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February Newsletter 2016
As we move into February, we mark the start of Marking Period 3 and overpassing the halfway point to the end of the year! We hope that the fifth graders continue to improve and face challenges with an open mind. So far, they have been taking risks by analyzing and interpreting the deeper meaning in poetry. They will eventually be tasked with writing their own informational poems about Colony Collapse Disorder in bees. Their inquiry project this Marking Period is to create a book trailer to advertise their narrative writing on a specific genre. Research, attention to details and imagination are key components of this project. Although it seems as if we’ve been working on fractions for a while, we are not quite done with them! We will be able to model and represent multiplication and division of fractions in various ways by the end of this Marking Period. In science, we are focusing on the way that light interacts with other objects and relating its presence to the solar system. They will study planets, asteroids, comets and meteors as well as an ongoing observation of the phases of the moon, so take some time to enjoy the sky with your children! Thanks to all who have volunteered and contributed to making the Valentine’s Day party successful, especially Mrs. Garciaguirre. Important Dates: February 10 ­ Report Card Distribution February 12 ­ Valentine’s Day Party 2:45 @ APR February 15 ­ President’s Day ­­ no school February 16 ­ Clarksburg Cluster Concert 6:30 @ CHS *Reading Fun Night is rescheduled for March 1st Please feel free to contact Mrs. Dryman or Ms. Ouska with any comments, questions or concerns. We hope that you will keep an open communication and stay updated!