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Food Chains / Food Web Notes
What is the name of an organism that only eats plants?
Food Chains / Food Webs:
What is the name of an organism that only eats other animals?
What is the name of an organism that eats plants & other animals?
____________________ = Traces the path of energy as it moves from one
organism to the next in an ecosystem.
_______________ = The primary (or first) source of energy.
_______________ = Organisms that make (or produce) their own food.
They begin the food chain. Ex:________________________________
What is the name of an organism that eats the remains of dead plants &
Energy Flow:
_____________________________________ = The first organism to
feed. This animal eats plants.
The arrows in a food chain / food web point in the direction that energy
____________________ 
_____________________________________ = The second organism to
_____________________________________ = The third organism to
____________________ = Organisms that feed on the remains or wastes
of other organisms. Ex:________________________________________
_____________________ = Eat the remains of organisms left behind by
other animals. Ex:___________________________________________
_________________ = Is a system of several overlapping food chains.
_____________________________________ = One of a small number of
species which dominate in an ecosystem. Ex:_______________________
____________________ 
________________________________________ 
Remains of dead plants and animals are broken down by:
Energy / Ecological Pyramid:
The energy in the pyramid _____________________ as you go up.