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SOL Review - Cold War
PART I: Vocabulary Review
A. Cold War
B. Theory of Deterrence
C. Containment
D. Dictatorship
E. Capitalism
F. Communism
G. Democracy
H. Domino Theory
I. Parallel
1. _____ A latitude line; an imaginary line around the earth measuring distance from the equator
2. _____ A policy to stop (or contain) the spread of communism
3. _____ A type of government where all power is given to a dictator
4. _____ A type of government where the people have the power to rule
5. _____ An economic system where business is privately owned and money is used to make more money
6. _____ An understanding that any attack would result in both sides being destroyed. Both the United States
and the Soviet Union were prepared to respond if they were attacked by the other. The opposite of
7. _____ Tension and rivalry but no fighting between the United States and the Soviet Union
8. _____ The fear that if one country becomes communist they will all eventually fall to communism, just like
a row of dominos falling over in a line
PART II: Fill in the Blank
17th Parallel
38th Parallel
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Ho Chi Minh
George Marshall
Warsaw Pact
Cease Fire
1. Korea was divided along the ____________________.
2. The US protected South Korea and _________________ supported North Korea.
3. The Korean War ended in a ________________.
4. _________________________ became the communist leader of Vietnam in 1950. North and South
Vietnam were divided along the ____________________________.
5. The Vietnam War ended with a _______________________ and US troops were removed.
6. Harry S. Truman supported the policy of ________________________. He also supported the plan to
provide aid to European countries developed by ________________________.
7. Military Alliances: US: _______________ versus USSR: ________________
PART III: Multiple Choice
1. Which post World War II conflict ended with neither side winning?
a. N. Korea vs. S. Korea
b. Panama v. the United States
c. East Berlin against West Berlin
d. Hungary vs. the Soviet Union
2. After World War II, which country gave large amounts of financial aid to rebuild European economies?
a. France
b. The Soviet Union
c. The United States
d. Italy
3. The picture to the right would most likely be found in a book with
which title?
a. Post World War II Europe
b. Responses to Environmental Challenges
c. Industrialization of the European Economy
d. How technology changed modern warfare
4. How did the Baby Boom change life in the United States?
a. Child Labor increased
b. Fewer Homes were built
c. More people moved to large cities
d. The population grew quickly
5. What do the circular lines on this
map from John F. Kennedy’s
presidency most likely represent?
a. The distance planes could fly
without refueling
b. The impact of earthquakes
on the region
c. The weather patterns in the
d. The reach of nuclear missiles
6. Which of these did not occur after
World War II?
a. Consumer Goods were
b. Americans bought goods on
c. Labor Unions merged
d. The technology industry boomed
7. What was decided at the Yalta Conference?
a. Germany would be divided
b. Japan would be controlled by the USSR
c. The Soviet Union would control governments of Eastern Europe
d. Both A and C
A plan to give aid to European countries to rebuild after
The goal was to stop the spread of Communism
8. Which of the following is described above?
a. The Iron Curtain
b. Arms Race
c. Warsaw Pact
d. Marshall Plan
9. What two superpowers rose to power after World War II?
a. China and Korea
b. United States and the Soviet Union
c. Great Britain and The United States
d. Soviet Union and China
10. What country supported North Korea during the Korean War?
b. United States
c. China
d. Vietnam
11. What parallel was Korea divided?
a. 17
b. 32
c. 38
d. 24
12. How did the Korean War end?
a. North Korea was victorious and controlled South Korea
b. It ended in a stalemate and remained divided
c. South Korea called a cease fire and surrendered to China
d. USSR defeated both North and South Korea
13. How did the Cuban Missile Crisis end?
a. The Soviet Union removed the missiles from Cuba
b. Cuban Nationals were killed at the Bay of Pigs
c. The United Nations demanded a US-USSR Treaty
d. The Soviet Union and Cuba ended their alliance
14. On what parallel was Vietnam divided?
a. 38th
b. 49th
c. 54th
d. 17th
15. How did the Vietnam War end?
a. The United States won the war in 1973
b. The United States signed a cease fire in 1973, and by 1975 North Vietnam took over South
c. Like the Korean War, it ended in a stalemate
d. South Vietnam invaded and controlled North Vietnam
16. In the 1950s, people moved to the suburbs to…
a. Escape communism
b. Get better TV reception
c. Buy homes
d. Avoid inflation
17. Which development contributed most to the expansion of suburbs since the 1950s?
a. Construction of Interstate Highways
b. Invention of the computer
c. Completion of the transcontinental railroad
d. Development of aircraft
18. What happens to the large territory of the Soviet Union when the war ends?
a. Each state must stay connected to the Soviet Union
b. Each state must pledge allegiance to the United States
c. Each State was given an opportunity to break away from the Soviet Union and form their own
independent nation
d. Stalin continued to run with an iron fist
19. At the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union…
a. Remained a superpower with strong ties to communist China
b. Broke into various countries and became more democratic
c. Continued to be a dictatorship that ruled over colonies
d. Bid control over East Berlin by causing a blockade
20. What acted as a division between eastern and western Berlin?
a. The Berlin Wall
b. The theory of deterrence
c. The domino theory
d. The 38th Parallel