Download Emily Grant Lesson Plan No.: #2 Cooperating

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Education Department
Lesson Plan
Student Name: Emily Grant
Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Jeff Stanley
Lesson Plan No.: #2
Subject Area: Science/
Grade Level: 4th Grade
Signature for Approval (Cooperating Teacher)
Date Prepared: 11-7-10
Date Taught: 11-10-10
Related Standard (Number): Science- 4.4.10, 4.4.11
Description: Science- 4.4.10 Explain that if germs are able to get inside the body, they may keep
it from working properly. Understand that for defense against germs, the human body has tears,
saliva, skin, some blood cells, and stomach secretions. Also note that a healthy body can fight
most germs that invade it. Recognize, however, that there are some germs that interfere with the
body's defenses; 4.4.11 Explain that there are some diseases that human beings can only catch
once. Explain that there are many diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations so that people
do not catch them even once.
TOPIC (key point; concept; skill):
Researching viruses
OBJECTIVE (TSWBAT+ performance, conditions, criteria):
In order for the student to learn about different viruses, TSWBAT investigate and research like a
medicine detective one teacher provided virus in a group of three by first using the symptoms as
clues to identify which virus was given to the group; then, as the group works together to collect
information of their virus, each student will write down facts, such as the virus’s history, causes,
treatments, prevention, and transmission methods followed by a five minute presentation from
each group about which virus they researched.
Teacher- virus symptom cards (Measles, 1918 Spanish Influenza, Ebola, Bubonic Plague,
Pneumonia, Leprosy, Meningitis, Yellow Fever); Detecting Viruses worksheet; Internet access
for virus websites (see attachment)
Student- Virus symptoms card (1 card per group); Pencil; Laptop with internet access; Detecting
Viruses worksheet
I. PROCEDURES (teacher and student tasks):
A. Beginning of lesson:
1. Classroom management two-part step (to have students ready to learn, in listening
position, where they need to be): I will start my lesson off instructing the students
to have a pencil out, laptops ready to go, and the Detecting Viruses worksheet on
their desk with “Tummies back”.
2. Statements to initiate or set the stage for the lesson; overview; or establish an
atmosphere: I will tell the students that they are going to act as medicine
detectives today and that the “germs” or virus that they had on their hands
yesterday is what they are going to research. Note: Mr. Stanley is completing an
activity the day before the lesson with the students on germs. The students will be
putting powder on their hands and being told to wash their hands like they would
any other day, such as when they go to lunch. Most likely, the students will then
get to see that they do not always wash their hands efficiently and are making
themselves susceptible to catching viruses.
B. Instruction Steps:
*Modifications (strategies to meet individual special needs at a particular step)
1. To start off the lesson, the students will be divided into groups of three by the
2. Then, the students will be instructed on how to complete the Detecting Viruses
worksheet. There are six categories on the worksheet, including Identifying the
Virus, History of the Virus, Spreading the Virus, Preventing the Virus, Treating
the Virus, and Fighting the Virus, with the addition of drawing a picture of the
3. Using the pull down screen and computer, I will direct the students where to find
the different websites they will use to investigate and research their group’s virus.
4. Once the students have a clear understanding of their assignment, I will give each
group a Virus Symptoms Card. This card includes the symptoms in which the
students have to research using the provided websites on their laptops. Each virus
contains different symptoms. Students will be informed that they do not have to
look at the same virus as the rest of their group members. Before the students are
allowed to continue to do their research, the group must double check with the
teacher to make sure they have matched their symptoms to the correct virus.
5. After they discover their virus, each student will use their laptop to research
information on the six categories listed above on the Detecting Viruses worksheet.
6. Students will be told to find as much information per category as possible. They
can use an extra sheet of paper if needed for more information.
7. As the students wrap up with finding all the information needed on their virus,
they will need to find a picture and draw it in color in the space provided on the
Detecting Viruses worksheet.
8. If there is enough time for the groups to present their information to the class,
then I will instruct each group to choose the 5 most important aspects of their
virus to share with the class. Each group member will need to say at least one fact.
Also, during this presentation one group member will explain their drawn picture.
9. To wrap up the lesson, the class will discuss the main ideas of what they found
during their research. Do any of the viruses have any symptoms in common? Why
or why not? How do viruses start out? Do people get viruses because of germs?
These questions will all be asked as a review of the lesson.
Closure statement (brief lesson review, summary; doesn’t have to be the last step if
something is going to be made or an activity will follow): To wrap up the lesson, the
class will discuss the main ideas of what they found during their research. Do any of the
viruses have any symptoms in common? Why or why not? How do viruses start out? Do
people get viruses because of germs? These questions will all be asked as a review of the
II. ASSESSMENT (how is the objective met by students: observation, written work,
presentation, quiz, etc.): Each student will complete the Detecting Viruses worksheet by
researching information from the provided websites on their group’s designated virus. All
categories on the worksheet must be completed in detail and a picture of the virus must be drawn
in color. The students will be turning this worksheet in. If there is time for groups to present their
virus, each group will be required to name 5 of the most important facts about their virus. Each
student must name at least one of the facts and one of the student’s in the group must present
their drawn picture.
III. EXTENSION (what will be done beyond lesson):
For the individual student who has a high level of cognition, he or she will individually look at
the “extra” provided websites that have educational health games for the students to learn about
germs and detection. These students will be allowed to play the games and look through the
For the entire class, I will have the students each write a narrative story in their journals about a
time when they were sick due to a virus or how they would react if they were ever to catch a
virus. These narratives should include lots of detail and dialogue.
IV. REMEDIATION (strategies for those who need further instruction, assistance):
For those students who need extra help or further instruction, I would first have their group
members help them with finding important information by highlighting examples. Then, if the
student needs extra help I will sit down with that student and go through the different websites
and find information with them.
V. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT(S): For homework, the students will finish writing their
narrative stories as mentioned above under extension.