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These search terms are highlighted: constellation bootes red star
Stars &
The 20 Brightest
by Deborah Houlding
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Notable stars in Bootes: Epoch 2000
Longitude Name
Nature Mag. Position
Lat. Dec.
17 Li. 40
Left Shoulder 50N 38N
24 Li. 14
-0.04 Left knee
31N 19N
03 Sc. 09
49N 33N
Spear shaft
More constellations
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Books on fixed stars &
The constellation Bootes is represented by the figure of a
herdsman, commonly said to be herding bears, though some
report him driving oxen. He has been variously known as 'the Bear
Keeper', 'the Wagoner', 'the Ploughman', the Shepherd' and 'the
Driver (of the Wain)', and is situated in the heavens near Ursa
Major - the Great Bear whom he is said to pursue around the Pole.
Manilius, in his description of Bootes, emphasises the role of
custodianship and responsibility for the safekeeping of assets (as
symbolised by the herd):
To folk born in this hour Fortune herself makes bold to entrust her
treasure, so that the wealth of monarchs and temple finances will be in
their keeping: they will be kings under kings and ministers of state, and be
charged with guardianship of the people; or, as the stewards of grand
houses, they will confine their business to the care of another's home.[1]
Firmicus follows Manilius, adding that if malefic planets are in
aspect, the native is reduced to being a door-keeper, admitting
and saluting guests. [2]
Ptolemy attributes a mercurial-saturnine nature to the
constellation as a whole, but notes the principal star Arcturus
(from Arktouros 'Bear Guard': arktos, bear + ouros, guard - from
its position behind Ursa Major) to be like Jupiter and Mars. [3] This is
a 1st magnitude, golden red star, located on the left knee of the
figure. It is the 4th brightest star in the heavens and was one of
the few stars to be assigned a name by Ptolemy and Manilius.
Albiruni informs us that it was sometimes called 'the Guardian of
the Northern Heavens', once again alluding to a role of safekeeping. [4]
Arcturus was well known among ancient seamen and farmers for
bringing stormy weather with its rising, for which Pliny called it
horridum sidus: a star which is almost always accompanied by a
hail storm. [5] Being such a bright and prominent star its
astrological influence naturally includes the potential for riches and
honour, whilst the martial element - implicit in its tawny colour bring ties to calamity and conflict (no doubt reinforced by the
unfavourable agricultural conditions it presented). Lilly gives a
good illustration of its interpretation when he says that the
ascendant, directed to it:
… denotes unto the Native good Fortune, which he shall enjoy in this world
with comfort and content, yet notwithstanding he shall be engaged in
many troubles, discontents and feares, rather occasioned by his owne
temerity, than any just occasion.[6]
As the principle star of 'the Driver' modern authors have
recognised the symbolism of organisation: the 'behind the scenes'
planner whose strong energies are capable of driving events
forward. According to Robson, Arcturus is said to give "riches,
honours, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by
navigation and voyages". [7] Ebertin and Hoffman claim that it
Fixed Stars & Constellations by
Vivian Robson
makes the native "belligerent and quarrelsome" with an
"enterprising spirit" [8] whilst Noonan writes of it:
Its influence was always dreaded in mundane astrology, being unfavorable
to the farmer's work. However, when rising in a natal chart it indicates an
individual who will be loyal to his friends, guarding their secrets in faithful
silence. Such a native will be confidante to heads of state or be entrusted
with public funds, but when setting and aspected by Saturn and Mercury
the native may betray his trust and end in disgrace. [9]
Lilly claims that Arcturus can signify death by suffocation if
prominently placed and conjunct Mars, with the Moon with Ras
Algeti. [10] He regarded both Arcturus and Seginus, the star on
the left shoulder, as capable of offering "ample Fortune and great
Honour" when conjunct the Sun, Moon or Jupiter in the 10th
house. [11] However, lacking the direct and open Jupiter / Mars
nature of Arcturus, Seginus is said to bring succession to honour
through indirect means, often accompanied by disgrace. When the
Moon is directed to it, Lilly warns that the native may be
questioned for foule acts and committed to Prison therefore, and
may receive some inheritance though one of his wenches must
suffer death. [12]
Another star of astrological note is Princeps (from the Latin
'prince'). This is a pale yellow star in the spear-shaft of Bootes.
Robson draws upon its Mercury-Saturn nature in claiming that it
gives "A keen studious and profound mind with the ability for
research" but otherwise shows a lack of originality in mirroring
Lilly's description of the effects of the ascendant directed to
Arcturus or Princeps. When rising, Robson claims, Princeps gives
"Good fortune but troubles, discontent and fear occasioned by own
temerity rather than circumstances." [13]
To view Arcturus first locate the most easily identifiable asterism in
the northern sky - the 'Plough' or 'Big Dipper'. The handle of the
Plough is bent into an arc. Follow the projection of this arc and it will
lead you to the bright star Arcturus ("follow the arc to Arcturus").
Bootes as a constellation is kite-shaped, with Arcturus on the
bottom at the kite and Seginus above it towards the west.
The Sun crosses Seginus around 11th October; Arcturus around
17th October, and Princeps around 27th October each year.
Notes & References:
Manilius, Astronomica, (c. 10 AD) trans. G.P.
Goold, 1997, published by Harvard Heinemann,
Loeb classical library, London. 5.85, (Loeb
Back to text
Firmicus, Mathesis Libri VIII. Translated by Jean
Rhys Bram, Noyes Press, 1975; VIII.XIV.1
Back to text
Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, (1st cent. AD), trans.
Robbins, published by Harvard Heinemann, Loeb
classical library, London. I.9 (Loeb p.55).
Back to text
Al Biruni, The Book of Instruction in the
Elements of the Art of Astrology, 11th century,
trans. Wright, republished by Ascella, v.163,
para.8, (p.78). Back to text
Pliny, Natural History, II, XXXIX. (Loeb edition
p.251). A reproduction of Pliny's 1st century text
is available online at Bill Thayer's site.
Elsewhere we find similar comments, such as
"Half of Arcturus is visible, a portent of
boisterous weather on land and sea for five
days" (18.74).
Back to text
William Lilly, Christian Astrology, London 1647,
(John Partridge & Humph. Blunden), p.666. This
interpretation was given for the direction of the
ascendant to Arcturus, Princeps (note Robson's
similarity in his description of the influence of
Princeps), or the 'Taile of the Lyon' (Denebola in
Back to text
Robson, The Fixed Stars and Constellations,
1923, republished by Ascella, p.139.
Back to text
Ebertin & Hoffman, Fixed Stars and their
Interpretation, trans. Irmgard Banks (Tempe,
AZ: The American Federation of Astrologers,
1971), p.63.
Back to text
G. Noonan, Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology,
1990, AFA, p.52.
Back to text
10 ]
Lilly, p.649.
Back to text
11 ]
Ibid., p.621.
Back to text
12 ]
Ibid., p.702.
Back to text
13 ]
Robson, p.190.
Back to text
© Deborah Houlding. First published in The Traditional Astrologer Magazine,
issue 15; October 1997. Published online Nov 2004.
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