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Fall 2014
Health Objectives Fall 2014
Use this packet to help guide you through the semester. Each Unit is broken down by chapter and objective.
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you need to study.
in the box to the left of the objective to keep track of what
Intro to Health: Chapter 1
____ 1.1 I will explain factors that can influence my health.
Sub – I will identify how the factors affect position on the Health Continuum.
Sub – I will identity 3 steps I can take to meet my personal health goals.
1.2 I will demonstrate how to use the DECIDE Process to make healthy decisions.
Nutrients: Chapter 8
____ 1.3 I will explain the role of essential nutrients in the body.
1.4 I will incorporate the dietary guidelines to plan a healthful diet.
Nutrition: Chapter 9
____ 1.5 I will analyze the information contained on food labels.
1.6 I will examine factors that can influence a person’s weight.
1.7 I will relate unhealthy weight to health issues
Physical Activity/Fitness: Chapter 13
____ 1.8 I will explain benefits of physical activity.
Sub – I will define the 5 components of fitness.
1.9 I will identify safety considerations in physical activity.
Mental Health
Stress: Chapter 3
____ 2.1 I will describe the relationship of stress to illness.
2.2 I will identify warning signs for stress.
2.3 I will explain healthy ways to deal/cope with stress.
Fall 2014
Mental Health cont.
Mental Health/Disorders: Chapter 4
____ 2.4 I will describe the types of mental disorders.
Sub – I will identify 4 causes of mental disorder
2.5 I will examine treatment options for mental disorders
Sub – I will identify mental health professionals.
Drug Education
Drug Basics: Chapter 15, 16, 17
____ 3.1 I will recognize the differences between all types of drug use.
____ 3.2 I will describe the effects of drugs on the body.
3.3 I will evaluate how refusal skills help me stay drug free.
Sub - Identify 3 major factors that influence teens’ decisions to abuse drugs.
Relationships & Sex Education
Reproduction: Chapter 18
____ 4.1 I will describe the main functions of the reproductive systems.
4.2 I will identify healthful behaviors related to the reproductive systems.
Birth to Conception/Pregnancy/Adolescence Changes: Chapter 19 & 20
____ 4.3 I will describe the changes in the body through life
Risks of Sexual Intimacy: Chapter 22
____ 4.4 I will describe behaviors that can help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted
Sub - Describe how STI’s are transmitted from person to person.
4.5 I will identify how pregnancy can be prevented.
Fall 2014
Infectious Illness: Chapter 21
____ 5.1 I will examine the body’s defenses to fight against infectious diseases..
5.2 I will describe behaviors that can help you maintain good health
Sub – I will identify causes of infectious illnesses.
Sub – I will identify ways infectious illnesses are spread.
Non-Infectious Illnesses: Chapter 18 & Chapter 23
____ 5.3 I will recognize risk factors for common non-infectious illnesses.
Sub – Compare the role of genes, environment, and behavior in affecting a person’s
risk for disease.
5.4 I will describe how common non=infectious illnesses affect the body.
Sub – I will investigate common physical disabilities.
Community/Environmental Health
Healthcare: Chapter 24
____ 6.1 I will examine different components of the healthcare system..
Sub – I will describe different health care facilities.
Sub – I will identify different health care professionals.
Environmental Health: Chapter 25
____ 6.2 I will summarize the potential health effects of pollution in the environment.
6.3 I will identify ways to get more involved in my community.