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CCSS1 Unit 9: Early Civilizations p
Part 1: The Birth of the First Civilizations p.136
-6000BC ppl. settled on banks of the great rivers (Nile, Tigris + Euphrates)
-rivers would overflow + flood valleys, when they went back to normal they left
rich silt deposits fertilized soil abundant harvests  population growth
-not everyone had to farm for food so  new skills emerged (gold/silver
smithing, pottery)  new social groups w/different societal statuses
-TRADE + TRANSPORT developed as ppl. exchanged produce for other products
on a system of rivers + roads
-to organize city + distribute harvests/livestock/traded goods
-formed by kings/pharaohs/priests – considered divine
-They forced farmers/artisans/merchants to pay taxes/tributes to finance
great monuments + armies
-WRITING appeared in Egypt + Mesopotamia circa 3500BC to for use in public
admin. + commerce = The beginning of HISTORY
Part 2: Mesopotamia: Natural Environment + History p.137
2.1 The Natural Environment
-Mesopotamia = “the land between 2 rivers” (Greek) = an urban civilization
around Tigris + Euphrates rivers
-between Persian Gulf + Syrian Desert
-w/Taurus Mts. to the NW + Zagros Mts. to the East
-UPPER Mesopotamia = Norther mountainous region at source of rivers
-LOWER Mesopotamia= Southern marshland
-good location + fertile lands = attractive place to live
 many city-states (politically independent cities w/their surrounding
many empires conquered the city-states + held them for long periods
REGIONS of Mesopotamia:
-Assyria: mountainous north (Assyrians)
-Akkad: between the 2 river valleys (Akkadians)
-Sumer: Southern, lower parts of the 2 rivers (Sumerians)
2.2 The History of Mesopotamia p.138
-inhabited city-states circa 3500BC
-built dykes/canals to control floods/irrigate crops
-invented writing
-conquered Sumer under Sargon I
-ruled Sumer until invasions
- Circa 1950BC: Nomadic tribes conquered Mesopotamia + 1st Babylonian
Empire rose to power (King Hammurabi)
- Assyrians invade + conquer Babylon (famous king Ashurbanipal – very
- 625BC Neo-Babylonian Empire conquered Assyrians
o Nebuchadnezzar II
-extended the empire to Persian Gulf/Red Sea
-conquered Judah (southern part of Israel) and Jerusalem, and sent
the Jews into exile.
-responsible for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the
destruction of the First Temple.
-539BC King Cyrus II conquered Babylon
-Mesopotamia  a province of the Persian Empire
-331BC The Greeks conquer Persia under Alexander the Great
Youtube video:
IRAQ Mesopotamia Brief Presentation With Pictures from all Over the 18
Cities (min 0 – 3:15, just subtitles and images, no narration)
1. Who grew up to be the leader of the Akkads (Akkadians)? (Sargon)
2. How long did the Akkadian Empire last? (220 years)
3. What does the name Babylon mean? (“gateway of the gods”)
4. What civilization arose after Babylon? (Assyrian Empire)
5. Who was Assyria named for? (The Mesopotamian city god Ashur)
6. What did the “winged bull” do? (He guarded the Palace of Assyrian Kings)
7. Who rose to power again after the fall of the Assyrian Empire? (The
8. Who conquered the Neo-Babylonian Empire? (The Persians under Alexander
the Great)
Part 3: Life and Culture in Mesopotamia p.140
-Society= different closed groups; no movement between them
3.1 The Economy p.141
-Crops irrigated w/river water + transported to the fields by dykes + canals
-Livestock of cows, sheep, goats, donkeys
-Craftwork: clay pots, wool cloth + leatherwork
-Traded wool, cereals etc. for stone, wood + some metals
3.2 Society p.142
1. Kings = all-powerful (but not divine). Highest military/religious
2. The Ruling Class = priests/ important public servants/ big merchants/ rich
artisans/ landowners
3. Free ppl. = farmers/herdsmen/small merchants/artisans
4. Slaves – belonged to people or temples/gov’t
-Cities w/defensive walls
-Houses built around courtyard, had doors but no windows
-could participate in trials
-could possess property
-worked in many professions, like priestess or scribe
-received harsher punishments for the same crime
3.3 Religion p.143
-worshipped gods in temples (houses of the gods)
-believed the gods ruled the world and humans were created to serve them
-believed in life after death
-combined religion w/magic + divination
The Gods:
-An (god of sky + father of gods)
-Enlil (god of air + storms)
-Enki (god of wisdom)
-Ishtar (goddess of love)
3.4 Arts and Sciences
-many libraries w/clay tablets
-important literature = epic poems
-Hammurabi’s Code:
= a well-preserved law code from circa 1772 BC.
-was enacted by the sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi.
-contains of 282 laws, with punishments.
-most famous example = "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"
-MATH: made advances but didn’t have the number zero.
-could predict eclipses
-understood trajectory of Earth around Sun
-had a lunar calendar
-MEDICINE: had formulas, instruments + descriptions for diagnosing illnesses
3.5 Architecture + Art p.144
-building made of adobe bricks (mud mixed w/straw and baked)
-very weak material
-sometimes buildings were faced w/marble/alabaster
-semicircular arches
-vaults (a curved roof)
-Main buildings:
1. Palaces – courtyards, rooms, libraries
-Assyrian palaces (Khorsabad + Ninevah) special b/c the walls have
painted reliefs representing daily life + war victories
2.Temples – w/statue of God they worshipped there
3. Ziggurats – high, tiered towers w/different levels + stairs
-had astronomical observatories at the top
-Statues: represented idealized images of gods/rulers (ex. Gudea + Lagash)
-carved into steles (tall stone slab monuments decorated w/inscriptions or
bas (slight)-relief carvings).
-the more important ppl. were bigger
-used for propoganda, showing heroic deeds of kings
Part 4: Egypt: Natural Environment and History p.146
4.1 The Natural Environment
Egypt = -big desert w/ Nile River crossing N to S
Nile = -flows from Lake Victoria to Med. Sea
-big delta at mouth of river
-flooded once per year in Ancient times, fertilizing the banks
-Ppl. Worhsipped the river b/c it was a source of life + main
transport route
LOWER Egypt = North: delta= flat, marshy area
UPPER Egypt = South: Nile River Valley = got the Nile’s floods
4.2 The History of Egypt p.147
-3100BC Upper + Lower Egypt united by King Menes
1. THE OLD KINGDOM = 2700-2200BC
-Time of splendor, Pyramids built by Pharaohs, capital of empire = Memphis
2. THE MIDDLE KINGDOM = 2052 – 1786BC
-capital moved to Thebes
-territory increased
-1786BC The Hyksos invaded Egypt à moved capital to Avaris (stayed almost 200
3. THE NEW KINGDOM = 1567 – 1085BC
-Huge prosperity
-capital moved to Thebes
-Pharaohs ruled (ex. Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, Ramses II and III)
4. THE LATE PERIOD = 1085-30BC
-time of decline
- Egypt disintegrates into small, independent states
-invaded by Ethiopians, Assyrians + Persians
-332BC Alexander the Great conquers Egypt
-Rome rules Egypt after Cleopatra dies
Part 5: Life and Culture in Egypt p.150
5.1 The Economy p.151
-built dams+canals w/Nile water
-cereals (for bread + beer)
-flax (clothing)
-grapes, onions, lentils, peas
-cows, sheep, goats, pigs, ducks, geese, + chickens
-fished from Nile
-pottery, metalwork, jewelry+ fabric making
-w/Mesopotamia, Greece etc.
-sold agricultural produce + craftwork
-bought wood, metals + slaves
5.2 Society p.152
1. PHARAOH + his family
- king/god
-owned all land + ppl.
-held absolute power
-vizier (head of public of public administration)
-important public servants ex. provincial governors, military commanders,
treasurers + scribes
-craft workers
-worked in mines
-did domestic chores
Role of Women:
-They had greater freedom than in other civilizations.
-could walk the streets freely
-could own property w/their husbands
-had same legal rights as men
5.3 Religion
-polytheists (believed in many gods)
-zoomorphic gods (w/ human + animal aspects)
-believed in life after death à mummified dead
5.4 Arts and Sciences
-written texts preserved on papyrus (plant) + inscribed on temple/tomb walls
- ex. The Book of the Dead (religious)
-Understood basic math à could calculate volumes of cylinders + pyramids
-Advanced medicine à performed surgeries, understood fractures + other
5.5 Architecture + Art p.153
-colossal constructions
-dressed stones + columns
-religious buildings, dedicated to gods, where priests lived
-rock temples (ex: Abu Simbel temples)
-parts: shrine, open courtyard, avenue lined with stone sphinxes (p.153)
-for pharaohs + important public servants
-flat topped pyramids
-tombs for the pharaoh and his family
-formed a labyrinth of rooms/passageways
-corpse surrounded by treasure
-Hypogea (1 hypogeum)
-underground tombs carved out of rock
-had various passageways leading to funerary chamber of pharaoh
-for religious + funerary purposes
-pharaoh + family w/ idealized depiction: young + big
-faces static, inexpressive, looking straight ahead
-depictions of nobles/civil servants more realistic
-small statues of wood or clay depicting agricultural tasks + crafts
-reliefs in wood + stone
-used to worship the gods + for decoration
1. Tempera: pain diluted w/egg yolk or glue
2. fresco: paint dissolved in water + applied to a wet plaster wall
-subjects of paintings gods + humans
-more important figures depicted as larger