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Atop the Acropolis, the Greeks did it.
Beneath the stars, Shakespeare did it.
In the neon glow, Roanoke does it…
An epic theatre event atop Mill Mountain featuring Star Stories:
A collection of exciting new plays centered on the one thing all Roanokers
have in common – our crazy and much-loved neon star!
Coming Labor Day Weekend 2016
Presented by Hollins University and the Hollins Theatre Institute
With The City of Roanoke, Mill Mountain Theatre, Roanoke Public Libraries,
and others yet to join the community-wide celebration through live theatre!
The What and Why of Starcropolis
In this fast-paced world where we are all trapped in front of one kind of electronic screen or
other, the live theatre event is more valuable than ever. It brings us together in one place at the
same time to share a laugh, shed a tear, and experience the power of great stories…our stories.
The acropolis is the highest point in any city. In ancient Greece, citizens would gather there for
theatre festivals… to be entertained… to be inspired… to feel connected. The glorious backdrop
for the show was the spectacular view. It offered a breathtaking perspective on the place they
called “home.”
Fast-forward a couple millennia to Roanoke, Virginia in 2016. Like the Greeks, people from all
walks of life will be invited to ascend Mill Mountain, our acropolis, and gather beneath our wacky
and wonderful neon Parthenon…the Roanoke Star. They will become part of what may be the
funkiest theatre event of the century. Against the backdrop of the spectacular view of the
Roanoke Valley, the Starcropolis audience will be entertained and inspired by a series of
exciting short plays, created specifically for this event. Scripts and stories will be written by
playwrights from the Hollins Playwright’s Lab, along with some of the regions best-known writers
(with a few national bestselling authors and playwrights thrown in to spice things up). Joined by
some of the finest actors in the area and guest performers from around the country, they will
weave a rich theatrical tapestry especially for Roanoke.
As part of the Starcropolis phenomenon, the Roanoke Public Libraries have launched an
exciting project, lovingly nick-named “Starry Corp!” Library staff and volunteers are gathering,
recording and archiving countless tales, funny moments, and deeply human events (planned or
unplanned) that have occurred at the Star. These Star Stories…our stories…will provide
inspiration for the playwrights, storytellers, and writers for Starcropolis. They will also be
available through the library for the interest and delight of the public. People can share a Star
Story by calling (540) 632-2203, emailing to [email protected] or going to
To celebrate the legacy of theatre on the mountain, a stage will be erected where Mill Mountain
Playhouse once stood. For years, the charming old theatre brought audiences to the
mountaintop on beautiful summer nights to enjoy a play, a lemonade and the glorious view.
Although Mill Mountain Theatre has since moved to beautiful digs downtown, we are thrilled to
bring a new audience back to the mountain with Starcropolis!
Along with a huge dose of fun, it is our hope that Starcropolis will illuminate, galvanize and
inspire our community in a way that only live theatre can!
Starcropolis: The Event
Although things may change, here’s how the events of Starcropolis are lining up during the early
planning stages:
Starcropolis will begin during the late afternoon of Sunday, September 4, 2016 on
Labor Day Weekend, and continue past nightfall. Approximately 500-700 participants…
“Starcatchers”…will get tickets online for $10 and ascend Mill Mountain for a unique,
entertaining, and inspiring theatre festival!
Starcatchers will park at the city garage across from Elmwood Park and wait for the
Starline Trolley to take them to the mountaintop. While waiting, they’ll be treated to
storytelling and music at a mini star stage.
After boarding the Starline Trolley, actors will entertain the Starcatchers during their ride
up the mountain. Passengers will have the option to ride to the top or disembark at
Sylvan Road and enjoy a lovely stroll up the nostalgic “old road”.
When they arrive at the Adventure Center at the top of the mountain they will walk along
the ascension trail to the Star. This walk will be a performance unto itself. Starcathers
will experience the delights of Starbursts…mini performances staged by actors, singers,
storytellers and circus performers all along the trail.
On the mountaintop, a main stage and two satellite stages will be erected. One stage
will be where Mill Mountain Playhouse stood until 1976. For years, the charming theatre
housed in the old Rockledge Inn brought audiences to the mountain top on beautiful
summer nights, helping to establish Roanoke as a flourishing theatre town. Each stage
will showcase several short plays, monologues, stories and songs.
The main-stage event will begin at sundown, and will take place on a temporary stage
under a huge tent that will seat every Starcatcher who arrives at the top. The show will
include short original plays called Star Stories, and will be created by a team of artists
from the Hollins Theatre Institute in collaboration with the team from Mill Mountain
Theatre under the direction of Ernie Zulia. Dynamic actors from the region and around
the country will perform.
Fifty Folding Chairs: For two hours leading up to the main stage event, Roanoke’s fine
community theatres, colleges, high schools and churches will be invited to present short
Star Stories on two smaller satellite stages or micro theatres.
Star Stories, nick-named “Starry Corp:” If the Star could talk! The Roanoke Public
Libraries will be running recording booths throughout the event to record oral histories.
Everyone has a Star Story, and they are hoping to record yours. Stories will be archived
in the library for the enjoyment of the public, and to be used by future playwrights as
inspiration for the next batch of great plays!
Other whimsical and fun elements of the festival will include:
Starry Starry Shakespeare will feature a collection of characters, scenes and sonnets
from the greatest playwright who ever lived.
Star Slam with young slam poets shaking up the festival with original slam poetry
performed by local and nationally renowned artists.
“Starry-okee” featuring karaoke versions of songs with “star” in them!
Star History Stop where a local historian will share interesting and colorful information
and stories about the Star – how it came to be and how it grew to its height of fame!
Food and beverages will be offered to keep Starcatchers fueled throughout this
exhilarating experience.
And if the FAA agrees, we hope to shoot a mile-long laser from the star to the City
Tickets are $15, and will go on sale Summer 2016.
(Additional performances TBA may take place on Mill Mountain Theatre’s Trinkle Stage
at Center in the Square.)