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What is a verb?
Physical Verbs – Definition and Examples
Physical verbs are action verbs. They describe specific physical actions. If you can
create a motion with your body or use a tool to complete an action, the word you use
to describe it is most likely a physical verb.
Physical Verb Examples
The physical verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy
Let’s run to the corner and back.
I hear the train coming.
Call me when you’re finished with class.
Mental Verbs – Definition and Examples
Mental verbs have meanings that are related to concepts such as discovering,
understanding, thinking, or planning. In general, a mental verb refers to a cognitive
Mental Verb Examples
The mental verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy
I know the answer.
She recognized me from across the room.
Do you believe everything people tell you?
States of Being Verbs – Definition and Examples
Also known as linking verbs, state of being verbs describe conditions or situations that
exist. State of being verbs are inactive since no action is being performed. These verbs
are usually complemented by adjectives.
States of Being Verb Examples
The state of being verbs in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
I am a student.
We are circus performers.
The dog is quiet.
Action Verbs
Action Verbs are verbs that express action. Ex: run, walk, do, drive.
I’ll do my homework when I get home.
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Most action verbs are defined as transitive or intransitive. This means that some are
used with a direct object (the person or thing that receives the action of the subject)
and others don’t need a direct object. Some verbs can be both transitive and
intransitive depending on their meaning.
1. Transitive Verb – Joe will send the price quote as soon as he can.
2. Intransitive Verb – Many of the students are not well. They coughed throughout
the lesson.
Stative Verbs
What are Stative Verbs?
Stative verbs are verbs that express a state rather than an action. They usually relate
to thoughts, emotions, relationships, senses, states of being and measurements. These
verbs are not usually used with ing in progressive (continuous) tenses even though
they may take on time expressions such as now and at the moment. We use the simple
tenses for them.
1. Paul feels rotten today. He has a bad cold.
2. Do you recognize him? He is a famous rock star.
3. Our client appreciated all the work we did for him.