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33. Which one of the following statements is/
are incorrect?
A) Tuberculosis is caused by a rod-shaped
bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
B) Tuberculosis is highly infectious and
can be spread by airborne droplets.
C) Tuberculosis can't be treated by antibiotics
D) In Pulmonary Tuberculosis the elasticity
of lungs is reduced.
, 30  2016
34. Read the following statements
regarding larynx?
I) It prevents foreign objects from entering
the trachea
II) It houses the vocal cords
III) It is an organ made of cartilage and connects
the pharynx to the trachea
Which one of the followings is/ are correct?
A) Only I
B) only II
C) Only II & III
D) I, II & III
Hamburger’s phenomenon is also called
1. Opening to the trachea is covered by a
small flap of tissues termed as the
1) Glottis
2) Trachea
3) Epiglottis
4) Larynx
Select the suitable answer
A) Only 1 & 2
B) only 2
C) Only 3
D) 1 & 4
2. The exchange of gases between inhaled
air and blood is referred as
A) Cellular respiration
B) External respiration
C) Internal respiration
D) Circulatory respiration
3. The maximum volume of air contained
in the lung by a full forced inhalation is
A) Vital capacity
B) Tidal volume
C) Total lung capacity
D) Inspiratory capacity
4. The trachea divides into two smaller
tubes called
I) Bronchi
II) Trachea
III) Microtrachea
IV) Eustachian tubes
Select the correct answer
A) Only I
B) only I & II
C) Only III & IV
D) Only IV
5. Inner surface of the bronchi, bronchioles
and fallopian tubes are lined by
A) Cubical epithelium
B) Columnar epithelium
C) Squamous epithelium
D) Ciliated epithelium
6. Which one of the followings is NOT
correct regarding Exhalation (expiration)?
A) Expiration is typically a passive process
B) Exhalation starts when the expiratory
muscles relax
C) The elastic properties of the lung help
to expel deoxygenated air during
D) During exhalation, elastic properties of
the lung help to expel deoxygenated air
7. Which of the following statements is true
about Trachea in a respiratory system?
A) It functions as passages of air to each
B) It functions for sound production
C) It Acts as passage of air to bronchi
D) It Lowers the surface tension
8. _____ lies in front of Esophagus.
I) Trachea
II) Glottis
III) Larynx
IV) Epiglottis
Select the correct answer
A) Only I
B) I & II
C) Only III & IV D) None of the above
9. Cilia and mucous are found in
1) Trachea
2) Glottis
3) Larynx
4) Epiglottis
Select the suitable answer
A) Only 1
B) only 2
C) Only 2 & 3
D) 1 & 4
10. During expiration the diaphragm becomes
A) Dome-shaped
C) Normal
B) Flattened
D) Oblique
11. Hamburger’s phenomenon is also called
I) Hydrogen shift
II) Bicarbonate shift
III) Chloride shift IV) Sodium shift
Select the correct answer
A) Only I
B) I & II
C) Only III
D) None of the above
12. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between alveolar air and blood is
governed by
A) Diffusion
B) Blood pressure
C) Gravity
D) Active transport
13. Esophagus opens only during
I) speaking
II) exhaling
III) inhaling
IV) swallowing
Select the correct answer
A) Only I
B) I & II
C) Only III & IV
D) Only IV
14. Each of the alveolar sac is surrounded by
1) Capillaries
2) Veins
3) Arteries
4) Primarily lymphatic ducts
Select the suitable answer
A) Only 1
B) only 2
C) Only 2 & 3
D) 1 & 4
15. During which respiration, the respiratory
pigment haemoglobin combines with
oxygen in the lungs?
1) Aerobic cellular
2) External
3) Internal
4) Circulatory
Select the suitable answer
A) Only 1
B) only 2
C) Only 2 & 3
D) All of the above
16. During swallowing of food, ______ is the
opening covered by epiglottis.
A) Trachea
B) Glottis
C) Larynx
D) Epiglottis
17. During pneumonia which of the following
gets accumulated in lung tissue?
B) Fluid WBC
C) Blood
D) Plasma
18. Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis in the
chloroplasts and mitochondria is based on
I) Membrane potential
II) Accumulation of K ions
III) Proton gradient
IV) Accumulation of Na ions
Select the correct answer
A) Only I
B) I & II
C) Only III
D) Only IV
19. Haemoglobin retains oxygen and releases
it in the
1) Heart
2) Lungs
3) Glottis
4) Tissues
Choose the correct answer
A) Only 1
B) only 2
C) Only 2 & 3
D) Only 4
20. Read the following statements
1) Krebs cycle and Calvin cycle
2) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and citric acid cycle
3) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and urea cycle
4) Citric acid cycle and Calvin cycle
Which of the following is / are two names refer
to one and the same things?
A) Only 1
B) only 2
C) Only 2 & 3
D) Only 4
21. Lungs are enclosed by
A) Diaphragm
B) Pleural membranes
C) Bronchiole membranes D) Sternum
22. Number of lobes in both right land left
lungs are respectively
A) Three, two
B) Two, three
C) Two, one
D) Three, three
23. The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to
the right by an increase in
A) H+ concentration
C) Temperature
D) All of these
24. The tube which leads to the stomach from
the throat is
1) Esophagus
2) Trachea
3) Glottis
4) Larynx
Choose the correct answer
A) Only 1
B) 2 & 3
C) Only 3
D) 1,2,3 & 4
25. Voice box or ______ is the portion of the
respiratory tract which contains the
vocal cords for producing sound.
1) Trachea
2) Glottis
3) Larynx
4) Epiglottis
Choose the correct answer
A) Only 1
B) 2 & 3
C) Only 3
D) 1,2,3 & 4
26. Respiratory center is located in the
A) Pneumotaxic center
B) Medulla oblongata
C) Alveoli
D) Apneustic center
27. Bronchi branch into the tubes of smaller
diameters (less than 1 mm) known as
A) Microtrachea
B) Bronchioles
C) Alveoli
D) Eustachian tubes
28. What is the instrument that measures the
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amount of air inhaled and exhaled with
each breath?
I) Sphygmomanometer
II) Hygrometer
III) Stethoscope
IV) Spirometer
Select the correct answer
A) Only I
B) I & II
C) Only III & IV
D) Only IV
29. Emphysema, a chronic disorder is high in
cigarette smokers. In such cases the ______
of the person is/are found damaged.
1) Plasma membrane 2) Alveolar walls
3) Bronchioles
4) Respiratory muscles
Choose the correct answer
A) Only 1
B) only 2
C) Only 2 & 3
D) All the above
30. Amount of air in the lungs that remains
after deep breathing is called
I) Dead space
II) Residual volume
III) Vital capacity
IV) Ventilation rate
Select the correct answer
A) Only I
B) only II
C) Only III & IV
D) I, II,II & IV
31. Which one of the following statements is
NOT correct about primary bronchi?
A) The trachea splits into the primary bronchi
B) Primary bronchi supply air to the right
and left lungs
C) These are lined with stratified squamous
D) Supporting cartilage of primary bronchi
is plate-like shaped
32. Which one of the following statement is
NOT correct regarding trachea?
A) It usually lies posterior to the muscular
B) It splits into the right and left bronchi to
supply air to the lungs
C) Opening to the trachea is covered by
D) Tracheal rings are C-shaped
1. C
15.B 16.B
21.B 22. A
27. B 28.D
33.C 34.D