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Apocalypse of the Wayward Pagan (Rough Draft)
Know well that this note is only meant to inform readers of the misrepresented history surrounding the term
“Pagan”, and is no way meant to promote or degrade any Religion or Spiritual Tradition. My use of the term
“Apocalypse” refers to a disclosure of knowledge that drastically impacts the way we perceive our earthly
realities, ultimately laying down some cultural framework for the Final Revelation. If all branches lead to the
same root, than by reason of correlativity shall all religions lead to the same Truth. If anything, the
Armageddon feared by many would be nothing more than a hostile attempt to force reconciliation among all
faiths and nations...doomed to end in Chaos without the integrity of its participants.
Ancient Mosaic showing Alexander III of Macedon battling Darius III of Persia
Since Alexander the Great, the wisest of Western Eurasia have long since awaited the rise of true Nobility.
The fall of the Macedonian Empire was riddled with contentions for power between his officers, otherwise
known as the Wars of the Diadochi. Without proper guidance or intuition, this brought Europe into the
Hellenistic period where much of Eurasia fell under the rule of Merchant Kings. The Diadochi were often
characterized by their attempts at self-deification, coveting public adoration held for the fallen Alexander.
Despite this, Macedonia maintained ancient political traditions between Aristocrats and Monarchs before
they fell to the Aristocratic Republic of Rome...which had dethroned its own Royal Family.
Meanwhile, other usurpers of his fallen Empire became obsessed with the thought of Pharaonic worship.
Hellenistic Kingdoms were plagued with the institution of cults dedicated to their rulers, often fashioned
after what people made for Alexander after he became Pharaoh of Egypt. Defeating Persia inspired
Egyptians to view him as a Liberating Savior, since Persia had grown to arrogant in its way as the head of
the Achaemenid Empire. After his death, Ptolemy Lagides claimed Egypt as one of his most trusted
generals. Though he founded the Ptolemaic Dynasty, it was his son to proclaim himself a living god through
his late father who was by then considered a "Savior" for his benevolent campaigns.
Ancient Roman ethnicity consisted of Etruscans, Latins, and Sabines, who were all represented by the
original Senate. Rome itself was formed by Latins in defection from the surrounding tribal states of Italy,
opposing Etruscan invasions on all fronts. The Sabines were an Italic tribe caught in the middle, with many
of their women taken by force to populate the Kingdom of Rome...earning the disdain of all rivals. Since the
Heartland of their culture lied in Etruria, Etruscans attempted to reclaim Roman territories many times
throughout history. They later formed a Theocratic State where the growth of aristocratic families were a
fixed institution, made wealthy through trade with Celtic and Greek cities.
As a Theocratic nation, the Etruscans expressed belief in Polytheistic Immanence. They held all visible
phenomena to be manifestations of divine power, which was subdivided into deities that acted continually on
the world of man. This power could be dissuaded or persuaded through them in favor of human affairs,
perhaps even in a Monistic sense. The origin of their tradition were rooted in the teachings of two prophetic
figures. One named Tages revealed a cosmic view of divinity and the correct methods of ascertaining Divine
Will, ritualistic Astrology in particular. The other was a female named Vegoia, who revealed the arts, the
rules and rituals of land marking, and the preservation of sacred boundaries.
Likewise, both Ancient Celtic and Greek civilizations held prophetic men and women above all others.
Celtic Poets known as “Fili” or Bards were especially acknowledged for their oracular prose, with priestess
noted for divine clairvoyance. More Germanic tribes governed themselves under the authority of Druids who
only believed in prophecy derived from rituals, particularly the sacrifice of animals or people. Overtime,
Germanic Law displaced the rights of priestly women to that of chattel. Being a much older culture, the
Greeks considered themselves far more civilized than Germanic tribes. For them, women were honored for
Oracular ability while the men were honored with the right to shape entire city-states.
When the first King of Rome established the Senate, it was a unique Council of the State composed of
Aristocrats selected to serve as his legislative coordinators. Though the Senate reserved a right to accept or
veto new laws, the King could exercise power without their consent. Over time, the savage depravity of
Roman Monarchs inspired Aristocrats to depose Kingship in favor of a two-man system. Known as Consuls,
they shared the powers once held by Kings equally...which was later decimated even further to other
Magistrates such as Censors and Praetors. Romans later instituted the idea of dictatorship, where Dictators
were freely chosen during turbulent periods when one-man rule was best suited.
Much of Etruscan culture was reworked into Roman tradition, with many of their more mystical practices
assimilated by the Roman Priesthood. After a long period of conflicts, they annexed Etruscan States before
proclaiming themselves the Eternal City "Roma Aeterna". As their territories grew in size and strength,
Rome began a campaign to conquer the rest of the Mediterranean which fell under the Carthaginian
Republic as the last of their rivals. Carthage began as a Phoenician colony, but grew into the reigning capital
of a cultural and economic super power. Lacking a unified military state, Carthage was destroyed by the
Romans before having its territories seized...reduced to a slave state as the Roman province of Africa.
Originally, the term "Pagan" referred to those less educated than the citizens of Rome, and had little bearing
on their spiritual beliefs nor their grasp of religion. Beginning as a mere slur for those considered "politically
inept" by Romans, it referred to any people that did not think in terms of governing estates. Under the
Republic, “Pagan” merely referred to tribal communities living beyond Roman borders without regard for
boundaries or jurisdiction before the rise of Julius Caesar. The term was later adopted by Christians against
those lacking a religious sense before it grew into an overall slur for anyone suspected of carrying beliefs
that differ, even Atheists...a term for all held under cultural dispositions.
"King Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Caesar (19th Century)" by Lionel Royer
At the time, all sides considered their rivals to be primitive by comparison to their own. For the Greeks, the
term "Barbarian" carried a similar method of demeaning ignorance. Either way, History will always trump
Semantics in the realm of Etymology. Though above all else, one thing rings most true; One states Wise
Man can be another ones Heretic. It seems Sir Julius Caesar was no different, murdered gruesomely for his
attempts at open citizenship for the population of all client states under Rome. Earning both envy and
jealousy from his contemporaries, his idealistic view of foreign cultures made him a threat to the Roman
Aristocracy...and an overwhelming inspiration to the tribunate of the people.
Sir Julius Caesar came into power as the last of true Rulers over their Republic, meaning that he was the last
to consider himself a servant of his people. Forming a political alliance called the “Populares”, they
supported the rights of commoners...people dismissed by the Roman Senate as “Plebeians”. Populares
particularly focused on abject poverty afflicting the Urban districts, which earned opposition from
Aristocrats within the Senate. Known as the Optimates, many saw him as a threat to their privileged
lifestyle. Despite this, Caesar garnished the favor of the people in his rebellious, yet triumphant military
campaigns. Expanding both borders and influence for Rome, this greatly increased its cultural diversity.
His popular exploits and conflicted relationships with Aristocratic allies provoked the Great Roman Civil
War, which culminated in the defeat of the Optimates. Caesar was then named the indefinite ruler of the
Roman Republic, maintaining the dignified composure of all city-states. While pursuing a past ally that
defected to the Optimates, Caesar found himself in the middle of the Alexandrine Civil War. Siding with
Cleopatra the VII, he later took her as a consort despite their cultural differences. In fact, he abandoned his
original plan for the annexation of Egypt in support of her rights as sovereign. They even had a child
together, despite his childless marriage to a Lady of Rome...sparking outrage among its nobles.
"Caesar & Cleopatra (19th Century)" by
Jean-Leon Gerome
Coupled with his Utopian view of Citizenship & Statehood, this resulted in his assassination on behalf of the
Senate soon after naming an adopted son as his successor. Despite their hostility, no man could deny that
noble blood was spilled that day. Sir Julius had descended from one of the most ancient patrician families of
Roman History, a lineage considered begotten by the first true Hero of Rome. Though his adopted son
Octavianus could be groomed to their liking at 18, he could never inherit the honor of his bloodline. Instead,
this fell upon his son as purported by Cleopatra...nicknamed Caesarion meaning “Little Caesar”. However,
Julius never claimed the child outright in the wake of political controversy.
Caesar was given Divine Honors by supporters shortly before his death, with his closest friend and general
Mark Anthony named his priest. This might explain why many politicians succumbed to superstitious
paranoia thereafter, displacing philosophical theology for distorted prophesies of their own choosing.
Astrologers and Mystics were often expelled from Rome, most notably after officials razed Carthage before
enslaving and selling all of its citizens. It is a well established fact that the bulk of Roman culture was stolen
through the conquest of less militant cultures, sacking thousands of years worth of priceless knowledge in
vain. Needless to say, the threat of vengeance loomed over Rome long before Caesar.
Just 11 years after his assassination, Mystics were exiled once more as Caesarion came of age...being only
three at the time of Caesar’s death. As Octavian grew old enough to claim the throne, Mark Anthony began
to fear the rise of a fabricated scion through a corrupt Senate. In response, Mark Anthony proclaimed
Caesarion a divinity as the son of a divinity through Sir Julius Caesar, and the uncontested “King of Kings”
in what came to be known as the Donations of Alexandria. This only enraged the Aristocracy, which
amassed all Roman forces against Egypt under Octavian’s name. As the only heir named, Octavian was the
only way for Optimates to regain absolute power over the Roman tribunate.
They spared no mercy in the violent conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt, the last of Diadochi Kingdoms. It is
written that Antony committed suicide by falling on his own sword before being taken back to die in
Alexandria. Cleopatra followed suit with Octavian’s forces drawing nigh, reputedly by venomous snake or
the ingestion of poison. With the forces of Anthony and Cleopatra eliminated, Octavian had Caesarion killed
at 17 before proclaiming himself the true son of divinity as Emperor Augustus. In a twisted stroke of irony,
he fell ill about a decade later in the aftermath. "Egyptian rites" were then vilified with extreme prejudice,
though Augustus banned them to a doubtful effect under the newly formed Empire.
Despite several Imperial bans, magic and astrology persisted among all social classes in the wake of his
fading health. In 16 BCE, his step-son Tiberius expelled them under extreme penalty because an astrologer
prophesied his own death. These policies were reflected in the New Testament when the Magi are led by a
star to the birth place of a Messiah. They then turn his parents toward Egypt as a shelter from an impending
infanticide. Practitioners of magic were known as “Magi” in the Graeco-Roman world, with “Magus” being
the singular form. The terms began as honorifics given to Persian priests by those outside their culture. Soon
after, Tiberius ominously extended the ban with excessive force in 19 CE.
Both Egypt & Persia were the two oldest Eurasian civilizations to establish an Astrological system. Unlike
conventional Astrology where the planets rule over a particular 12 “house of stars” known as a Zodiac signs,
the Egyptians relied on 36 groups called “Decans”. Each was considered a deity in its own right with 72
spirits for every 5 degrees of the zodiac, 365 in total. The Persians however established a religion concerning
Priestly Astrologers that serve Unholy Deities. Instead, they identified Holy Deities as those who serve
under a Divine Trinity. The first represented authority as “Ahura Mazda”, while the second held the Holy
Covenant as “Mithra”. The third was the Omnipresent Creator of all as “Apam Napat”.
Zoroastrian artwork depicting the founder
and prophet of Persian Religion, Zoroaster.
Likewise, with the rise of Christianity emerged a new perspective on Divinity. Christian Theology identified
this with the “Spirit of God”, a force exemplified in all creation. The Father was considered the Lord of all
substance as the most exemplary form, while the Son was the evidence of both in congruity as a Holy unity
of Nature and the Spirit of God. Often either misconstrued or misrepresented outright, the Church declared
at the Fourth Lateran Council "it is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit
who proceeds" the Spirit of God. Since Free Will exists almost as a fourth force acting outside congruence
with the three, concepts of Holiness have always been disputed in regards to individuality.
Of course this would beg the question, what of a mother? The “mother”, as it were, would be Nature in
itself. In many Hebrew passages, a city, society or tribe may be engendered as a woman enduring the
citizens or "children" within. As Eve, she is symbolic for the essence of the earth. In other words, Genesis
entails the Spirit of God cultivating the Spirit of the Earth. Likewise, menstruation is likened to the pains
endured by the Earth through the Chaos of her children left undisciplined by the fruits of wisdom. In fact,
the watery abyss spoken of in Genesis 1:2 is held as the womb of our creation. Moreover, the Hebrew term
used for the earth throughout Genesis only speaks in reference to a specific Land or Territory.
Christianity in the classical era ironically reflected tenets of Ancient Egyptian Religion, with the creative
force known as “Ra” displaced by the Holy Father. The Son would take the place of Horus as the progenitor
of Pharaonic Kingship, while the Spirit of God replaced “Neter” as the Eternally Omnipotent Creator of all.
Ra was the force behind both Magic and the Stars, and his Divinities were depicted with a variety of celestial
headdresses that differentiated them from lesser divinities or mortal servants like Pharaoh. Though most
might deny the connection, Christianity was founded from the Judaic line of Semitic culture...which were
originally taught by a Prophet raised under an Egyptian Royal Family as Moses.
Despite popular belief, Mysticism in itself is not explicitly forbidden in the Bible. All that is prohibited
outright are forms that manipulate laws of nature, particularly those that pull or raise spirits of the dead. In
fact, the Torah relates how the Lord of Creation taught Moses how to turn his staff into a serpent through an
applied method as a show of Divine authority. Though this was written out of most mainstream bibles for its
controversial allusion to ritual, even ritualistic sacrifice is a theme that occurs throughout the old testament
both against and in favor of the Lord. At the same time, sacrifices to the Lord were viewed as “Sinofferings” in which one sacrificed an animal as a pledge of service in repentance for past sins.
All this is made into example with the Book of Acts, where a figure named Simon Magus clashes with
Simon Peter. The Magus used sorcery to bewitch the people of Samaria, proclaiming himself the power of
God. After converting to Christianity upon hearing their Gospel, he attempted to bribe Peter for the power to
perform miracles. Offended, Peter stated that the Spirit of God would not stand by the wicked without
repentance...regardless of lucre. It should be noted that the name Simon refers to one who listens,
particularly in reference to God in Hebrew. Moreover, the name Peter refers to a Rock as one who is
otherwise unmoved. In other words, the parable appears to refer more to his intentions than his practices.
This is also somewhat reminiscent of the Hebrew King Solomon, who was beguiled by the mystical
traditions of his many polytheistic wives. Soon after marrying a daughter of the Pharaoh, he grew into a
pretentious ruler commanding slave masters while coveting the wealth of a Merchant King named Hiram.
Dissatisfied with the fruits of his labor under the Lord, he began committing himself to rituals on behalf of
other Deities. Though this may come off as a story against polytheism, the Lord shows leniency throughout
many passages to focus on the wickedness of certain tribes. He commands that in the settling of Israel, they
respect Ammonites, Edomites, Egyptians, and Moabites despite their differences.
The ancient religion of Egypt put up little resistance to the spread of Christianity, and even celebrated the
birth of the Christian Messiah on May 20th as purported by Clement of Alexandria. Alexandria was its
capital, possessing the largest port as the second largest city of the Roman Empire. By 200 CE, it is clear
that Alexandria was one of the great Christian centers. Alexandria became the center of the first great split in
the Christian world, between Arianism and Trinitarianism. Meanwhile, Greece was a far less prominent
center for Christian thought. Impoverished by the Roman Empire, Greece was right under the thumb of its
tyranny...forcing true Christians to keep a low profile until orthodoxy was established.
"King Solomon in his old age (19th
Century)" by Gustave Doré (layered with
Masonic Iconography for cover of a
Transliterated occult work known as the "Key
of Solomon")
Many Pagan citizens actually rose in support of the Christian Gospels, but often fell into Gnostic sects since
they were not regarded in their knowledge or stature by the aristocratic beginnings of the Roman Church.
Persecuted from both sides, they were forced into obscurity as the Roman Empire grew more corrupt in their
lust for power. For this reason, many defame this as the "Whore of Babylon". Slaughtering Pagans and
Christians alike, they confiscated all literature concerning their true beliefs within events reminiscent of what
befell the Library of Alexandria. Often denigrated as "Hordes" for their nomadic attempts to compile
resources solely for their own use, they were repressed into private communities.
Gnosticism only refers to one that professes or proclaims knowledge of the ineffable nature of God, with
Agnosticism as the presenting the very antithesis. The term Pagan actually has very little, if anything, to do
with Religion. Instead, it is often conflated with the term “Heathen” which I will get into shortly. Moreover,
most of those so-called Barbarians were often forced into exile amidst the wake of proto-Feudalism...and not
always in Just consequence. Roman Imperialists viewed early Christianity as an irreligious, novel,
disobedient, and even atheistic sub-sect of Judaism. So much so that they regarded it as a superstition, seeing
it as a threat to Roman liberties and thus subject to complete annihilation if afforded.
However, as the masses gathered in protest despite public executions, Nicene Christianity eventually became
the one permitted Roman Religion in the aftermath of mass-riots throughout Egypt no less, with all other
cults deemed as heretical or otherwise pagan superstition. Meanwhile, the Aristocracy continued to practice
a Roman form of Hellenistic Monism by holding themselves alone as divine reflections of Godly intent.
Hellenistic refers to its Greek origins, while Monism refers to a belief that everything is a part of one whole.
Needless to say, this is the catalyst that begot the Protestant Revolution over 1000 years even the
Church that they themselves begot proved to be self-serving.
In fact, the majority of Christian history within Rome is obscured outside the literature of various
"Apostles", deriving from a Greek term that quite literally refers to "one who is sent away". Moreover, many
of the strongest and closest followers of the Gospel of Christ were Greek. Case & Point would be the
Philippians in the Epistles of Saint Paul, who reside in the Greek city of Philippi. Despite being Saint Paul’s
most favored congregation, the term “Heathen” began as an inaccurate English transcription of the word
“Hellene” in explicit reference to the Greek. It then degenerated into a slur for anyone who held adverse
religious affiliations, but was implied against all who did not follow sanctioned religion.
Coincidentally, all of the original epistles were written in Greek...considered a Heathen’s Tongue by the
Dark Ages. However, the Roman Empire had already transcribed most all Religious scriptures into Latin
before their collapse. Subsequently, the Germanic tribes to succeed them in authority over the Church knew
little of its intended purpose outside of state politics. The grotesque abuse of its authority is alluded to in the
Book of Revelations, which was written by a Greek poet of the Christian faith. Despite predating the
establishment of the Catholic Church, he uses many allegories to represent the deterioration of true faith at
the hands of its enemies in what is widely considered to be the last book of the New Testament.
This is reflected most in modern conflation of the term “God”, which is in itself Germanic. Though used as a
contemporary reference to the Lord of the Ancient Israelites, The ambiguity of the English term lies in its
origin among the Lombards of Italy. Originally a hypocorism for a deity worshiped as “Godan”, it came to
be used for all divinities in a general sense. Known in modern English as Odin, his more common name
during Classical antiquity was Wodanaz. As the Germanic reciprocal of the Hebrew Lord, over 170 different
names and titles were ascribed to Odin among Nordic cultures. Ironically, the terms Etymological definition
is rooted as the “Possessed Prophet [or] Seer”...roughly.
Even the term “Lord” is Germanic, emerging in the 13th century. In fact, the English language is Germanic
in itself. Its original spelling was “Anglish”, after the Angles that conquered Britain soon after the fall of
Rome. The Angles were a Germanic-speaking people who took their name from the ancestral cultural region
of “Angeln”, a district located in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. According to an Anglo-Saxon historian of
the Church named Bede, it was Pope Gregory to compare them to Angels. Struck by the image of their
children being sold in the Roman slave market, upon learning more of their background he stated that by
their name “such people ought to be co-heirs of the angels in heaven”.
Angles later allied themselves with the Saxons, as a Confederacy of Germanic Tribes. They then colonized
the land, and established their own Kingdom called "England"...referring to a "Land of the Angles". After
Germanic tribes conquered Rome, they assimilated it's beliefs, and then used them to turn the people into
livestock, which they planned on holding forever in Germanic slavery known as Thralldom. This brought
about the Dark Ages throughout Europe, one that Roman Catholicism managed to endure. When the
Carolingian Empire rose to defeat the Lombards, Catholic loyalists managed to unify different tribes enough
to form the “Holy Roman Empire” under their new Frankish King Charlemagne.
What most fail to realize is that Catholicism, by definition, was established in order to form a Universal
Doctrine of Orthodoxy concerning the notion of faith for all. However, the very base of this ideal was
founded on conjecture surrounding the corrupt trial and mass-execution of its original preceptors throughout
the ages. The Ancient Kingdom of Israel existed long before a time of religious orthodoxy, and Aramaic
Theology was largely a syncretic philosophy of Arabic traditions with Hebrew faith. Moreover, it should be
noted that there are many different facets and layers to Divinity under the Hebrew faith...perhaps more than
could be articulated by a Son of Man under the Aramaic language.
"Muhammad Preaching (19th Century)"
by Grigory Gagarin
Oddly enough, the rise of the Church as a Political authority was followed by the Arab Herald of Islam.
Though many of the core beliefs have been obscured by the political ambitions of the ruling Caliphate, the
tenets of this Religion express a strictly Monistic view of the Divine. Holding that as “Allah”, God is
Oneness in the truest sense; the description or ascription in all that exists. As controversial as this was to
early Catholic thought, this was a fundamental belief among most philosophers of the Ancient world...and
the Greeks were no exception. Moreover, this position was compatible with what is taught of the Spirit of
God referred to in modern tradition as the “Holy Spirit”. Despite this, political rivalries were unrelenting.
Unfortunately, the Persians also experienced a cultural diaspora when the Umayyad family usurped the
traditional caliphate established by their Muhammad. Having settled in their impiety, they oversaw the massexpansion of the Arab Slave Trade. By this time, religious denominations were more diverse than Rome. As
a feudal Arab Empire, the Umayyads ruled over a population which was overwhelmingly non-Arab while
also primarily non-Muslim. Their dynastic view displaced integrity for cultural racism, particularly against
Persians. In fact, the Umayyads applied great effort in their attempts to eradicate all remnants of the Persian
language...much of which is now lost to the world due to this atrocity.
As the Dark Ages took hold, xenophobia grabbed hold of the Church as it grew more and more intolerant
towards all views differed from their own political ambitions. It was no longer enough to enforce an
orthodox view of one creed, they had to eradicate the presence of all others. Unfortunately, Islam also grew
overzealous in this respect after the Roman Empire crumbled under its own weight. The death of its
founding patriarchs left a void in its political integrity, one that any conceited ego was more than willing to
fill. Without a military power to challenge expansion, they became pretentious in their way by establishing a
similar form of oppressive orthodoxy for their own people to follow without question.
Placing Popes in the stead of Caesar, the Church declared Germany the head of their Holy Empire. This gave
way to several gruesome campaigns between Catholic and Islamic Empires, among many conflicts between
lesser kingdoms over the enforcement of orthodoxy. Known as the Crusades, it was most characterized for
the constant plundering of religious institutions and strongholds. Generating great wealth for the aristocrats,
it left the people greatly impoverished. Though European Serfdom had distinguished itself from the Chattel
Slavery of the late Roman Empire, it was merely a way to dangle acceptance as a means of exploiting the
poor. The Islamic equivalent were Mamluks, held in much higher esteem.
On the other hand, the Abbasid family took advantage of Islamic dissension by claiming the same lineage as
the Prophet. Their revolution came about through its cultural diversity, since both Sunnis and Shias
supported efforts to overthrow the Umayyad dynasty among non-Muslim subjects who resented religious
discrimination...which included strict persecution of Persian Zoroastrians. However, the Abbasids
consolidated power against their allies as soon as they seized control. Taking after the Umayyads in
betraying the Muslim faith, they established their own orthodoxy while reinforcing a Slave Trade throughout
Africa. Despite owing their victory to Islam, they reinstated Non-Muslims while having Shias persecuted.
Since neither side was willing to examine their religion without political bias, paranoia replaced the purity in
all spiritual intent. As generations succeeded their forefathers without criteria for progress, they grew
disillusioned with the reverent and sought a status beyond the material worth of an old man’s wisdom.
Ancient ways became more and more alien to them, even if practiced for the sake of their own faith. Thus
aristocratic families on both sides began defaming the traditions of others in order to secure their own
wealth, attaining prestige in the decadence of crafting scandal. Using disinformation to sway the opinions of
the masses, the common tyrant could paint a savior from the villains or a demon from the saints.
As the weather grew worse, crops began to fail, and the people began to question the affairs of the Church.
Limiting rations to the poor to reserve for themselves the best of all crops, there was no doubt that corruption
had seized the Empire. Countless scholars began emerging to challenge the scriptural basis of Catholic
authority, particularly of the Pope. Instead of responding to them outright, the Church shifted all blame to
occult forces as the cause of their misfortunes. They then declared losing the city of Jerusalem to Muslim
forces as the day Rome lost the Holy City to pagan idolatry...setting the stage for some of the most gruesome
campaigns between rival empires known as the Crusades.
"The Siege of Jerusalem (19th Century)" by Émile Signol
While citing this conflict as a means to end all suffering for mankind, the Church also used this as an excuse
to persecute those who had dissented from their oppressive traditions. Anyone questioning the authority of
the Church, or their intentions across the land were deemed heretical agents of Satan. Moreover, they
specifically singled out women that practiced any form of mysticism as a threat to Man’s connection with
God. Ironically, these tactics were borrowed from Ancient Babylonia while applying strictly to women in
regards to cursing Men. However, this speaks little for what became of Priestesses attempting to practice the
same faith on equal grounds.
Coincidentally, Ancient Europeans once honored priestesses & prophetesses above all others. Known as the
Völva, they were heavily associated with Magic carrying a title referring to “the carrier of a magic staff” in
Old Norse. Since Magic was seen as an emasculating art, only the female seer was suited to practice
indigenous mysticism like shamanism, sorcery, or prophecy. Summoned in times of crisis, she had immense
authority and charged well for her services. When Men attempted to indulge in the practice, they were
viewed more like one who cowardly whore themselves to spirits. Though the Völva held great authority,
they were ultimately dependent on the benevolence of their matter how powerful.
Nordic myth reflects this when the figure Odin shares a dialogue with a Völva who informs him of a selfinflicted downfall for their rule over Mankind. Despite popular belief, the text reveals these beings to be
more like mystical warlords who discovered the progenitors of Mankind after a great flood. Odin later learns
of magic from a tribe of mystics he conquered, and indulged for some time before her prophecy came to
fruition. Fearing the worst, he travels to a place called “Hel” not unlike the Underworld. There, he uses a
spell to revive a dead Völva before giving her a false name and pretense. In the end, Odin asks her a question
exposing his identity and the Völva sends him away in disgust...I wonder why?
In Nordic culture, spiritual women were always synonymous with Prophetic truth...even when least
desirable. The average Warlord likely detested the thought of a Völva challenging his integrity. For this
reason, some of these women were known for using drugs to charm Warlords into their favor. However,
This may have resulted in the role of these women being displaced for misogynistic traditions against their
freedom. Overtime, using drugs to subjugate their sexuality became a means to solidify a crude form of
marriage used to hold them as property. In fact, this bled well into the Witch Trials which were originally
enacted against women who used witchcraft to curse men who were unfaithful in marriage.
"The Cumaean Sibyl (18th Century)" by Donato
Contrary to popular belief, Women were known for Oracular ability long before Men were know for a
Prophetic one. Patterns in history reveal male prophets to be a sort of last resort in times of immense
oppression. Though most cultures referred to them as Sibyls, the Sibylline Oracles were transient
prophetesses respected above all others for their chastity. Their prophecies were always influenced by divine
inspiration from a particular deity, though little is said of it other than its status as Infinite & Unborn.
As times raged on with the world falling prey to Tyrants, Sibyls found less and less Holy Sites for their
prophecy. This might explain the decline of their prophetic role for a more mystical one as the Völva of
Germanic societies. Serving under the contingency that they may find safety beside the acting Warlord,
rivalries between the prominence of the two may have been the true catalyst behind the subsequent Witch
Trials. In fact, the start of these tumultuous relationships may date back as far as the Babylonian period of
Mesopotamia where women were only permitted to exercise mysticism under the strict tutelage of a High
Priest...but they were far from Warlords.
Joan of Arc, nicknamed “The Maid of Orleans”, was an extreme case of spiritual devotion mistaken for
treason. As a heroine of France for her role during the Hundred Years War, she was later canonized as a
Saint by the Catholic Church. Her claims of receiving visions from Archangels & Saints in protecting the
sovereignty of France earned the enmity of the English, who later burned her at the stake in the name of
Catholic faith. Meanwhile, Muslim scholars revered the memory of Sultana Shajar al-Durr as the first female
monarch of both Egypt and Islam. Aiding in the defeat of the Seventh Crusade, her rise to power sparked the
Mamluk era...honored by the destitute and enslaved as the “Tree of Pearls”.
On the other hand, Catholic Men were permitted to study works of Mysticism for the cultural advancement
of the Church. Institutions were established under the Renaissance to this end, most notably the Order of
Saint Benedict and the Friends of God. In fact, a Humanist abbot by the name of Johannes Trithemius went
on to teach two of the most prominent occultists of the times. One named Paracelsus focused on the Science
behind Astrology, going on to make countless contributions to medicine, psychology, and toxicology. The
other was Heinrich Agrippa, who focused on the Science of Ritual Magic while expounding on the mystical
link between Christianity and Judaism...something by which he faced great scrutiny.
As for debates within the Islamic community, the remaining Shias formed a doctrine of appropriate
leadership known as the Imamah. They believe that the Imams are the rightful successors of Muhammad,
possessing divine knowledge and authority of his kinship. From here, traditions differ since the Sunni
empire continued its persecution of Shia ideology as a tenet of orthodoxy. In reality, Sunnis owe the bulk of
their innovations to the rule of Shia Caliphates. Though many express pure animosity toward outside
opinions, Shia Caliphs that looked beyond the sins of the past were able to establish the most ideal aspect of
Islamic culture...owing little, if anything, to Sunni puritans in their conflict with one another.
The caliphates later managed to reclaim Jerusalem, but the constant in-fighting between them over tradition
ultimately resulted in the loss of Iberia. As a center of culture and learning during the Islamic Golden Age,
their industries included textiles, ceramics, glassware, metalwork, and agriculture. They also introduced
crops such as rice, watermelon, banana, eggplant and hard wheat using fields irrigated with water wheels and
various techniques originally pioneered by the Greeks. Later divided into Portugal & Spain, Europe had
assimilated a major trade route to Africa connecting them with Arabian Slave Merchants. However, they
were too focused on subjugating themselves in thralldom to notice.
Overtime, both Heathens and Pagans became synonymous with outright heretical or occult conspiracies.
This allowed the Witch Trials to mutate into a Wild Goose Hunt, singling out anyone that practiced beliefs
or expressed ideas outside the strict tenets of the Church. It should be noted that “Occultism” merely refers
to rituals hidden from the masses by a denomination without regard for their opinion, and the Papacy is no
different. Many Catholic rituals are practiced without public knowledge, and their politics were an even
greater mystery. Nevertheless, they permitted the mass-execution of scholarly Artists, Priests, and Scientists
alike over political beliefs...with Jews tortured and killed for sadistic sport.
"The Great Miseries of War (17th Century)" by Jacques Callot
This is where both slurs were usurped by a far more detestable term, “Witch”...which could be used against
Men all the same. Likewise, how might they receive the Priestess of a foreign faith? They instilled an
affinity for demonizing the unfamiliar, leading bigotry to fear what it would never allow itself to understand.
Ignorance was enforced with such severity that the Church had to sponsor the High Renaissance under harsh
criticism from their most noble allies. They thought laying claim to the cultural advancements of people
from all nations would rally the cynic to their cause, but this did them little good as Allied Kingdoms turned
on their master in various Cultural Revolutions greatly inspired by a fear of Islam.
Such grotesque war crimes gave way to rebellious factions, both in the realm of politics and the occult. Since
Islamic tradition holds that the Church derives its power from a perversion of authentic scripture, many
scholars began translating their own versions of the Bible to follow. Though they were disgusted by the
thought of Islam, they started to agree on the iniquities of the Church. Martin Luther was most notably
conflicted on the subject, drafting a list of propositions for it. Known as the Disputation on the Power of
Indulgences, it presented Luther’s 95 positions against the abusive practices of the Church...specifically the
sale of Indulgences as certificates alleged to absolve a person or relative of all sin before God.
This proved to be the harbinger for the Scientific Revolution, where scholars attempted to prove the worth of
Reason against the integrity of Faith. Many of these Scholars were praised as scientists for their discoveries
and theories, but were also scrutinized, persecuted, and even killed for their claims if they did not coincide
with preset notions established by the Church. Moreover, many were declared witches if their Science could
not be rationalized by the Clergy...though this may have been due more to an overwhelming conflict of
interest. After advocates of the Scientific Method took aim at the Catholic notion of a flat Earth, many of
these debates began to turn violent as things drifted towards a state of Civil War.
Meanwhile, merchant explorers had revealed another continent to the people. This made it far more difficult
for the Church to keep peasants in fear of foreign lands. Science claimed victory yet again, and this folly
could no longer be reconciled by Clerical Hierarchy. Protestants began refining their view of the Church in
politics, with scholars like John Calvin going so far as to revise past prejudices toward Judaism. Soon after,
much in-fighting arose between peasants and clergyman alike over the Fascist state of their religion. These
conflicts came with the secession of the French Kingdom, despite the hostile objections of Catholic
overseers. In response, politicians behind the Church greeted dissension with violence.
Despite this peaceful secession, persecutions only worsened as France endured the wrath of Catholic mobs
torturing and murdering countless Protestants throughout the Kingdom. The chaos tarnished their faith in all
Monarchies, which were dependent on one figure being the ideal for all in the purported spirit of Christ.
Over 2,000,000 people perished in the aftermath, and hostilities only continued when revolting Protestants
agreed on a truce for the sake of lives lost. This gross example of Religious Fascism provoked a thirty year
war throughout Europe, ending in the loss of roughly 8,000,000 people. Though rarely acknowledged, this is
how State Religion was finely displaced for the Age of Enlightenment.
It began with the English Reformation, entailing the establishment of the Anglican Communion through the
Church of England. They declared it Catholic in unbroken continuity with the early apostolic Church, but
displaced Roman dogma for Anglo-Saxon ideals in shaping doctrinal principles. Nonetheless, they
implemented a system that reflected the Roman archetype in regards to the relationship between Aristocrats
and Clergyman. Disputes over orthodoxy saw the execution of traditional Catholics and radical Protestants
alike. Religious intolerance was still a virulent plague, and tensions between theological conservatives and
progressives only grew worse in debates over the ordination of women.
This greatly facilitated the rise of King James to the throne, despite being orphaned at a very young age. He
was raised by politically-motivated nobles and Scottish Freemasons who groomed him for leadership over
the Church of England, and arguably against proponents of the Catholic faith. Freemasonry grew out of the
schism between the Catholicism, and those existing outside its orthodoxy with enough influence to sustain
themselves. James considered the study of witchcraft a branch of theology, and later became obsessed with
the threat posed by females practicing any form of mysticism. He even supervised the torture of women
accused of being witches to gratify his insecurities about them.
It seems that despite the extent of a man’s research into mysticism, he would only be accused of sorcery or
witchcraft in the event that either his claims or practices went against the interests of the Church. Prime
example is the case of Thomas Darling, in which a 13-year-old boy claimed to be engaged in a series of
“Spiritual Wars” where he would combat Demonic possession with the Spirit of God. Edward Wightman
was a well-respected business man and community leader assigned to the case, but was later executed for his
zealous claims against religious orthodoxy. Under King James the VI, he was the last person to be burned at
the stake like a common witch for the charge of heresy in England.
As if this was not enough, King James sought absolute sovereignty over all. Since the Catholic Church
began denouncing the enslavement of fellow Christians, he denounced their authority soon after taking
power while authorizing his own version of the Bible for his subjects. This is where the term “LORD” was
added in, being a feudal rank for one who is permitted a plot of land along with Slaves & Serfs to tend to it
by their King. For this reason, the House of Lords was the upper house of the United Kingdom's
Parliamentary Government that once held totalitarian rule over the House of Commons. The word replaced
was Greek for "Leader", which is very different from a Lord...applying more toward one who subjugates.
"Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (19th
Century)" by Caspar David Friedrich
By this time, Renaissance Philosophy had birthed a new generation of artists and critical thinkers. Though
King James attempted to secure an Absolute Monarchy where he could rule without question, Catholics and
Protestants alike began to question his true motives. The moral confusion he left behind sparked the Age of
Enlightenment and Reason, where subjects began theorizing about personal sovereignty...the right of the
individual to govern self. Enough was enough, and Kingdoms begin seeking refuge on the new continent by
the 1600s. Termed “The New World”, European powers desperately competed for stake in these lands. To
escape economic tyranny, they were even willing to steal it from all others.
Despite misconception, Slavery was one of the core subjects debated throughout the Enlightenment. The
evils of Colonialism were reminiscent of the horrors endured through feudal slavery and much
so that the treatment of indigenous cultures left many deeply disturbed by where their civilization was
headed. King James had overseen both the British Colonization of the Americas, and the first major
Plantation in Ireland. Though little is written of the conditions native Irishmen experienced, many were
tortured and hanged throughout the conflicted History of this neglected portion of the United Kingdom. The
Irish were viewed as a lesser working class that fulfilled the status quo left by Christian Slavery.
Upon realizing that more success was to be had with the London Virginia Company, many investors
abandoned the Ulster project in Ireland for a new start with the Americas. This only made things worse for
those native to Ireland, who had yet to learn the ways of the Englishmen. Their treatment only worsened as
Irishmen resisted assimilation by the British, provoking native landowners to stage a revolt against the
crown. This hostility was long overdue since the English had always resented the care-free behavior of the
Irish, and had spoken many times on eradicating their pagan culture outright. In essence, they were treated
like the uncivilized Mongrels of a prehistoric Europe.
They even went so far as to depict them as Gorillas.
It meant for the ignorant what the term Nigger means for the Negro, or Ginger for the Irish...which happen to
be anagrams for their caste as lower-working class citizens in Anglo-European cultures like England or even
our United States of America. In fact, the Klu Klux Klan further preserved this prejudice by vilifying
Negros, Irishman, Jews, and even Catholics as corrosive to their sense of Anglo-Saxon culture and identity.
The Irish were once demonized for their Celtic lineage, and red hair which many associated with malevolent
forces. Negroes were demonized for cultural ties to Islam, and their dark skin which most considered
evidence of a primitive nature...with physical strength cited as an example. (Work in Progress...)
Despite common misconception, Hippies WERE NOT born of LSD. LSD was introduced by the
Government through Pharmaceutical Industries, and subsequently flooded upon a pre-existing Hippie culture
that held a presence dating back to the late 1800s. The recreational use of LSD among the middle-class came
about the very last decade of the Hippie Revolution, and arguably brought about its end as a viable culture of
self-expression against an abusive/oppressive administration.
Rage Against The Machine - “Sleep Now With A Fire” [- -]