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plum, the tree (genus
order rosacece), allied to the cherry, and its
roundish fleshy edible drupaceous fruit with sweet pulp and pointed
pomegranate, a tree {punka granatuni), of the myrtle family, and its
fruit which is a several celled reddish berry, much cultivated in warm
countries especially in North Africa and West Asia, as large as a
medium sized orange, having a thick leathery golden or orange rind
and a crimson agreeably acidic flavoured reddish pulp enveloping
numerous seeds.
poppy, papaveraceous herbs (genus papaver), having a milky narcotic
juice, with large handsome red, yellow or white flowers; one species
yields opium.
portulaca, portulaceae, a natural order of dicotyledons, of the purslain
(which see) family, tropical, fleshy, herbaceous or shrubby plants,
with scattered leaves, ephemeral flowers opening only in sunshine,
and globular pod, mostly succulent, generally growing in dry places.
pulse, the edible grain or seeds of various leguminous plants, as beans,
peas, lentils, etc. (which see).
pumpkin, a cucurbitaceous trailing vine {cucurbita pepo), of the gourd
family, with heart-shaped leaves, bearing large egg-shaped or globular
deep yellow fruit with edible layer next to rind, widely cultivated for
food and for cattle; in Europe the allied winter-squash and its many
varieties is extensively grown.
purslain, purslane, a prostrate fleshy succulent annual herb {portulaca
oleracea), of gardens and waste places, with reddish green stems and
leaves and small yellow flowers, used in salads and pickled in Europe
(but deemed a weed in America).
quince, the large shrub or small tree {cydonia oblonga), of the rose family
{pyrus cydonia), much grown in Central Asia, and the hard pleasant
flavoured golden pear-shaped or globose fruit, too acid to be eaten raw
but used as a preserve for jellies and marmalade and as a flavouring
for other fruits.
radish, a cruciferous brassicaceous annual plant {raphanus sativus), of
the mustard family, with fleshy succulent pungent root eaten raw as
relish in salads (see horseradish).
reeds, certain tall straight-stalked grasses growing in moist or marshy
places, having a very hard almost woody culm.
rice, one of the most useful and cultivated annual cereals {oryza saliva),
grown chiefly in marshes in Oriental countries, and its pearl white
seeds used as staple food in Eastern countries and in other countries;
it is used for making cakes, puddings, etc. and starch.