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Name: ________________________________________
Cold War Study Guide
1. In a speech in 1946, _________________ declared that an “iron curtain” had descended across Europe. What
did he mean by the “iron curtain”? _______________________________________________________________
2. When the Soviets blockaded West Berlin in 1948, the United States and Great Britain
3. After World War II, a new type of conflict developed between the Soviet Union and the United States which was
called the _____________ War.
4. The Cold War was between two forms of government: the United States which was __________________ and
the former Soviet Union which was ____________________.
5. American troops went to Korea because ______________ Korea was invaded BY _______________ Korea.
6. In 1950, the United States became involved in the Korean War to stop the _______________________________
7. The two military alliances that opposed each other in Europe during the Cold War were the Warsaw Pact and
the ___________________________________________________________________.
8. ______________________________________ was a US senator during the 1950s that held hearings to look into
possible communist threats and accused several people of being communists.
9. The Cuban Missile Crisis was ____________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________ brought the world close to nuclear war.
11. President Johnson called his social programs the ___________________________________________________.
12. _______________________________________ was created after the Soviets launched the satellite Sputnik.
13. The United States space exploration caused the _____________________ industry to grow rapidly.
14. ______________________________________________________________ led to the desegregation of schools.
15. Martin Luther King, Jr., encouraged his followers to use ______________________________________.
16. _________________________________ arrest led African Americans to organize the Montgomery bus boycott.
17. ________________________________________ finally gave all citizens equal access to restaurants, hotels,
libraries, and theaters.
18. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks were part of _________________________________________________.
19. Brown vs. Board of Education led to _____________________________________________________________.
20. The Civil Rights movement encouraged African Americans to work toward ______________________________.
Name: ________________________________________
Cold War Study Guide
21. John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., were all assassinated in the 1960s. What impact
did their assassinations have on American society?
22. The United States began to send troops to Vietnam in the 1950s _______________________________________
23. The Vietnam War began in the 1950s, and it did not end until 1975. As a result, __________________________
24. The Vietcong refers to ______________________________________________
25. People in the United States who were against the Vietnam War became known as ________________________.
26. ___________________________________ was the US president involved in the Watergate Scandal.
27. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter helped make a peace agreement, known as the Camp David Accords, between
Egypt and _____________________________.
28. In 1989, Eastern European countries declared their independence from the Soviet Union. The Cold War was
ending. Even the Soviet Union ______________________________________________.
29. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 resulted in the _____________________________________________.
30. The United States sent troops into the Persian Gulf War in 1991 because ________________________________
31. The War on Terrorism began in response to _______________________________________________________.