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Protists and Fungi
Chapter 7
Kingdom Protista
• Junk-drawer kingdom
• Protists are divided into three
Animal-like prostists
• Protozoans: Able to move and
obtain their food
• Heterotrophic
• Unicellular
• Four methods of movement:
–Pseudopods: Temporary
bulges of the cell membrane.
“false foot”
–Cillia: Hair-like projections
that move with a wavelike
Fungus-like Protists
–Other – Usually parasites
• Like fungi, these protists are
heterotrophs, have cell walls,
and use spores to reproduce.
• Unlike fungi, these protists are
able to move.
• Spore: A tiny cell that is able to
grow into a new organism
Plant-like Protists
• Mold and mildew
• Commonly called algae
• Autotrophic
• Types:
–Green, red, brown algae
• Euglenoids
–Green, unicallular algae that
are found mostly in fresh
Kingdom Fungi
• Most fungi share three
important characteristics:
–Use spores to reproduce
• Hyphae: Branching, threadlike
tubes that make up the bodies
if multicellular fungi
How do fungi obtain food?
• The fungus grows hyphae into
its food source
• Digestive chemicals ooze from
the hyphae into the food
• The digestive chemicals break
down the food into small
substances that can be
absorbed into the hyphae.
Fungi Reproduction
• Asexual
–Budding – a small yeast cell
grows from the body of a
fungus. It eventually breaks
• Sexual
–The hyphae of two fungi grow
together and genetic material
is exchanged. A new
structure grows from the
joined hyphae.
Roles of Fungi
Fungi Classification
• Environmental decomposers
• Provide food
• Cause diseases
• Fight diseases
• Four groups based on the
shape of the spore-producing
structures, and ability to
reproduce sexually:
– Threadlike, Sac, Club,
• Threadlike Fungi – 600 species
of molds, produce spores in
their hyphae
• Sac Fungi – 30,000 species ,
produce spores in structures
that look like sacks
• Club Fungi – 25,000 species,
produce spores in structures
that look like clubs
• Imperfect Fungi – 25,000
species, do not reproduce
sexually, Penicullium is in the