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Project Title: Uncoupling heart and liver laterality during embryogenesis
Supervisor: Susana Lopes, PhD
Institution: CEDOC - FCM
Contact: [email protected]
Location of research lab/research center: Cilia Regulation and Disease lab
CEDOC - Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas
NOVA Medical School / Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de
Edifício CEDOC I, Rua do Instituto Bacteriológico nº 5,5-A e 5-B, 1150-190 Lisboa
This project sets out to investigate the role of time in the left-right organizer (LRO).
This transient embryonic organ is crucial for determining the left-right identity of the
vertebrate body-plan. Inside this organ there are exciting biophysical mechanisms of
development to be investigated. Namely, biophysical fluid flow forces that will be
translated into gene expression and determine the location of the heart on the left
and the liver on the right side of the midline axis. Such fluid flow is directional and
known to be generated by motile cilia. This flow starts by being very mild, later
becoming strong and directional due to cell shape changes. As a consequence,
during the lifetime of the LRO there is a fluid flow independent and a fluid flow
dependent time-window. We propose that this time-code of flow is crucial for LR
patterning of the internal organs. We reason that when these two time-windows get
desynchronized a condition known as heterotaxy arises. Heterotaxy presents an
uncoupling of the heart location compared to the gut and vice-versa. The molecular
mechanism behind the uncoupling of heart, gut and brain laterality is unknown and is
a fundamental developmental question that remains unsolved.
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