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5 major reasons for exploration
spice trade; Renaissance Movement; desire for new
land; God, Gold & Glory; new equipment
1450 - 1700
The Age of Exploration
Christopher Columbus
sailed for Spain in 1492; reached Caribbean Islands in an
effort to reach Asia by a new route
Desire for new land
to improve economic strength & influence, countries
explored new lands and found valuable natural
resources; established new markets for their goods
God, Gold & Glory
explorers wanted fame, riches and
to spread their religion
sailed around the entire world,
proving that the earth was round
New equipment
advances in navigational equipment and
sailing ships made long voyages possible
Portugal, Spain, England & France
led the exploration and colonization
movement and built empires
Prince Henry the Navigator
The Renaissance Movement
Portuguese monarch who
-founded a school of navigation
-employed mapmakers
-paid for expeditions
-developed a small, light sailing ship called the caravel
curiosity about and interest in learning the
arts from the late 14th to 16th centuries
4 Major Causes of WWI
1. European alliances
2. Nationalism
3. Imperialism
4. Militarism
became more important to Britain
after losing the American colonies.
British Empire
one of the most powerful empires in world history,
controlling about 1/5 of the world's land in the early
By the 18th century, France
East India Company
European alliances
Canada, Louisiana (central North America), several
Caribbean islands and some outposts in India & on the
West African coast
chartered (started) by England to
trade in the East Indies
European countries joined together to protect
themselves. If one member was attacked, the others
were obligated to help that country.
Event that sparked WWI
The assassination of Austrian
Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914.
the policy of obtaining and occupying
colonies to form an empire
Rivalries developed as countries tried
to grab colonies. Conflicts occured.
economic policy where the colonies helped the mother
country by providing natural resources and a market for
goods produced in the mother country
Countries had built up strong armies & navies to defend
their own countries and colonies. Tensions built.
Citizens felt fierce pride in their
New Imperialism
period in the late 1800s when almost every European
country tried to secure colonies in Africa, Asia and the
Western Pacific region
Samuel de Champlain
A. French explorer who founded the colony of Quebec
as a trading post in 1608
B. Explored down the Mississippi River, claiming the
central part of U.S.
Scramble for Africa (1884)
A. European nations divided Africa into colonies at Berlin
West Africa Conference
B. countries wanted the colonies for natural resources,
new markets and strategic advantage in case of war
World War I (WWI)
began in 1914 in Europe
Spice trade
Vasco da Gama
European traders traveled to buy spices such as
pepper, cinnamon and cloves. They were used to
preserve food and improve its flavor. They also traded
for goods such as fabric.
sailed around the Cape of Good Hope;
crew first to reach India by sea