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King, MWH Modern Times Ch. 11 Note Taking Guide For these chapters read each section and take Cornell notes on the following terms, people, and questions. Make sure to include a summary for each set of notes! Notes will only be stamped if they are handwritten, in Cornell note format are fully complete, and include a summary. You can use the books in class or access a PDF of the chapter on my website: Click on Assignments, then click on World History on the top right, then choose World History Agenda & Assignments. The chapter will be available to view or download at the top of the page. The chapters are also available in the “Files” section of the Website Ch. 11 Section 1: (Due: ___________________) Define: Chiang Kai-­‐shek, Rhineland, Sudetenland, Manchukuo, New Order Questions: ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! #1 – Why were the Western allies willing to appease Hitler? #2-­‐ List the reasons why Hitler’s pact with Stalin was a key factor in forcing Britain and France to declare war on Germany. # 3-­‐ On the chart below list in chronological order the agreements that emboldened Hitler in his aggressive expansion policies. Agreements Encouraging Hitler’s Aggression Leading to World War II
#4-­‐ Why did Japan want to establish a New Order in East Asia? Section 2: (Due: ___________________) Define: Blitzkrieg, isolationism, neutrality, partisan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman, Stalingrad, Midway Island, Normandy, Hiroshima, European Theater, Asian/Pacific Theater King, MWH Questions: ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! #1-­‐ In the spring of 1941, what caused Hitler to delay his invasion of the Soviet Union? #2 – Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? #3-­‐ Why was the German assault on Stalingrad a crushing defeat for the Germans? #4-­‐ Why is the invasion of Normandy considered one of history’s greatest naval invasions? Section 3: (Due: ___________________) Define Genocide, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich. Questions: ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! #1 – What was Hitler’s vision for the residents of eastern Europe? #2-­‐ What was the Nazis’ Final Soultion? #3-­‐ What was Japan’s war policy in the occupied areas of Southeast Asia? Section 4: (Due: ___________________) Define: kamikaze, Cold War, Albert Speer, General Hideki Tojo, Tehran Conference, Yalta Conference, Postdam Conference Questions: ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! #1-­‐ How did World War II contribute to racial tensions in the United States? #2-­‐ Why were civilian populations targeted in bombing raids? #3-­‐ Why did Stalin want to control Eastern Europe after World War II? #4-­‐ What was the relationship between communism and imperialism?