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One-step versus Two-step culture of
embryos: Is there a difference?
Liow Swee Lian
O & G Partners Fertility Centre
Gleneagles Hospital
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White, PR (1954) The
cultivation of animal and
plant cells
Witkowski JA (1979)
Med History 23: 279-296
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Historical background
Ross Granville Harrison (1907):
• Short note on “Observations on the living
developing nerve fibre” that described his
research on the growth and development
of the nervous system.
• Fragments of tadpole spinal cord were
incubated in a clot of lymph in a hollow
• Nerve fibres grew out from the explants by
active movements of the nerve fibre tips
• First tissue culture technique
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The potential of the tissue culture technique
devised by Harrison was immediately recognized.
Abercrombie has described this work as an
"astonishing stride forward in the history
of biology".
M. Abercrombie, 'Ross Granville Harrison, 1870-1959',
Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc. Lond., 1961, 7: 111-126. J. M.
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W H and M R Lewis (1911) commented:
``It is to be hoped that an artificial medium will be
found as satisfactory as the plasma, for the
advantages are obvious if one can work with a
known medium in the investigation of the many
new problems, which suggest themselves.''
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Culture Media
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Conditions for Chemically defined
culture media
• Reproducible at different times and different
• Can be varied in a controlled manner.
• Free of unknown biological activities, such as,
enzymes and growth factors that may affect
the response being studied.
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• Chemically-defined media were
designed for plant cells (White,
1946) and animal cells (Fischer,
• Early studies of culture media for
mammalian embryos were done in
the rabbit and the mouse.
• Whitten (1956): 8-cell mouse
embryos developed to blastocysts in
a simple chemically defined medium.
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Compositions of culture media
Based largely on 3 physiological salines
1. Earle's balanced salt solution (Earle,1943),
2. Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate (Krebs and
Henseleit, 1932), and
3. Tyrode's solution (Tyrode, 1910).
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Culture Medium Systems
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Culture of human preimplantation
• Early IVF days, embryos were cultured from
zygote to day 2 (4-cell) or day 3 (8-cell)
embryo stage
Zygote (2PN-stage)
4-cell stage (Day 2)
8-cell stage (Day 3)
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Culture of human preimplantation
• Late 1990s, extended culture of zygote to blastocyst was
– To select more robust embryos for ET
– Higher implantation rate
– Reduce multiple gestation
– Culture of PGD-embryos to blastocysts
– Generation of embryonic stem cells
8-cell stage (Day 3)
Morula (Day 4)
Blastocyst (Day 5)
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Extended culture of zygote to
Three protocols
1. non renewal single medium protocol
uninterrupted culture using one medium throughout
the 5 days of culture
2. renewal single medium protocol
interrupted culture where one medium is used
throughout but is renewed on the third day of culture
3. sequential media protocol
Interrupted culture where two media of different
composition are used sequentially
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Justifications for sequential media
1. The changing energy requirements of the
preimplantation embryo and the inhibitory effect of
glucose on early cleavage stage embryos
2. The inhibitory effect of EDTA on blastocyst
development and the inner cell mass (ICM)
3. The chemical breakdown of L-glutamine(Gln) in
aqueous solution and the accumulation of ammonia
and its effects on embryo development
4. The role of amino acids on preimplantation embryo
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Utilization of energy substrates by
preimplantation embryos during in
vitro development
MOUSE oocyte
MOUSE zygote to 8-cell stage
HUMAN oocyte
HUMAN zygote to 8-cell stage
HUMAN 8-cell to blastocyst
MOUSE 8-cell to blastocyst
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Glucose utilization during different stages of
preimplantation embryo in vitro development
Martin KL et al (1993) J Reprod Fertil 99:259-266
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The role of EDTA in culture medium
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
•used as an anti-oxidant against free oxygen radicals
• to overcome 2-cell block in mouse embryos
• decreased cell count in mouse blastocysts
• smaller fetuses
ØHence, EDTA is absent in second step in sequential media.
ØHowever, reducing EDTA concentration from 0.1 mmol/L
to 0.01 mmol/L can avoid deleterious effects observed at
higher EDTA concentrations (Biggers et al, 2008)
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Glutamine (Gln)
•added in the culture media at 1 mmol/L
• overcomes 2-cell block in mouse (Chatot
et al, 1989)
• reduce intracellular H2O2 and prevents
DNA damage (Suzuki et al, 2007)
• breakdown of Gln in aqueous solution
• build-up of ammonium over time
• ammonium has harmful effecs on
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Levels of ammonium build-up in
culture over time
L-alanyl-L-glutamine (AlaGln) or glycyl-L-glutamine (GlyGln) can
be used to replace Gln
Hashimoto et al (2008) J Reprod Dev 54 (5): 370-374
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One-step versus Two-step (sequential)
culture media
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Macklon et al (2002) Hum Reprod 17: 2700-2705
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Macklon et al (2002) Hum Reprod 17: 2700-2705
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Macklon et al (2002) Hum Reprod 17: 2700-2705
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Macklon et al (2002) Hum Reprod 17: 2700-2705
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Wirleitner et al (2010) RBM Online 21:776-782
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Wirleitner et al (2010) RBM Online 21:776-782
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Wirleitner et al (2010) RBM Online 21:776-782
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• Recent studies indicate that embryos grown in
single medium were comparable to sequential
• Less stress imposed on embryos in
– Single medium – similar composition and
– Sequential medium – different compositions and
possibly different osmolarity
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Designing culture medium
qThe `back-to-nature' approach
Ø the concentration of a substance incorporated into a
medium should approximate the concentration to which the
embryo is naturally exposed.
qThe ‘let-the-embryo-choose’ prinicple
Øto vary the concentrations of each compound separately,
keeping the concentrations of the other components
ü The ‘back-to-nature ‘ principle would be more
preferable to ‘let- the-embryo choose’ principle in
designing chemically-defined culture medium