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World History Mid-Term Review
Overview: There are 50 Multiple Choice Questions, 10
Document Based Questions, 40 Matching Questions
Terms, Concepts & Connections:
. Timbuktu – center of trade in West Africa
. The Five Pillars of Faith – basic tenants of Muslim faith
. Islamic beliefs – Quran and Muhammad
. al-Razi- Baghdad medicine
. Church split/schism- Catholicism & Orthodoxy
. Martin Luther – salvation through faith
. Constantinople – location, location, location – water,
protection, center of trade
. Crusades – tension and conflict between Christianity and
. John Calvin – predestination
. Inquisition – Catholic court to punish Heresy
. 95 Thesis – Martin Luther
. The Praise of Folly – Erasmus
. Janissaries & Gunpowder = Ottoman victories
. Catholic Reformation- revival of faith… increase
persecutions … mass conversions
. Arabian Peninsula across Asia to North Africa and Spain –
Extent of Muslim Empire
. Feudalism – Europe… King-Baron-Knight-Serf / Japan…
. Muslims daily prayer – facing Mecca
. Byzantine Empire = Eastern Roman Empire (Constantine)
. Ferdinand & Isabella- push out Moors in Reconquista
. Isaac Newton- laws of motion and gravity
. Math (Al Jabr), science, astronomy – Muslim
. Kepler - calculated orbit of the planets
. Profession of Faith (There is no god but God and
Muhammad is his prophet) – Islam
. Demand for goods from the Middle East – Through the
. Effect of the Crusades – stimulate production and trade
. Monasteries – preservation of Greco-Roman works
. Banks – new economic institutions of the Renaissance
. Machiavelli – The Prince – the ends justify the means,
must be absolute rule, do good but evil when necessary
. 1095 Pope Urban II– calls for the Crusades
. Erasmus – The Praise of Folly, Shakespeare – Romeo &
Juliet, da Vinci – Mona Lisa
. Michelangelo – Sistine Chapel & David
. The Printing Press – Gutenberg…increased literacy
. Henry VIII -clashed with the Church over the annulment
of his marriage
. Lay Investiture (appointment of bishops) – Medieval
clashed between kings and Popes
. Taj Mahal – Mughal (India) accomplishment…Finest
architecture, lush gardens, Islamic tomb
. Hagia Sophia – Byzantine architecture –
Greek/Roman/Persian styles
. Mansa Musa and Western African civilization- flourishing
since before Roman times…known through-out Europe and
. Magna Carta- created power of Parliament
. Joan of Arc -helped inspire French victories in Hundred
Years War
. West African wealth – Gold for Salt trade
. Da Vinci- ultimate Renaissance Man
. Umayyad Caliphate – religious tolerance…small nonMuslim tax
. Goals of the Counter Reformation – revive moral
authority, reinforce Papal Power, stop Protestants
. Byzantine legacy – architecture and spread of Orthodoxy
to Russia
. Humanism – Greco-Roman influence focus on individual
. Monasteries as spiritual/economic/religious/educational
centers – Role of the Church in Europe
. Orthodox Christianity – doesn’t accept power of the Pope
. Black Death – originated in Mongol plains…entered
Europe in Mediterranean basin…spread North rapidly
. Justinian’s Code – preserve Greco-Roman traditions
Machiavelli, The Prince…
. The ends justify the means
. Believed people to be dishonest and fickle
Martin Luther, 95 Thesis
. Criticized selling of Indulgences
. Only God can grant salvation
. Eternal damnation awaits those who buy
. Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was named after:
Emperor Constantine.
. Scientific Method- Francis Bacon
. Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople in 1453
. Iconoclasm caused, in part, Great Schism
. Magna Carta - habeas corpus, due process
. Ottoman Army -Janissaries -gun powder
. Chaucer- The Canterbury Tales
and sell indulgences
Justinian’s Code, Codex Justinianus
. Byzantine code of Law
. Slaves are property and it is illegal to harbor
. Dante- Divine Comedy
. Thomas Aquinas - Scholasticism
. al-Kwarizmi - Algebra
. Ibn Sina - Medicine
or hire fugitives
Magna Carta
. Prisoners have right to timely trial by peers
Ibn Battuta, Travels in Asia and Africa
. Jerusalem important to Jews, Christian (must pay nonMuslim tax) & Muslims (don’t believe Jesus is the son of
. Power of the Mali King demonstrated through the
submissiveness of his subjects
. Byzantine contributions to art and learning – Religious art
& architecture; preserved ancient Greek, Roman &
Christian heritage; produced important literature;
contributed to the European Renaissance
. Roman and Greek classic works were preserved by –
. How did the Church leadership in the Roman West differ
from the Byzantine East?
– East: Byzantine Emperor controlled Church affairs,
appointed patriarch; priests can marry; use of Greek
- West: Pope claimed authority; priests could not marry;
use of Latin language.
. Eastern part of the Roman Empire would later be called:
Byzantine Empire.
. What messages or teachings did Muhammad spread
through Islam? Belief in one God, equality of believers,
struggle in God’s service, Five Pillars
. Why is the Hijra a turning point in the Muslim religion?
Hijra known as the journey from Mecca to Yathrib
(Medina) in 622 which became the first year of the Muslim,
or Islamic, calendar. Muslim converts welcomed
Muhammad and agreed to follow his teachings.
. The five pillars of Islam are: 1) Declaration of faith 2) Pray
five times daily facing holy city of Mecca 3) Give charity to
the poor 4) Fast during holy month of Ramadan sunrise to
sunset 5) Make a hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca
. Which religions are considered the “People of the Book”?
Jews and Christians
. What is Sharia? A body of law that includes interpretation
of the Quran, examples of behavior from Muhammad’s
life, and Muslim traditions.
. Differences between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims are:
Sunni = Successor to Muhammad should be a pious male
Muslim from Muhammad’s tribe (first successor was AbuBakr, Muhammad’s father-in-law)
Shiites – Successor to Muhammad should be the son-inlaw, Ali, and that the true successors to Muhammad are
the descendants of Ali and Muhammad’s daughter.
. What effect did trade have on the West African Kingdom
of Ghana? Ghana grew prosperous, trading cities
developed, new ideas about government were introduced;
Islam was introduced.
right to appoint, or invest, bishops; the pope said only the
pope had the right to appoint high church officials.
. Who is Mansa Musa? Greatest ruler of the kingdom of
Mali (1312); expanded the kingdom, worked to ensure
peace and order, based his system of justice on the Quran,
forged ties with other Muslim lands, promoted Islamic
. What role did the Church play in the daily lives of
medieval Christians? It played a large role; sacraments
marked important life events, and the Church provided
moral guidance and help for the sick and needy.
. How would Mansa Musa’s Kingdom in West Africa show
that African societies were considered complex? Forged
new diplomatic and economic ties with other Muslim
states. Brought back scholars, architects & teachers who
helped promote Islamic education in Mali. Built Islamic
university in Timbuktu, attracting students from far and
. What is humanism? Intellectual movement during the
Italian Renaissance.
. What was the impact of the printing press? It enabled
books to be produced more cheaply, raised literacy rates,
and spread new ideas quickly.
. What was the Renaissance? Renaissance was a time of
creativity and great change in many areas – political, social,
economic & cultural. A new worldview based on human
. Besides Ivory what was the importance of Gold and Salt in
experience, an emphasis on education and humanism, and
the trade structure of West African Kingdoms? They
a spirit of adventure and curiosity.
dominated the Sahara trade.
. The Medieval period went from 476AD-1300sAD. What is
. How did the Medieval Feudal structure function and how
the General time frame of the Renaissance? 1300s – 1500s.
did it develop? Developed because kings and emperors
were weak in the face of invasions by Vikings, Muslims and . What was the impact of Leonardo, Raphael and
Magyars. People needed protection, as a result a
Michelangelo had on the Renaissance? They emphasized
decentralized political and economic structure evolved.
classical subjects and the human form, and they employed
The monarch was at the top of the pyramid; below him
new techniques for showing subjects more realistically.
were powerful lords (dukes & counts). Below each lord
Leonardo – painted Mona Lisa and Last Supper;
there were vassals and below them were the peasants.
Michelangelo – sculpted David, painted Sistine Chapel;
Knights were the warriors who battled for the lords.
Raphael – painted Madonna (mother of Jesus), The School
of Athens.
. How did the Japanese Feudal structure function? Emperor
(figure head only) stood at the head of Japanese feudal
. Who is Martin Luther and what is he known for? Who –
society. Then came the Shogun (the real power), below
The man who triggered the revolt was a German monk and
him were the vassal lords or warrior lords (later called
professor of theology; Known for – Writing the 95 Theses.
daimyo) below the daimyo were lesser warriors called
. Henry VIII - Created Church of England as means to annul
. How did the Black Plague affect medieval populations?
. Sir Thomas Moore - Wrote Utopia represented northern
Killed one third of the population of Europe–25 million
Renaissance writers
. What were the Crusades? An army of knights sent to free
the Holy Land.
. What were the effects of the Crusades? Left a legacy of
religious hatred. However, they also spurred trade and a
money economy and strengthened monarchs and popes.
They expanded European horizons and encouraged
. What was the conflict between the church and kings? The
kings (emperors) claimed the right of lay investiture – the
. Guttenberg - invented movable type printing press
. What was the Catholic Church’s response to the
Protestant reformation? Catholic Reformation or the
Reformation. Revive moral authority of the Church and roll
back the Protestant tide.