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Glossary – Chapter 6
Capability maturity model – Carnegie Mellon rating system for organizational
software development maturity
Coding (or acquisition) phase – software project phase that involves building the
Data conversion – process of developing data into the proper shape for data mining
(cleaning, filling in gaps, putting into proper format)
Data mining – analysis of large quantities of detailed data in an attempt to identify
marginal cometitive advantages
Data warehousing – large scale database technology for organizing and storing vast
quantities of data, enabling data mining analysis
Decision support system (DSSs) – Computer systems used to evaluate alternative
decision choises
Enterprise resource planning system (ERPs) – Systems designed to provide all
organizational MIS needs through integrated, optimized computer software
Executive information system – System designed to provide focused reports on
critical success factors for an organization, as well as provide the ability to explore
data for details
Feasibility study – analysis done before adoption of a project intended to determine
whether the system is doable, within a prescribed budget.
Group support systems (GSSs) – Computer systems that enable multiple participants
to work on a decision problem
Implementation phase – Phase of an information systems project during which the
finished product is put into operation
Internet commerce – Business conducted over the internet
ISO 9000 – European system of standards, including computer system standards
Makre or buy decision – Decision of either making an inforamtion system element
with in house resources or purchasing the element from a vendor
Management control – Use of information system to control an organization
Outsourcing – Hiring others to do at least part of one’s information processing
Process – Activity undertaken to accomplish something the organization needs done.
Prototyping – Testing of a system by developing a small scale model so that it can be
Rapid prototyping – Use of prototypes with user feedback to quickly identify system
Request for proposal – Document submitted to vendors or outside contractors that
states the user requirements for an information systems project and is used as tha basis
for bids on the work
Specification phase – Phase of an information systems project during which
specifications are generated on the basis of requirements analysis
Spiral model – Systems development through iterative prototypes after evaluation of
Statement of work – Formal document specifying standards for a computer software
Systems analysis – Function of identifying what an information systems project is
intended to do
Systems design - Result of computer software project design intended to accomplish
elements identified in systems analysis
Systems development approach – Rational way of systematically evaluating
information systems projects
Testing phase – Project phase during which the developed system is tested (Testing
itself should be applied during systems development as well)
Transaction processing – Use of computer systems to perform repetitive clerical tasks
for an organization
Validation – Process of ensuring that the software performs as designed
Verification – Process of determining whether the software performs correctly
Waterfall model – System development cycle consisting of serial activities