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English II Pre-IB Summer Reading
Mythology by Edith Hamilton
Mythology Study Guide: Your DETAILED answers to the following questions must be
typed, in MLA format, and include in-text citations when direct text support is included.
You are only required to read the sections covered in the study guide.
MLA style guide can be found at:
For question please contact me at [email protected]
Introduction to Classical Mythology
1. The early Greek mythologists transformed a world full of _______ into a world full of _____.
2. The stories are early ______ as well as early _____, but _____ is there, too.
Part One: The Gods, the Creation, and the Earliest Heroes
Chapter I / The Gods
1. The Greeks did not believe that the gods created the universe. What did they believe?
2. Who were the first parents, children, and grandchildren?
4. What were the Titans often called? Who was the most important?
5. Who dethroned Cronus and seized power?
6. Who were Atlas and Prometheus?
Chapter II / The Two Great Gods of Earth
1. Who is Demeter?
2. Who is Demeter’s daughter and what happened to her?
3. What happened to the earth as a result of Demeter’s sorrow?
4. How did Hades ensure the return of his bride?
5. What message did Rhea give to Demeter?
6. What is unique about Dionysus?
7. Describe Dionysus’ nature and how this befits the god of wine.
Chapter III / How the World and Mankind Were Created
1. Explain the story of the creation of the world –
First there was ________, the vast immeasurable abyss, followed by the child _____ and
_____, which is the unfathomable depth where death dwells. From darkness and from death
_____ was born. _____ created _____ with its companion, ______. Then earth just “appeared.”
2. Who are Mother Heaven and Father Earth?
3. What creatures were their children?
4. Which monsters were never banished and what was their purpose?
5. Who was selected by the gods to create man and how were the two brothers different?
6. How did Prometheus make mankind superior to animals and protect them?
Chapter IV / The Earliest Heroes
1. Why was Io turned into a cow?
2. Who was Io’s descendant?
3. Zeus changed into what and took Europa where?
4. How was Echo unjustly punished?
Part Two: Stories of Love and Adventure
Chapter V / Cupid and Psyche
1. To whom did Venus turn to assist her against Pysche’s beauty?
2. After Psyche had looked on Cupid, which she had been forbidden to do, she sought Venus to
offer herself to her as her servant. How did Venus train her?
3. What was finally Psyche’s fate?
Chapter VIII / Four Great Adventures
Briefly summarize (5-8 sentences) the story of:
1. Phaethon
2. Daedalus
Part Three: The Great Heroes Before the Trojan War
Briefly summarize (5-8 sentences) the stories of:
1. Perseus
2. Hercules
Part Four: The Heroes of the Trojan War
Chapter XIII / The Trojan War
1. What was the cause of the long and famous Trojan War?
2. How did the goddess of Discord, Eris, cause trouble?
3. Who was the fairest woman in the world? To whom was she married?
4. Who were the king and queen of Troy?
5. Who were destined to die in battle?
6. What saved Paris when he faced Menelaus in combat?
7. With Achilles gone, who were the two greatest champions on the Greek side?
Chapter XIV / The Fall of Troy
1. In her attempt to make Achilles invulnerable, what had his mother done when she dipped him
in the River Styx?
2. Who shot him and who got his armor?
3. What did Ajax do as a result of his defeat to get the arms?
4. What trick was devised to get the Greeks into Troy?
5. What became of the woman whose face “launched a thousand ships”?
6. What was Troy’s last sacrifice?
Create a table in your document to identify who the following are (God of _____, etc.) and their symbol if
Zeus (symbol)
Ares (symbol)
Hades (symbol)
Poseidon (symbol)
Demeter (symbol)
Dionysus (symbol)
Apollo (symbol)
Artemis (symbol)
Hephaestus (symbol)
Eros (symbol)
**You might want to review the genealogy chart of the principle gods on page 467.
Sample table
God of…