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Quiz 5
Modern History: Unit 4 & 5
Name: __________________________________________
Date: ______________
Score: ____/30
Part 1: True or False
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
8. _____
9. _____
10. _____
Many immigrants came to the United States in search of opportunity and a better life, as well as, to
escape poverty, religious persecution, and political persecution.
Many immigrants learned about opportunities in the U.S. that were tempting and untrue from railroad
and steamship company promoters.
Many native-born Americans (Nativist) saw immigrants as a threat because they were too different to
fit into American society and since they were willing to work cheaply, they lowered wages for all and
stole native-born American jobs.
The nouveau riche lived in tenements to showoff their great wealth.
Yellow journalism is a style of sensational reporting used by newspapers to attract readers.
Industrialization led to a decrease in city residency from 1865-1900.
While life in the U.S. was a much more difficult than life in their homelands, many immigrants frequently
endured these hardships because of the abundant high-paying and skilled jobs that were offered.
In 1920, Congress finally passed the 13th Amendment, which gave women full voting rights.
Social Darwinism is a theory adapted by Hebert Spencer from Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution,
which argues that society progresses through competition with the fittest rising to positions of wealth
and power.
The Sherman Antitrust Act was a law enacted to protect monopolies and trusts that restrained trade.
Part 2: Match the person with the correct business industry and match the term with the best definition.
Captain of Industry
or Robber Baron
11. Robber Baron _____
A. Term used to view industrialists as ingenious and industrious leaders who
transformed the American economy with their business skills. They were
praised for their skills as well as for their philanthropy (charity).
12. Andrew Carnegie _____
B. Steel Company
13. Cornelius Vanderbilt _____
C. Banking, Investing & U.S. Government Financing
14. John D. Rockefeller _____
D. Standard Oil Company
15. JP Morgan _____
16. Captain of Industry _____
E. Steamship & Railroad Businesses (New York/Harlem Railroad & New York
Central Railroad
F. Term used to view certain industrialists as cruel and ruthless businessmen
who would stop at nothing to achieve great wealth. They were accused of
exploiting workers and forcing horrible working conditions and unfair
labor practices upon the laborer.
Quiz 5
Modern History: Unit 4 & 5
Part 3: Short Answer
17. Name the two immigration centers in the United States in the late 1880s.
A. ________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________
18. List one type of mass transit that helped extend cities outward.
19. List two things that allowed cities to grow upward.
A. ________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________
20. List three communication innovations during the “Age of Invention” that brought Americans in closer contact and
furthered the growth of the American industry.
A. ________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________________
21. The completion of this project between the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads created one railway from
Omaha, Nebraska to the Pacific Ocean.
22. What natural resource does the production of steel require?
23. List one effect steel had on industry in the United States.
24. List one effect oil had on industry in the United States.
25. This reform movement of the early 1900s was concerned with curing problems of urbanization and industrialization.
Quiz 5
Modern History: Unit 4 & 5
Part 4: Match the Progressive reformers with what they did to make society better.
Progressive Era Reformers
26. Jane Addams _____
27. Lewis Hine _____
A. This person became the leader of the union in his factory. He felt
workers all over the U.S. needed unions and he felt new laws were
needed to help working people. He fought for laws that would limit the
workday to eight hours. In 1886, this person helped start the American
Federation of Labor (AFL).
28. Theodore Roosevelt _____
29. Upton Sinclair _____
30. Samuel Gompers _____
B. This photographer went into factories and took photos to show how
terrible it was for children to be factory workers. Published in
magazines and books these images helped inspire support for child
labor laws and compulsory education.
C. In the early 1900s, there was no way to know if you were eating
contaminated food or if the medicines you took were safe. This author
wrote a novel called The Jungle exposing the lack of safety and
sanitation for workers in the Meat Packing industry. This book brought
attention to the lack of safety for employees in meat packing plants and
made Americans wonder what was going into the meat they ate.
D. This person was a strong crusader for conservation controlling how
America's natural resources were used. This figure preserved more than
200 million acres of public lands and doubled the number of national
parks. This leader also pushed for Federal laws that would make
businesses and companies obey laws regarding the use of natural
E. This person bought a house with a friend and turned it into a
settlement house to provide services for poor people in the community.
The settlement house was called the Hull House and it offered
opportunities such as English classes, childcare, and work training to
community residents.
Bonus: How did American daily life change after the Second Industrial Revolution? List three things. (1 to 3 Points)