow (chlorosis) and often develop a reddish tinge. The yellowing occurs in older leaves first and is uniform across the entire leaf surface (i.e., no particular color pattern or mottling). Recommended N rates vary with planting age (Table 4). When plants are young and the canopy does not fill the row, we recommend applying fertilizer by hand to reduce fertilizer use and 84 improve efficiency of uptake, as fertilizer is only placed above the root area. Spread the recommended rate in an area under the drip line of the bush where the roots are. Apply fertilizer evenly. Do not leave “clumps” of fertilizer touching the plant base or crown as this can burn plant tissues. Recommended rates in Table 4 for granular fertilizers are based on a per plant application in the first and second growing seasons assuming canopies of adjacent plants are not yet touching. If you are going to use a fertilizer spreader then calculate how much of the broadcast band applied will not be above the roots (under the drip line of the bush) and increase the rate accordingly. For example, if only 60% of the granular fertilizer is applied under the bush then divide the recommended rate by 0.60 to calculate the total amount of N to apply. Remember to convert the N rate to the amount of product to apply (e.g., 100 lb N/acre of ammonium sulfate [21-0-0] would be 100 ÷ 0.21 = 475 lb product/acre). See sources of nutrients for more information. Table 4. Recommended rates of nitrogen (N) to apply based on planting age and application method (granular or fertigation). Recommended N rate (lb/a) Granular fertilizer Year Fertigation Oregon* British Columbia† ** 1 90 25-40 19 ** 2 90 40-50 27 3 60 50-60 45 4 70 55-65 50 5 75 65-75 65 6 85 80-100 70 7 95 90-120 90 8+ 100-150 100-140 100 * Based on an in-row plant spacing of 2.5-3.0 feet; Nutrient Management for Blueberries in Oregon (Hart et al., 2006). These rates have been modified from Hart et al. (2006) for a field without surface mulch. If a sawdust mulch is used and replenished every 3 years add 25 lb N/a to the recommended granular rate. ** The rates for year 1 and 2, Oregon assume application to the root zone area by hand. If a granular spreader is used then increase rate to account for inefficiency of application method. We assume that the plant canopies will be touching at the 2.5 to 3 ft spacing in year 3. †2014 Berry Production Guide - Beneficial Management Practices for Berry Growers in British Columbia. 1 lb/acre = 1.12 kg/ha. The rates in Table 4 for granular applications in Oregon assume no surface sawdust mulch is present (e.g., bare soil or when granular N is applied under weed mat such as when using feather meal or soybean meal in organic systems). Douglas-fir sawdust mulch generally has a carbon-tonitrogen ratio of 800:1. Research has shown that more fertilizer N is needed when granular products are applied to the top of a sawdust mulch. For example, if you apply an additional 11 units of sawdust (2 inches deep in 3-foot-wide bands on 10-foot centers), you will need to add 25 lb N/acre to compensate for N immobilized by the fresh sawdust. However, adjust N rates, if 85 necessary, in all plantings based on observations of growth, tissue analysis, and the amount and type of mulching. Blueberry plants require very little N fertilizer, especially in the fertile soils found in many regions of the PNW. For example, our research has shown that there is no added yield response from N fertilization rates greater than 50 lb N/acre in a 9-year-study in Elliott (Strik in progress). For this reason, the recommended rates of N in Table 4 should only be used as a guide. Plants may grow very well at lower rates of N. In an 8-year study in certified organic blueberry, ‘Liberty’ plants did equally well when fertilized at low (25 to 65 lb N/acre from year 2 through 8) or high (50 to 125 lb N/acre) rates of feather meal or fish emulsion, when the plants were grown with either a sawdust and compost mulch or weed mat; however, ‘Duke’ plants had the lowest yield when fertilized with the high rate of fish (Strik et al., in progress). Try the lowest recommended rate of N for ‘Legacy’, as this cultivar can easily become “vegetative”, setting fewer fruit buds, if fertilized with higher rates of N. Fertilizing with rates of N that are in excess of plant needs have been observed to lead to late shoot growth and reduced fruit bud set (thus reducing yield the following season). Late shoot growth also delays dormancy and increases the plant’s susceptibility to damage from early cold spells. Even though fertilizers with ammonium-N are applied to blueberry fields, nitrification (changing ammonium to nitrate-N) occurs, albeit slowly at the low soil pH found in blueberry fields. Fertilization with excess ammonium fertilizers can thus lead to excess soil nitrate in the fall. Rabbiteye blueberries need much less N than do highbush blueberries and will have poor growth and yield with over-fertilization. Grower experience has indicated that N rates can be reduced by up to half for rabbiteye blueberries with good results. Potassium The nutrients required most by blueberry are N and potassium (K). Soil K and leaf K should be monitored as described above. Annual applications of K (as K2O) at a rate of 50 lb/acre are commonly done (41.5 lb/acre of elemental K). However, K fertilization is not needed if soil K levels and tissue levels are sufficient. Note that tissue K may fluctuate from year to year due to differences in yield (lower leaf K in a high yield year). Our research has shown that while the best time to sample for leaf nutrient status is late-July to early-August for all cultivars, there can be significant differences among cultivars in leaf K, likely based on fruiting season; for example, ‘Aurora’ and ‘Duke’ have a higher leaf K than ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’, and ‘Draper’ also tends to have a lower leaf K than ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Duke’ and ‘Aurora’ (Strik and Vance, in progress). Application of other fertilizer nutrients should be based on soil and tissue analysis. As mentioned previously, be cautious when applying boron fertilizers as there’s a fine line between sufficiency and toxicity. 86 Source of fertilizer There are two forms of N that can be found in inorganic fertilizers – ammonium (NH4) or nitrate (NO3). Blueberry plants only take up the ammonium form of N (found in urea and ammonium sulfate). Organic sources of fertilizer contain ammonium N. Soil pH affects nitrification – or the rate an ammonium-N fertilizer is nitrified to nitrate-N. At a soil pH of 6.0, fertilizers containing ammonium-N (e.g., urea, ammonium sulfate) are rapidly nitrified to nitrate-N (80% converted in 6 weeks). In contrast, at a pH of 5.5, nitrification is much slower (30 to 40% in 6 weeks). Blueberry plants take up ammonium-N; keeping soil pH at 4.5 to 5.5 delays nitrification, keeping the ammonium fertilizer in a form that can be taken up by the plants. Use of fresh manures is not recommended as a fertilizer source in berry crops. Organic growers may use compost (yard debris or chicken) as a surface applied mulch/fertilizer product. We recommend testing any composted materials to ensure you know the pH and what nutrients are being applied to the field. Fish emulsion (applied as tank spray or through the drip system) or feather meal (granular) are good sources of N (also contain other nutrients; Table 5). If you are using fish fertilizer, dilute the product 1:10 (v/v fish:water) before applying to avoid burning the plants (straight fish has an EC of ~ 20 dS/m). We have found the N in these products to be available quickly. Apply fish at the same rate (of N) and timing as for the inorganic products. Apply feather meal (at same total rate of N) in a split application where half is applied in early March and the other half in midApril – applying this product too late reduces N availability to the plants. Other organicallyapproved products may be available. Products also differ in the proportion of N available during the season (Table 5). Organic sources of fertilizer can vary tremendously in the cost per pound of actual N applied. Table 5. Typical nutrient content of common organic fertilizers. Note nutrient content may vary significantly among products and even among batches/years. From PNW 646 (see “Resources”) 87 When to apply fertilizer nutrients In blueberries, apply fertilizer N from early bloom through mid-June to mid-July, depending on soil fertility, growing region, and method of application and rate of N being applied. Blueberry plants will NOT take up N fertilizer that is applied in late winter – N fertilizer uptake starts at bloom. In fields that are irrigated with sprinklers, split the recommended rate of granular N fertilizer (Table 4) into thirds, with the first application in late April, the second in mid May, and the third in mid June. In drip irrigated fields, the first application of N, applied when irrigation is not yet required, can be done using a granular product. However, some growers, especially those with weed mat mulch, still use fertigation for the entire N application period (see below). Base fertilization with phosphorus (P), K, magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca) on soil and tissue test results. If needed, apply these nutrients as granular fertilizers in fall or late winter to promote their availability (rainfall). If tissue testing indicates plants have a micronutrient deficiency (most commonly boron, B, in the PNW), then fertilize with a granular product (Borax) in the fall or with foliar products (e.g. Solubor) just prior to leaf fall in autumn or just prior to bloom in the spring. Be cautious with granular applications of micronutrients such as boron, as there is a fine line between sufficiency and toxicity. See “resources” for more information. Application of micronutrients to leaves during the season (foliar applications) is an efficient way to get these nutrients to the targeted tissues. However, foliar applications are not very effective for application of macro-nutrients (e.g. N, P, and K). 88 Fertigation Many blueberry fields are irrigated by drip. A major advantage of drip is the ability to fertigate. Fertigation is the practice of applying soluble fertilizers to the plants directly through the irrigation water. It is often a very efficient way to apply fertilizers because most roots in drip irrigated fields are located near the drip emitters. Some advantages of fertigation include reduced delivery costs (no need for tractors or spreaders), greater control of where and when the fertilizers are placed, the ability to target application of specific nutrients during particular stages of crop development, and the potential to reduce fertilizer losses by supplying only small amounts of fertilizer to the plants as needed. Disadvantages include costs associated with the need for higher fertilizer quality (i.e., purity and solubility) and the capital costs of the equipment required to inject the fertilizer through the irrigation system. Drip line placement. While nitrate-N is very mobile and moves readily in moist soil to plant roots, ammonium-N moves much more slowly. Therefore, N in ammonium fertilizers will only be available to the plants when it is applied close to the roots. Any ammonium-N applied away from the roots will likely be nitrified and converted to nitrate-N and eventually will be leached from the field by rain or irrigation. To fertigate, drip lines and emitters should be located near the base of the plants during the first year or two after planting and later repositioned 6-12 inches on each side of the plants, using two lines per row, as the root system develops. Only one drip line per row is needed for adequate irrigation of blueberry on most soil types, but two lines per row are suggested in order to encourage a larger root system and thereby increase plant access to soil nutrients. The drip lines should be installed under weed mat or buried under sawdust mulch to secure the lines and reduce water runoff on raised beds. Since only a fraction of the soil is wet by the drip emitters, most of the N applied to the plants during fertigation is added directly to the roots. As a result, extra N is not required with fertigation when sawdust or pine bark is incorporated into the soil prior to planting or used as mulch (Table 4). Timing and rate of N with fertigation. Liquid fertilizers should be injected in small and frequent applications (e.g., once a week), starting at leaf emergence and finishing in late July or early August. Fertigation is not recommended for the entire growing season (i.e., April–September) because N applications in late summer reduce fruit bud set in blueberry and increase the potential for freeze damage over the winter, particularly in colder regions such as eastern Oregon and Washington. Many growers using drip apply granular fertilizers in March or April and then switch to fertigation in May, once irrigation is required on a regular basis. The use of granular fertilizer in the spring is less expensive than fertigation and practical for mature plants. However, it may cause fertilizer “burn” (salt damage to shoots and roots from the fertilizer) in new plantings and, in severe cases, can kill young plants. Even small applications of ammonium sulfate applied at a rate of 20 lbs/acre of N in the spring prior to fertigation reduced shoot growth and caused root damage in young ‘Draper’ plants (Vargas and Bryla, 2015). 89 The recommended N rates for fertigation are shown in Table 4. The rates are higher than those recommended for granular fertilizers in Oregon and British Columbia during the first two years after planting, but are similar to granular rates in the following years. Higher N rates are recommended initially for fertigation due to low application efficiency in young plantings. Over half of the emitters in drip tubing with standard 12 or 18 inch emitter spacings will end up between the plants and outside of the root zone. Therefore, much of ammonium will be unavailable to the plants. Granular fertilizer, on the other hand, is often applied by hand, directly around the base of plants. Fertilizer products available for fertigation. Unlike most crops, blueberry requires the ammonium (NH4) form of N over the nitrate (NO3¬) form. Common inorganic sources of ammonium or ammonium-forming fertilizers available for fertigation include: Ammonium nitrate solution or AN-20 (20-0-0) [NH4NO3•H2O] is ammonium nitrate fertilizer dissolved in water. This product is commonly used for fertigation in fruit and vegetable crops but is less suitable for blueberry due to the high concentration of nitrate in the solution. Under no circumstances should concentrated AN-20 be mixed with concentrated urea sulfuric acid, concentrated sulfuric acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid, or concentrated phosphoric acid. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BLUEBERRY. Ammonium polyphosphate (10-34-0 or 11-37-0) [(NH4PO3)n] contains 10-11% ammonium-N but is used primarily as a source of phosphorus nutrition. Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] is probably the most common source of N applied to blueberry and is available in the liquid form (8-0-0-9S). Solutions can be made using dry, granular ammonium sulfate (21-0-0-24S), which dissolves in water at a maximum solubility of 6.3 lbs/gallon at 70 ºF. Ammonium thiosulfate (12-0-0-26S) [(NH4)2 S2O3] is typically used as an acidulating agent but could also serve as potential N source for blueberry plants growing in high pH soils. Research on this source of N for fertigation is planned for blueberry; in some crops this fertilizer has caused some crop injury – caution is advised at this time. Calcium ammonium nitrate or CAN-17 (17-0-0-8.8Ca) [Ca(NO3)2•NH4NO3] is high in nitrate-N, low in ammonium-N, and supplies calcium. Certain crops such as strawberry and raspberry appear to produce higher quality fruit when fertilized with CAN-17, but like ammonium nitrate solution, the fertilizer is too high in nitrate-N for blueberry. It should not be combined with any products containing sulfates or thiosulfates. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BLUEBERRY. Urea solution (20-0-0 or 23-0-0) [(NH2)2CO] may be the most common liquid fertilizer used for fertigation in blueberry. Urea rapidly converts to the ammonium form of N in the soil but is less acidifying than ammonium fertilizers. It is also less costly per unit N and can be made as a weaker dilution by mixing granular urea (46-0-0) in water at a maximum solubility of 8.8 lbs/gallon at 70 ºF. Note that the solution will become extremely cold as the fertilizer dissolves. Some growers are currently combining urea and ammonium sulfate solutions to create a custom liquid fertilizer blend (20-0-0-5S) for blueberry. Urea is the preferred fertilizer (over ammonium sulfate) in situations where salt accumulation is of major concern. Urea-ammonium nitrate solution or UN-32 (UAN-32) (32-0-0) [(NH2)2CO•NH4NO3] is manufactured by combining urea (46% N) and ammonium nitrate (35% N) on an equal N 90 content basis. Of the available N sources, urea-ammonium nitrate has the highest N concentration. It is marketed as a 32% N solution in warmer agricultural climates and as a 28% N solution in cooler agricultural areas. Urea-ammonium nitrate solutions should not be combined with CAN-17 or solutions prepared from calcium nitrate. Thick, milkywhite insoluble precipitate forms, which could cause serious plugging problem. Urea sulfuric acid (various) [CO(NH2)2•H2SO4] is an acidic fertilizer that combines urea and sulfuric acid. Combining the two materials eliminates many of the disadvantages of using them individually. The sulfuric acid decreases the potential for volatilization losses from the soil surface and ammonia damage in the root zone, while urea in the sulfuric acid is much safer than sulfuric acid alone. This product is commonly sold under various names such as N-pHURIC®. DO NOT MIX UREA WITH SULFURIC ACID ON YOUR OWN (EXPLOSIVE). Recently, fertigation and granular fertilization using different sources of N fertilizer during the first five years of fruit production were compared in ‘Bluecrop’ (Vargas and Bryla, 2015). Soil pH was slightly lower with granular fertilizers than with fertigation; however, leaf N was also lower with granular fertilizer, whereas yield was greatest when plants were fertigated using ammonium sulfate or urea sulfuric acid. The results indicate that blueberry is well suited to fertigation. Larger applications of N fertilizer also increased plant growth in the study but did not improve yield in any year, and was even detrimental to berry size during the first three years of fruit production and to yield during the third year when granular fertilizers were applied. Whether N was applied by fertigation or as granular fertilizer, only 65 to 90 lb N/acre per year was required to optimize fruit production. In addition to applying N solutions, a number of blueberry growers in the PNW (and elsewhere) are incorporating humic acids (aka organic acids) into their fertigation programs. Humic acids are complex mixtures of many acids produced by decomposition of organic matter. They are present in soils, peat, coal, upland streams, lakes, and ocean water. Humic and fulvic acids (lower molecular weight and higher oxygen content than other humic acids) are commonly used as soil supplements and have been found to stimulate plant growth in a number of crops, including blueberry. Root growth of ‘Draper’ was particularly enhanced by humic acids during the first two years in a new planting (Vargas and Bryla, 2015). However, more work is needed to determine if humic acids have any benefits on growth and fruit production in mature plants. In organic production, we have successfully fertigated fish emulsion and used this product as the sole nutrient source for eight years to date in a certified organic field. Fish emulsion generally has about 4% N. The total amount of N in a gallon of fish is then 0.4 lb (one gallon weighs about 10 lb). The total amount of N to apply (Table 4) was divided into 7 equal portions and applied from mid-April (bloom) through mid-July every 2 weeks. Fish fertilizer also contains significant amounts of P, K (Table 5) and Mg. When fertigating with organic products, it is important to dilute the product so the viscosity is suited to fertigating. Also, pressurize the system prior to injecting the fertilizer and run the irrigation after injection to ensure the system flushes well. While we have had good success fertigating with fish emulsion for several years, our research does show a reduction in emitter performance over time – this may be due to accumulation of organic material from the fertilizer but could also have been caused by iron bacteria. Good maintenance of a drip irrigation system is important for maintaining performance over time. 91 Acknowledgements We appreciate the contributions of John Hart(retired) and Dan Sullivan, Dept. Crop and Soil Sci., OSU, Tim Righetti (formerly with OSU), Amanda Vance, Faculty Research Assistant, the graduate students who have contributed to this body of work (Pilar Bañados, Denise Nemeth, Handell Larco, and Oscar Vargas), and grower collaborators. Additional resources These publications, related to nutrient management, are available from the OSU Extension Service at Enter the publication number in the search window to find easily. Nutrient management for blueberries in Oregon. 2006. Hart, Strik, White, and Yang. EM 8918 Irrigation Water Quality Fertilizer Guide. 1998. Vomocil and Hart. FG 76 Managing Irrigation Water Quality for Crop Production in the Pacific Northwest. 2007. Hopkins, Horneck, Stevens, Ellsworth, Sullivan. PNW 597 A Guide to Collecting Soil Samples for Farms and Gardens. 2013. Fery and Murphy. EC 628 Soil Test Interpretation Guide. 2011. Horneck, Sullivan, Owen and Hart. EC 1478 Soil fertility in organic systems. 2013. Collins, Miles, Cogger, and Koenig. PNW 646 Laboratories Serving Oregon: Soil, Water, Plant Tissue, and Feed Analysis. 2008. Hart. EM 8677 Soil Acidity in Oregon: Understanding and Using Concepts for Crop Production. 2013. Hart, Sullivan, Anderson, Hulting, Horneck, Christensen. EM 9061 Acidifying Soil for Crop Production West of the Cascade Mountains (Western Oregon and Washington). 2004. Horneck, Hart, Stevens, Petrie, and Altland. EM 8857 Acidifying Soil for Crop Production: Inland Pacific Northwest. 2007. Horneck, Wysocki, Hopkins, Hart, Stevens. PNW 599 Acidifying Soil in Landscapes and Gardens East of the Cascades. 2006. Locke, Horneck, Hart, Stevens. EC 1585 Applying Lime to Raise Soil pH for Crop Production (Western Oregon). 2013. Anderson, Hart, Sullivan, Christensen, Horneck, Pirelli. EM 9057 Monitoring Soil Nutrients Using a Management Unit Approach. 2003. Staben, Ellsworth, Sullivan, Horneck, Brown, Stevens. PNW 570 92 Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen from Manure. 2008. Sullivan. EM 8954 Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen from Cover Crops, 2012. Sullivan and Andrews. PNW 636 93