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Human Anatomy and Physiology
2013-2014 Second Semester Final Exam
Answer the following questions completely. Do not deviate from the references provided (it is in your
best interest to utilize class notes and the texts and not the internet).
Final exam components:
Part 1/Written Assessment: True and False, multiple choice, matching, and one short answer derived
from the questions below.
Part 2/Performance Assessment: Brain dissection lab and identification
Nervous System (taken from Power Points 7A-7C)
1. What are the components on the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system?
2. What are the six types of microglial cells? What would be the result if they were not present or
not working properly?
3. Differentiate between white matter and grey matter.
4. How do the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems affect heart rate and digestion?
5. What is the role of the blood brain barrier and what does it NOT work against?
6. What would be the potential prognosis of a patient who suffers a contusion versus a patient
who suffers from a concussion?
7. How do the brain stem and medulla oblongata function to maintain everyday functions?
8. What are the regions of the brain stem?
9. What is hydrocephalous and what causes it?
10. Differentiate between gyri, sulci, and fissures.
11. What role does Broca’s area play in a person’s ability to speak?
12. What names correspond to which cranial nerve numbers (I-XII)?
13. What would result in damage to the following cranial nerves: II, V, VII, X, XII
Endocrine System Overview (taken from Tortora/Red text Chater 13)
1. Describe how the endocrine system’s regulations of body functions differ from that of the
nervous system.
2. What is hypersecretion and hyposecretion ?
3. Where are each of the major endocrine glands located?
4. Which hormones from the pituitary gland are tropic hormones?
5. How do the functions of the ovary and testis in the endocrine system differ from their functions
in the reproductive system?
6. Determine the resulting condition or outcome of a patient who does not possess the following
endocrine gland and hormone production:
a. Pancreas-hyposecretion of glucose
b. Pituitary gland- hyposecretion of human growth hormone before puberty
c. Pituitary gland-hypersecretion of human growth hormone before puberty
d. Thyroid gland-hyperthyroidism
e. Adrenal gland-hypersecretion of estrogen in men
Special Senses Overview (taken from summery notes posted on schoolwires)
1. What percentage of sensory receptors is located in the eye?
2. The wall of the eye is divided into three layers, what are they?
3. What is the conjunctiva and how does it protect the eye?
4. What are the functions of rods and cones?
5. Differentiate between myopia and hyperopia.
6. What is the structural classification of olfactory receptors?
7. What are the five basic taste sensations?
8. What is needed for a chemical to be tasted?
9. What are the three regions of the ear?
10. What is the tympanic membrane?
11. What is the Spiral Organ of Corti and where is it located?
12. What is tinnitus?
Reproductive System and Birth Control and STIs(taken from Tortora/Red text Chapter 23)
1. Determine whether or not each organ is male or female AND describe the function of it:
a. Fallopian tube
b. Vas (ductus) deferens
c. Prostate gland
d. Bulbourethral gland
e. Uterus
f. Testis
g. Scrotum
h. Vagina
i. Epididymis
j. Ovaries
k. Penis
2. Which glands are responsible for the production of semen?
3. Describe the protective measures of semen that ensure that sperm is viable for reproduction.
4. Describe what events occur in the ovaries and the uterus during the menstrual phase of the
menstrual cycle.
5. Determine which hormonal method of birth control is most effective during TYPICAL use.
6. How does a barrier method of birth control prevent fertilization and what are three types of
barrier methods.
7. Identify the cause (specific bacteria or virus), signs, and symptoms of the following:
a. Chlamydia
b. Gonorrhea
c. Syphilis
d. Genital herpes