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Plants of a Mallee
Box Woodland
Photo: J. J. Smith
Photo: J. J. Smith
Drooping sheoak
Golden wattle
Allocasuarina verticillata
Acacia pycnantha
Weeping needle-like branchlets, small cones on female tree, flowers autumn
and winter
Blackish trunk, large leathery leaves, flowers winter and spring
Photo: J. J. Smith
Photo: J. J. Smith
Tree Layer
Illustrations marked ‘AP’ reproduced with kind permission
of the author Ann Prescott from the book ‘It’s Blue with
Five Petals’. Other images courtesy of Neville Bonney
author of ‘What Seed is That?’ featuring illustrations by
the artist Anne Miles.
Schools located within the Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges
NRM Board area are permitted to copy a small number of this
document for educational purposes only. Copyright 2003.
Under no circumstances are copies to be sold for profit.
Photo: J. J. Smith
Southern cypress pine
Mallee box
Dryland tea-tree
Callitris preissii
Eucalyptus porosa
Melaleuca lanceolata
Spreading tree, fruit is a woody globe shaped cone which divides into six
segments, grows individually or can be found in groves
Tree up to 10m, greyish brown rough bark, shiny lettuce green leaves, flowers
and fruit in one group per leaf, summer
Large shrub or small tree, leaves flat and pointed, flowers in clusters along
stem, smooth round fruit, flowers in summer and early autumn
Photo: J. J. Smith
Photo: J. J. Smith
Photo: J. J. Smith
Native apricot
Sticky hop-bush
Sweet bursaria
Pittosporum phylliraeoides var. microcarpa
Dodonaea viscosa
Bursaria spinosa
Small tree, weeping branches, narrow pale green leaves, hard orange eggshaped splitting fruit which contains red sticky seeds, flowers with yellow
petals appear in winter and spring
Sticky leaves, pink or red flowers feel like paper, flowers in spring to early
Dark olive-green leaves, seed pods shaped like a purse, strongly perfumed
flower in pyramid-shaped groups in early summer