Download inflorescence erecto-patent, twice as long as, linear, 1 mm wide bracts

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inflorescence erecto-patent, twice as long as, linear, 1 mm wide bracts; capsu­
les ellipsoid ± 1.5 times as long as wide; style 0.7-1.1 (-1.5) mm long; inflores­
cence ± dense
5. V. anagalloides
7b Corolla (3.5-) 4-5 (-5.5) mm in diameter; raceme and capsules with sparse
hairs and glands (seldom glabrous); stem usually thick and hollow; fruiting
pedicels and branches of inflorescence patent (diverging at right angle), as long
as or shorter than lanceolate, 1-3 mm wide bracts; capsules ± globose, as long
as wide or wider than long; style (1.3—)1.5—2 mm long; inflorescence diffuse
6. V. catenata
8a Inflorescence with less than 9 flowers
8b Inflorescence with more than 9 flowers
9a Leaves opposite, equally spread along the stem, with long petioles, 20-3 5x
15-30 mm; capsules conspicuously laterally flattened, wider than long; moun­
tain plants
7. V. montana
9b Leaves congested, more or less rosulate, shortly petiolate to ± sessile, 10-15x
5-10 mm; capsules only slightly laterally flattened, longer than wide; high
mountain plants
8. V. aphylla
10a Stem decumbent to recumbent; calyx less than 4 mm
10b Stem ascending or erect; calyx longer than 4 mm
11a Leaves ovate to ellipsoid, 15-45(-50)x8-25(-30) mm, with long hairs; inflo­
rescence with patent glandular hairs; capsules with soft glandular hairs
9. V. officinalis
1 lb Leaves narrowly ellipsoid to oblong, (5-) 15-20 (-30)x(l-) 3-5 (-8) mm, with
short hairs; inflorescence hairy, without glandular hairs; capsules glabrous....
10. V.prostrata
12a Fruiting pedicels at least twice as long as bract, at top curved towards the rachis
of the inflorescence; capsules deeply sinuate, twice as long as calyx; filaments
of stamens longer than corolla
W.V. urticifolia
12b Fruiting pedicels at most twice as long as bract, erect; capsules shallowly sinuate,
1.5 times as long as calyx; filaments of stamens shorter than corolla
13a Hairs on stem arranged into two conspicuous rows, patent; capsules
conspicuously transversally flattened, inversely cordate triangular, wider than
long, cuneate at base; calyx 4-partite
13b Hairs evenly spread around the stem, not arranged into rows, appressed to­
wards the top of stem; capsules slightly transversally flattened, broadly ellipso­
id or roundish-inversely cordate, longer than wide, roundish at base; calyx usu­
ally 5-partite, posterior segment shorter than others
14a Calyx segments with dense hairs and glands (120-300, 0.2-0.4 mm long hairs
on one segment); capsules 3-3.5x4-4.5 mm; leaves ± sessile or shortly petiola­
te (petioles 0.5-1.0 (-1.5) mm), triangular ovate, sometimes ovate-lanceolate,
mostly pinnately partite to pinnatisect or at least at the base of blade with 6-8
(-11) pairs of long, narrow, nearly linear teeth; leaves on middle part of stem
sessile; corolla pale blue, sometimes whitish or pale rose
12. V. vindobonensis